Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 309 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (49)

Chapter 309 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (49)

Su Yun comforted herself like this, and quickly came to Gong Qing's side.

She sprinkled the potion on Gong Qing's body, and then said to Jue Shaotian, "Put him down, don't touch him again, wait for the doctor to arrive, and hope you can persevere."

Then he poured the medicine from another medicine bottle in Gong Qing's mouth.

Although some flowed out at first, most of it was sent into the opponent's mouth.

After feeding all the medicine into Gong Qing's mouth, Su Yun let him lie flat on the ground.

She looked at Gong Qing's open eyes, there was already death and ashes inside, he seemed to know that he was hopeless, and he didn't have any thoughts of survival at all.

Seeing this, Su Yun couldn't help but thump in his heart.

Now Gong Qing can be saved, but when the doctor comes, he has no hope of survival, so it is sad.

So Su Yun lay down on the ground and said to Gong Qing, "Gong Qing, you will survive, as long as you persist until the doctor arrives, the medicine I just gave you will definitely last until the doctor arrives. hold onto."

It's a pity that what Su Yun said didn't work at all, and even got a self-deprecating smile from Gong Qing, who thought she was comforting him.

Looking at Jue Shaotian at the side, Su Yun had no choice but to move out of this man.

"If you are not here, Jue Shaotian is likely to be in danger. What will you do then? Isn't it because of him that you came here? You persevere."

After hearing these words, Gong Qing looked in the direction of Jue Shaotian, and there was a trace of hopelessness in his eyes.

Those eyes also yearn to live, and only by living can they protect this man.

So Gong Qing waited for the doctor's arrival with persistence, and he obviously felt that there was no more bleeding from his chest, and even his body seemed to have a strange feeling.

That feeling is not bad, but it seems to have stopped. The situation will not get worse, but it is impossible to get better.

Su Yun was relieved when she saw that Gong Qing had hope in the Valley of Survival.

But then there was a monstrous anger on his face.

If Gong Qing died, I don't know how sad and guilty this man Jue Shaotian felt.

Now I only hope that Gong Qing can really persist until the arrival of the ambulance.

Su Yun stood up, walked towards Xiao Liu, and took the submachine gun from the opponent's hand.

Looking at the darkness on the other side, I couldn't even find the direction of the figure.

Looking at the darkness in the remote mirror, Su Yun calmed down, she closed her eyes, then opened them, and the eyes that opened again were emitting a golden light.

This time, she clearly saw the man who was hiding in the dark and was even planning to leave, dismantling the gun|gun.

It was a Chinese. As soon as he saw this man, the other party's information was conveyed to Su Yun's brain through 009.

She saw all the information and knew who sent the person, and the expression on her face became even colder.

Su Yun directly changed a gun, and shot at the man who was about to leave in the dark.

The location where he was shot was the same location where Gong Qing was shot, and it was the heart.

Su Yun watched the man fall to the ground, the other's incredulous expression, as well as the shocked face, were all seen by Su Yun.

Seeing the man fell on the ground, Ren Wu also led a large group of people, and had already opened the door and walked in.

Seeing this, Su Yun turned around and looked at Gong Qing who was still lying on the ground.

Qi Jingwen and Zhuang Xiao also came to Gong Qing's side, looking at Gong Qing who was lying on the ground, seemingly dying, with shock and sadness in his eyes.

Until the ambulance came to HR and took Gong Qing away to the hospital.

After that, he hurriedly contacted well-known experts and professors, and began to diagnose and treat Gong Qing.


Recently, a major event happened in country M.

That is the complete destruction of the military|fire family.

For unknown reasons, the Moore family was directly uprooted by the Boyle family.

All immediate family members have disappeared.

It is said that it disappeared, but it is not, but these people are all dead.

Life does not see people and death does not see corpses.

In nearly a month, a large family was destroyed so easily.

Many people recalled that two years ago, the direct descendants of the Boyle family were exterminated by the madness of the Moore family.

I can't help but wonder if this is revenge from the Boyle family.

