Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 319 Zombie Attack ( )

Chapter 319 Zombie Attack ([-])

It wasn't until the three of them approached the car that Lao Qi hurriedly grabbed the hot weapon next to the car seat.

He sat in the car and pointed the submachine gun in his hand at the three people.

Xiao Mo, who was standing outside the car, and his two subordinates, saw the gun in the car stopped, and the pupils of his eyes shrank.

His face was as calm as water, without any change, but with a vigilant light.

Lao Qi's series of movements were not light, but not heavy, which still woke up Su Yun.

Su Yun has always been very alert when she sleeps, unless a man is by her side, she will not fall into a deep sleep.

There were also three strange breaths outside the car, which also made Su Yun vigilant.

She woke up from her deep sleep, and also saw the weapon in Lao Qi's hand, and the three people standing outside the car who did not move forward.

Su Yun's eyes were still full of confusion, even with tears from just waking up.

Seeing this scene, Huo Xuan couldn't help moving his Adam's apple, as if he was very hungry|thirsty.

Su Yun didn't notice this scene, she rubbed her eyes, and when she was fully awake, she turned her attention to the three people outside the car again, especially the man who took the lead a few more times.

Xiao Mo stood outside the car and couldn't see the people inside the car looking at him, but he could feel a line of sight that stayed on him for a long time.

Even though he felt this scrutinizing gaze, Xiao Mo still didn't move, because the opponent's gaze was not hostile.

Seeing the man, Su Yun got what she wanted to know, and said to Lao Qi, "Lao Qi put the guy away, they have no malicious intentions, you go and give them the supplies in the back box, as well as the vehicles behind." All the medical items, and leave them all."

Although Lao Qi was puzzled why this was so, he wisely didn't ask, and just got out of the car according to her instructions.

He got out of the car and looked at the three people, "Follow me."

Xiao Mo looked at the man who suddenly put down his weapon, and his expression was not as hostile as before, with doubts on his face.

Lao Qi didn't care whether they followed or not, he went directly to the rear compartment and opened it, and then moved some food and various scattered supplies out.

When he was almost finished moving, he saw that the three people were still standing still, but their eyes were shining when they looked at the supplies on the ground.

They wanted it very much, but they didn't do anything, and even restrained themselves.

Lao Qi saw that the faces of these people were a little yellow, which was caused by long-term malnutrition.

He sighed. Although he was a bastard, he still admired these soldiers in his bones.

It's just that each has its own way, and the way is different and does not seek each other.

If it wasn't for fate, or for various reasons, a man wouldn't want to be a soldier.

He spoke to the three of them again, this time obviously much more sincere than before.

"These supplies are given to you by the lady, and the medical supplies in the back compartment will also be left for you. Don't waste your time, let's move together, we have to continue on our way."

Is what Lao Qi is telling the truth? They really want to continue on their way, and even try to reach City J as soon as possible.

Now they almost have food in their hands that they can't eat in dozens of lifetimes, and they even have seeds that can plant the land of the whole country.

The main task now is to research the zombie vaccine as Miss Su said.

They all knew that since Ms. Su said she wanted to study a zombie vaccine, she would definitely succeed.

Miss Su gave them too many miracles, and even gave them an absolute power of conviction.

Xiao Mo, who was standing not far away, heard the old seven's words, his eyes revealed an unbelievable light.

He didn't know who the lady the other party was talking about was, but it was inconceivable that they would leave supplies and even some medical items for them.

They just want to come over and ask if there is any medicine, because at this time they are in urgent need of medicine, and someone in the team is injured and infected.

If the medicine is not given in time, it is very likely that it will become more serious if it continues to procrastinate, especially now that there is a slight virus in the air, and it will be infected if you are not careful.

But the other party gave them so many things, they couldn't believe it for a while.

Xiao Mo's brain started working quickly. After thinking about it, he didn't struggle, and he didn't even intend to refuse.

He took the two team members behind him to Lao Qi's side and began to carry the supplies.

It's not that Xiao Mo doesn't want to refuse, there's even a saying that you don't get paid for nothing.

But his current situation does not allow him to refuse.

The team members were injured because of a fierce battle, and they were still high-level soldiers. Due to some unavoidable reasons, they were forced to come here, and they were in a mess.

There are not a hundred troops under his leadership, but dozens of them. These people have not replenished their physical strength for several days.

If they encounter zombies again, Xiaoboliu may be able to solve it easily.

A little more, it is estimated that they will not be able to resist.

Although the dozens of people are all tough men, they have no fighting power without physical strength.

So Xiao Mo asked the team members to move these supplies with a sense of gratitude.

He will definitely thank that lady well, although verbal expression is nothing, but they also have to express.

Today's society is completely chaotic, and even the top leaders are divided into several factions.

These soldiers are all used as pawns, how can there be unselfish people.

Now this young lady who has never met, easily gave them these supplies. No matter what the reason was, as long as it was not a request for murder and arson, he would always be grateful.

Seeing them carrying these supplies, Lao Qi went to the cars behind him and asked his subordinates to bring over the medical supplies in the cars one after another.

On Xiao Mo's side, because the two team members couldn't finish moving, a few more men in camouflage uniforms came over to carry them together.

Lao Qi led his men to bring the medicines over and handed them over, "You guys take these as well, this is what the lady ordered."

Xiao Mo saw that those people following Lao Qi were holding a lot of item boxes in their hands, which seemed to be quite a lot.

He didn't ask the team members to pick it up, but pursed his lips tightly, and said to the old seventh with difficulty, "Does your lady have any requirements? As long as we can do it, we will do our best to help her."

Lao Qi was taken aback when he heard the words, because these words were never similar.

A month ago, what he said in front of Miss Su was almost the same.

His eyes on Xiao Mo couldn't help but deepen, it seems that their situation is also very bad.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have said such a thing, and they would have been separated from the country and their shoulders as soldiers.

Lao Qi decided to ask Miss Su what she meant first, and he said to Xiao Mo, "This is Miss Su's order, I will ask her what she means."

After speaking, he walked to the vehicle in front and knocked on the glass of the rear seat.

(End of this chapter)

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