Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 287 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (24)

Chapter 287 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (24)

Su Yun successfully rescued the man. This matter is not over yet, and the next thing is the crazy pursuit of the Moore family.

But after that, Su Yun didn't make a move.

Because she will not give in vain, she is waiting for the promise of the Boyle family.

In the first shot of the Moore family, Mike's eldest brother found her.

Promise to continue Mike Boyle's previous deal.

After that, the Boyle family really wanted to put the power in Su Yun's hands.

But Su Yun didn't accept it. She only wanted a few arms from the Boyle family, which was regarded as cooperation with the Boyle family.

She is not from country M, and she doesn't have the energy to deal with the infighting of the Boyle family, which is a waste of her time.

Regarding Su Yun's decision, the Boyle family readily accepted it, even pleasantly surprised.

It is their honor that a few arms lines have been exchanged for a big boost.

Facing the crazy pursuit of the Moore family, Su Yun used her own ability to fight back directly.

First, they found the information of all the internal members of the Moore family and let them fight among themselves.

Then, in the Moore family, the traitor of the Boyle family who no longer had time and energy to bless was found out and handed over to Mike Boyle's brother.

Then during the civil strife in the Moore family, Boyle's authority, that is, Mike Boyle's eldest brother, personally dealt with the traitors in the family.

That was enough to deter the M National Army | Huo Family, and then stabilized for a while.

Su Yun also began to participate in all the business of the Boyle family, including military | political transactions with various countries.

It wasn't until she really infiltrated the Boyle family that she realized how big a deal Mike Boyle had negotiated with her. ,

And it's stuffed with diamonds, which can't be measured by money.

No wonder the Boyle family is so missed.

As long as you are in that circle, you will inevitably risk your life to get a piece of the pie.

The reason why the Boyle family was attacked by the Moore family was also because the traitor was a direct descendant of the Boyle family.

There's even something about the Boyle family's business principles.

The business partners they choose will not cause unnecessary trouble.

For example, in wars between countries, they never give the goods in their hands to these people, and the same is true for those drug dealers.

Because of their actions, many people were dissatisfied, so they united with the Moore family to retaliate against them crazily.

Afterwards, Su Yun got involved in the Boyle family's business, and also made frequent appearances in country M's military circle.

He was even more hated by the Moore family, and was always troubled by the other party.

In the past two years, Ren Wu and others have also seen a lot of blood with her, most of which came from the assassination of the Moore family.

And the Boyle family vendetta.

Those who wanted to buy arms | firearms from the Boyle family, as well as those with powerful and harmful weapons, began to assassinate without negotiating.

Su Yun has encountered no less than a hundred assassinations in the past two years, but she is still safe and sound, even living better than anyone else.

As for those who assassinated her, they didn't know where they were thrown by Ren Wu and others.

In short, there is no living, no dead, no corpse.

After a long time, this has more or less deterred some people.

In the past two years, the number of her assassinations has gradually decreased, and she has even become much cleaner.

And because of her existence, the Boyle family will no longer have any troubles within two years, and even become even bigger.

Because they no longer have any worries, even the Boyle family simply confessed her as a goddess.

The outside world does not know Su Yun's full name, except for the Boyle family, who attends the dark forces' banquet every time.

Those foreign people see Su Yun, a Chinese with a pure appearance, but powerful methods, and even full of mystery, she is Miss Su.

They all knew that the Boyle family had a powerful character, even a woman, an oriental woman with a pure appearance, but with absolutely incomprehensible means.

This has spread abroad, and she is already an existence that some people fear.

No matter who came to provoke her, those who were sent out would never return.

This matter is well known, but some people still can't help provoking it.

That is the Moore family, and some people who don't know what it means to be lucky.

And this time, it wasn't that Su Yun returned to the country on purpose to deal with the Qin family, but that the time was just right.

The Moore family actually swallowed a large amount of goods on the line in her hand, worth tens of billions,

Su Yun knew that the batch of goods was in China through some news, so he thought of the Qin family in China, and that man.

When the time was just right, she chose to return home.

The place she is going now is the location of the members of the Moore family who are hiding in S City.

Now that she found it this time, it is necessary to recover the goods, and I don't know why 009 can't show the exact location of the goods, which made Su Yun feel unhappy when he returned to China.

It wasn't until I met that man that my mood improved a lot, even joyful.

But when she heard the news from Renwu again, her mood was depressed again.

The Moore family, maybe it's time to get rid of them.

Such a dog skin plaster is disgusting if it is not removed.

She didn't care about the money, but in the past two years, except for the first year where people kept making trouble, the next year was almost quiet.

So this made her provoked. She had repeatedly warned the Moore family, but the other party didn't take it seriously at all.

When the goods are recovered, she will definitely get rid of the Moore family.

She drove directly to a private club, where there were all black deals.

There's even some bloody entertainment, which is all constructed to suit some tastes.

When Su Yun stopped the car, she frowned when she saw that both sides of the confrontation were holding weapons.


However, at this time, Jue Shaotian, who was driving to the company, also received a call.

As he listened to the voice on the phone, his complexion became worse and worse, and it could even be said to be extremely ugly.

After Jue Shaotian hung up the phone, he turned the steering wheel directly, "Something went wrong."

Seeing his ugly face, Gong Qing knew something was wrong, and just about to ask, she heard what the other party said.

Hearing this, he seemed to know something, and his expression changed involuntarily.

It was even darker than Jue Shaotian's complexion.


Su Yun looked at the scene of Ren Wu confronting those people, she got out of the car neatly.

She, who was wearing a white dress at this time, looked out of place in such a situation.

But just because of this incompatibility, he didn't underestimate her, and even seeing her appear, the hostile members seemed to become flustered.

Su Yun recognized that these people were all members of the Moore family, but she didn't expect these people to be so ostentatious.

Compared with her, she is even more arrogant, and she doesn't know where the capital came from. After all, this is not country M, but domestic.

Su Yun knew that those people recognized her, that's why she was so afraid.

It seems that the Moore family also knows what they will suffer after provoking her.

So since the other party already knew this, why did they steal her goods openly and aboveboard?

Su Yun walked towards Ren Wu and the others.

Ren Wu has also become different in the past two years.

Well, how should I put it, she has become more refined, and the previous cold temperament is gone.

It's like an elite who has been sitting in the office all year round, and even has the appearance of a son of a romantic family.

This is not to say that Ren Wu's strength has declined.

On the contrary, in the past two years, Ren Wu's ability has become even more unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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