Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 315: Zombie Attack (5)

Chapter 315 Zombie Attack ([-])

This was the last supermarket he came to. Seeing that the other party was short of staff, he planned to rob it.

But I didn't expect that after seeing success, there would be another woman, and she looked quite tough.

Su Yun saw that the way the bald head looked at her changed, especially towards the weapon in her hand.

She provoked a smile, and stopped in the middle of the confrontation between the two sides.

"It's so lively."

Su Yun just sighed, but the eyes of the people on both sides looked at her with horror.

The young man who confronted the bald head before looked at Su Yun with vigilance.

Seeing the vigilance of the other party, Su Yun smiled again, even with a friendly smile, and said gently, "I want to collect some supplies, do you have any objections?"

Although it was a question, the ear of the other party was full of threats.

Especially when she asked this while stroking the gun in her hand.

That attitude is like, as long as one of them disagrees, they will be beaten into a sieve at any time.

The bald old seven was the first to react, and he smiled and said to Su Yun, "Hello, lady, everyone I know calls me old seven, you can do whatever you want in such a big supermarket, we have no objections, but these people just I don't know what it means."

At the end of Lao Qi's speech, he looked at the young man opposite, and the meaning was self-evident.

Su Yun turned his attention to the young men and raised his eyebrows.

When the young man saw Su Yun's actions, he smiled politely and said, "You can do whatever you want."

Dozens of people from both parties agreed to Su Yun's going into the supermarket to collect supplies.

Although she didn't know what they were thinking, she was still very satisfied with the result.

After hearing everything agreed, Su Yun smiled, turned around and was about to go upstairs.

Of course, the man Huo Xuan followed behind her. The man didn't react to what he saw before, even very indifferently.

He followed Su Yun and walked towards the stairs step by step.

However, at this moment, a person rushed past from behind.

The man was still holding a knife in his hand, and he quickly came towards Su Yun holding the knife.

Su Yun felt the danger behind him, and Huo Xuan felt it too.

The two still walked forward without even looking back.

Just as the man holding the knife rushed towards Su Yun and was about to come to her side, Huo Xuan raised his eyes to look at the figure in front of him.

Seeing that Su Yun still didn't make any moves, Huo Xuan couldn't help wanting to make a move.

As soon as he raised his hand, the accident happened at this moment.

Su Yun suddenly turned around and shot at the man who was running towards her.

Three shots in a row, both legs were shot, and the arm holding the knife was also shot.

This change made the old seven, the young man and the others stare wide-eyed.

None of them expected that someone would rush out suddenly, especially the young man who confronted the bald head, because it was his man.

Looking at their incredible eyes, you can also see their astonishment.

The man who was shot fell to his knees and then went limp.

The knife in the man's hand fell to the ground a long time ago. He wanted to touch the gunshot wounds on his legs with his good hand, but he didn't dare to touch it because of the pain.

That face was distorted and disfigured, and it was extremely painful to think about it.

Su Yun looked at the man like this, with sarcasm on his face, turned around and continued walking forward.

The smell of blood will attract a large number of zombies, and it is more important for her to collect supplies as soon as possible.

Huo Xuan also saw the blood flowing from the man's body, his eyes became dark and angry, but the red light was surprisingly bright.

Hearing Su Yun's leaving footsteps, he hid the emotion in his eyes again, and continued to follow behind the woman.

It wasn't until reaching the second floor that Su Yun stopped and looked at the signs displayed in each passageway.

This floor is almost full of food, Su Yun looked at it, and then walked towards the aisle of cooked food.

Looking at the various foods on the shelves, she stretched out her hand and swept them over, and those foods disappeared out of thin air.

But in the storage space of 009, there are a lot of freshly baked food.

Su Yun walked past one place like this, and scanned the items on the shelves one by one, and soon the shelves gradually became empty.

And the food in the storage space of 009 also accumulated more and more, until Su Yun collected all the food in the cooked food area, and then turned to another area.

Su Yun saw almost all edible things on the second floor and put them into the storage space.

Looking at the huge floor area on the second floor, almost all the things on the shelves disappeared.

The rest are things that Su Yun doesn't like or is not interested in.

The collection on the second floor was almost complete, so Su Yun went to the third floor.

Because there is no staff to maintain the mall, the elevator cannot be used, and only the stairs can be used.

Huo Xuan watched the woman disappear those things from the beginning to the end. He is very calm now, without the surprised look in the beginning.

But walking behind Su Yun, he looked at the back of the woman in front, still full of complications.

The third floor is the clothing area, and there are some equipment. Su Yun is still walking quickly, collecting all the practical ones and the ones she is more interested in.

Finally, I went to the fourth floor, which is the consumables category.

Su Yun could see some baby products, as well as medicine, women's products, bedding, and other miscellaneous things.

Seeing these, Su Yun had a headache, when will this be collected.

While complaining in her heart, she resigned to her fate and walked forward to start collecting.

She walked past a big bed and waved it back and forth, and the bed disappeared out of thin air.

Huo Xuan couldn't help grinning as he watched Su Yun collect supplies and the expression on his face.

He didn't know how frightened he would be if people saw his smile.

It's really scary, the face is blue and white, just like a ghost.

And the fangs in the mouth are also exposed.

The most obvious thing about the man is his red eyes, just like a devil.

That appearance makes people dare not look directly at it, and even frightens them.

And Huo Xuan didn't know it, and even the corners of his mouth opened wider and wider.

Su Yun's face was full of complaints, and her cherry lips were slightly pursed, this look was full of cuteness in Huo Xuan's eyes.

He couldn't help but thank God now for letting him meet this woman.

Su Yun did not see the eager and bright eyes of the man behind him.

But she knew that the man had been watching her from behind her.

She ignored it and even moved on to collect some other items.

Huo Xuan just followed behind Su Yun, watching her receive all kinds of supplies.

The eyes no longer had the confusion they had before, but only had deeper, incomprehensible gazes.

Su Yun looked at the area where the collection was almost the same, and she walked downstairs.

I thought that when I reached the first floor, I must have seen those people leave.

After all, there was a man downstairs who was injured and covered in blood, and the zombies must have come looking for it.

But when she went downstairs, she didn't see even a single zombie.Not even a shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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