Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 296 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (33)

Chapter 296 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (33)

They directly put on the muffler and shot those people to death one after another.

This is the most direct and most deterrent method.

Sure enough, some people who still wanted to resist put down their weapons one after another.

Regarding Ren Wu and others' handling methods, this still caused Jue Shaotian, Qi Jingwen and Gong Qing to suffer a lot of visual impact.

This method is simply neat, and does not take life seriously at all.

Knowing that Su Yun is the mysterious woman in the legend, they thought that she must have some embarrassment, or had to do it.

But looking at what Ren Wu and the others did, it was simply commonplace.

Especially Qi Jingwen was the most stimulated, that man's hands were already covered with blood.

He is looking at the man now, harvesting one life after another, which is too shocking for him.

He couldn't accept a man like this at all.

Not seeing each other for two years, why on earth did this man become like this.

Qi Jingwen still remembers that two years ago, when the man faced the oppression of the dealer's bodyguards, his pair of eyes had the light of sacrifice.

That kind of willingness, that kind of righteous despair.

He knew that this man was kind, that this man had his own bottom line, and he valued love and righteousness.

Why two years later, this man has completely changed.

That cruel method made him panic.

What happened to make a man become like this?

The man who made him feel bad two years ago still makes him feel bad for some reason.

Qi Jingwen clutched his chest, his expression a little painful.

Who changed him? Is this still the person who has lived in his heart for two years?
Qi Jingwen didn't even dare to look at Renwu, and didn't dare to watch the man harvest one life after another.

This only made him feel more uncomfortable, and he even had the urge to step forward to stop the man.

No, a man shouldn't be like this, his hands shouldn't be covered in blood, and he shouldn't get himself dirty.

Why is this happening, is it necessary?
No, no matter how forced he is, a man has his bottom line.

It's not that Qi Jingwen can't accept this kind of Renwu, it's not that he dislikes the other party, but that kind of slight pain makes him feel sorry for that man.

A man should be beautiful and clean.

He lowered his head to hide his painful face, and the expression in his eyes was also complicated, mixed with pain.

And Ren Wu, who put away the weapon in his hand, seemed to look in the direction of Qi Jingwen as if feeling something.

It was a man who exuded nobility and the smell of books all over his body.

The man looked at the figure as if it was still familiar.

Ren Wu stared blankly at Qi Jingwen, lost in thought.

He seems to be very familiar with this man, as if he always remembers seeing him somewhere.

Ren Wu couldn't think about it, so he stopped thinking about it, and walked towards Su Yun directly.

"Miss, what should I do next?"

From the very beginning, Su Yun saw the expression of Ren Wu looking at Qi Jingwen, and she always felt that something was wrong.

But when she heard his question, she said to humanity, "The rest of you can figure it out, you can contact Mike Boyle and tell them that the Boyle family is now directly opposing the Moore family until they Country M does not have any power, and all members of its immediate family are wiped out."

Ren Wu didn't even frown, "Yes."

Then Ren Wu and the others pressed down on the members of the Moore family and quickly left the hall.

Su Yun turned around and met Jue Shaotian's eyes with an unclear expression.

At this time, she felt a little flustered, and men in this world didn't know if they could accept her style of doing things.

In fact, in her bones, she has the character that people don't offend me, and I don't offend others.

But I don't know if a man can accept this side of her.

After thinking about it, Su Yun still walked over. She looked at the man with her eyes, "Are you afraid of me?"

Jue Shaotian shook his head.

Then he gently took the person into his arms, and walked in the direction he came and went.

Seeing that Su Yun left, Helen also finished watching today's scene, and knowing that the Moore family was going to be doomed and even destroyed, he felt relieved.

He stood up directly, stretched himself and left.

Gong Qing and Qi Jingwen followed Jue Shaotian with their people.

From the beginning to the end, they had nothing to do with them. This time they got to know Su Yun again, and saw the terrifying side of this woman even more.

They looked at Jue Shaotian, who was walking ahead with faster pace, wondering how this man would feel when he saw this side of Su Yun.

The woman next to the pillow is so fierce, and her attitude of ignoring life is simply frightening.

Will he regret it, will he be afraid.

Although Jue Shaotian also had dark dealings, he didn't completely infiltrate that circle.

Can he really accept it?

Gong Qing and Qi Jingwen couldn't help thinking about his subsequent actions, whether he would be separated from the woman.

But looking at the backs of the two people who are closely dependent on each other, this possibility seems very slim.

They were all going well until they walked out of the club, and they didn't see those people that Dinah Moore mentioned before.

In fact, those people have been cleaned up long ago. Now that Su Yun has returned to the country, it is impossible to bring only Ren Wu and them.

There are quite a few of her subordinates who work for her and are even absolutely loyal.

Although she wanted to keep a low profile when she returned to China this time, she brought them back.

As she said before, she has no plan to go back to China this time.

Jue Shaotian brought Su Yun into the car he drove when he came, and drove away directly.

Without explaining anything to the people behind him, he just left so neatly.

"Young Master Jue is gone, and I will also withdraw first. If you have anything to do, please call."

Qi Jingwen's slightly tired voice sounded.

Gong Qing knew that this was what he said to him, looked at him and said, "Go, call."

The two left one after the other. The club had already been cleared. What happened today is obvious to all. Perhaps this period of business may have some impact.

But no one cares about that.


Jue Shaotian drove directly to his villa.

His mood is very unstable now, and he is a little scared.

The women around her were too powerful, even cold-blooded and ruthless.

Could such a woman really belong to him?Jue Shaotian began to reflect on himself.

Why did he think this woman was his.

Women don't need anything to rely on. What kind of character she is, seems to have awakened him completely today.

So he has to do something, and not doing anything makes him feel at a loss.

Su Yun just sat next to the man, looking at his solemn expression, couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to do.

Until the direction of the car became more and more familiar, Su Yun felt relieved.

This is the route she took when she left this morning.

The man is going to take her home.

It wasn't until the car stopped in the villa that Jue Shaotian turned his head to look at Su Yun who was also silent all the way without saying a word.

He took a deep look at the other party, got out of the car and came to the side where Su Yun was sitting, and directly hugged him out.

He walked into the villa with Su Yun in his arms, his footsteps were a little eager, and he couldn't wait.

When he came to the bedroom, Jue Shaotian kicked the door open, walked into the room, and threw Su Yun onto the bed.

Although it is a throw, the movement is still careful, so as not to hurt the opponent.

Seeing Su Yun on his big bed, Jue Shaotian turned and walked towards the door.

After closing the door in one go and locking it, he walked towards the bed again.

Those deep and depressed eyes kept staring at Su Yun.

And his hands also began to unbutton the clothes, slowly undressing.

(End of this chapter)

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