When a big family is destroyed, there will be another one to replace it, and this circle is like this.

All the development of country M is controlled by Su Yun in the country.

Because the assassination a month ago was done by the Moore family.

They contacted domestic assassins, but failed to assassinate Su Yun, instead they injured Gong Qing.

Although Gong Qing's life was saved, her body collapsed, and she couldn't suffer from the wind and cold, and she couldn't have too much emotional fluctuations.

This has made Jue Shaotian and others very happy.

After all, it is good for people to be alive. They all saw how serious the gunshot wound was.

Everyone thought that Gong Qing couldn't hold on anymore, but they didn't expect that human vitality is so tenacious.

Gong Qing survived, and even moved directly to the place where Jue Shaotian lived, and found someone who took care of him to look after him.

At this time, the three of them were sitting in the back garden, drinking afternoon tea under the sunshine.

Su Yun was dressed in a white dress, looking so seductive. Jue Shaotian was also sitting beside him, with a laptop on the table, and he was having an international conference.

Gong Qing was sitting in a wheelchair beside her, and she turned her gaze into the distance, with a satisfied look in her eyes.

There is a tall man behind him, this is one of Su Yun's subordinates who knows more about medicine, so he was sent to take care of Gong Qing.

Although Gong Qing is the young master of the Gong family, but the family has a great career, and there are always some dirty things in the big family.

Especially when Gong Qing was injured because of Jue Shaotian and Su Yun, some fleas jumped out of the Gong family.

Although it doesn't have much impact, it is disgusting.

Jue Shaotian directly made a decision and took him to his residence.

Gong Qing has only been discharged from the hospital for a few days now, occasionally Qi Jingwen and Zhuang Xiao will come here to see Gong Qing.

During this period of time, Jue Shaotian didn't care about the company's affairs, and moved his work directly to his home. Occasionally, there would be some important meetings that he needed to host.

Su Yun closed her eyes in enjoyment, feeling the warm eyes shining on her.

The warm feeling made her extremely relaxed and comfortable.

The members of the Moore family are all finished, the palace secretary's vengeance has been avenged, and the Boyle family has lost a major threat.

She also put down the burden of the Boyle family.

As for the several army|firing lines in her hands, they were all dispersed.

Some of the bulky lines were returned to the Boyle family, and some of the less dangerous ones were all given to the Qi family.

After letting go of all this, she also rarely enjoyed all these quiet moments.

In order to thank her for her hard work in the past two years, the Boyle family even returned the military|firing wire, which is very grateful.

But he won't get back those donated things for nothing, so every year Su Yun will get a net profit of nearly [-] billion.

This is also a sign of the friendship between the Boyle family and Su Yun. After all, her strength is seen by the Boyle family.

Because Su Yun will not return to country M, Ren Wu and others also stayed.

Ren Wu is now the chairman of a new development software company in China.

Su Yun also took off the only burden on her body, and handed over the company to Ren Wu.

After all, he still needs to support a large number of subordinates, not only Xiao Liu and others, but also those subordinates who followed Su Yun back to the country.

Now the company is also slowly developing in the country, and everything is easy to do if they have money, and they are not short of money, and the domestic people are quite quick to accept it, especially those old foxes in the business world.

Coupled with the help of Qi Jingwen and the expansion of contacts, Ren Wu is now in the country like a duck to water.

Qi Jingwen and Ren Wu have officially established a relationship, and they even plan to go abroad to get married after a while.

Su Yun is quite satisfied with Renwu's hidden mission.

After all, this man is too affectionate and righteous, even though he has been with her for the past two years, Ren Wu still has nothing in his bones.

In the past two years, he has dealt with various arms dealers in M ​​country all the year round, and has seen blood all year round, but the things in his bones have not been wiped out.

So Su Yun is still very relieved to hand over the results of his labor to the other party.

Ren Wu will be happy in this life, but she really doesn't know that the other party is gay and has an affair with Qi Jingwen.

 One more chapter is over...

(End of this chapter)

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