Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 274 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved ()

Chapter 274 Top Jue Shao, Please Be Reticent ([-])

Jue Shaotian has been waiting for someone, a woman who has disappeared for two years.

The two men sitting beside them who had been drinking, heard Zhuang Xiao's complaints, as if they didn't hear them, and didn't even lift their eyelids.

Zhuang Xiao saw that the two terms were like this, and he was also very frustrated.

Glancing at Gong Qing who was sitting on the side and paying attention to Young Master Jue from time to time, Zhuang Xiao walked over slowly.

"Brother, I really can't help it. These two people are already possessed by demons. They will become possessed at night, and no one can wake them up."

Gong Qing felt the shoulder being patted, and looked back at the owner of those hands.

Hearing Zhuang Xiao's words again, Gong Qing frowned.

He pulled Zhuang Xiao's claws away, and said expressionlessly, "You have also been possessed, and you have been here for two years. Why are you crazy now?"

After speaking, Gong Qing picked up the water on the bar table and drank a few sips. He never drank alcohol when he came here.

In other words, in the past two years, he has never been drinking since he came to HR, because every day he has to drive two drunks back.

Occasionally, Zhuang Xiao would help send Qi Jingwen back.

When Zhuang Xiao heard Gong Qing's words, he made a heartbroken look, "Gong Qing, how could you do this? I'm also in a hurry. Tell me, when will they get better?"

Hearing this, Gong Qing looked at the two men on the sofa who were holding wine glasses and kept drinking, occasionally in a daze, and shook his head, "I don't know, just let nature take its course."

Zhuang Xiao knew this sentence, because Gong Qing had said it no less than a hundred times in the past two years.

Zhuang Xiao also made it to the top of the bar, facing Jue Shaotian and Qi Jingwen directly, with his arm back on the bar and sticking.

Seeing the two men just drinking away their sorrows, Zhuang Xiao couldn't help asking the palace minister next to him again.

"Gong Qing, what do you think is wrong with this Jing Wen? In the past two years, he has also become like this. Although he is no less than Jue, it is also uncomfortable to watch."

Gong Qing put her eyes on Qi Jingwen's face again.

At this time, his face was not comparable to Jue Shao's.

Jue Shao was poisoned, and the poison was named Qin Xiaoxiao, and the poison penetrated into the bone marrow.

However, Qi Jingwen was only sick, not serious, but tortured people, and it was not a big problem if he didn't take medicine, but the tortured people couldn't stand it.

Both of them were emotionally injured, but one was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured.

Gong Qing couldn't help recalling the scene that happened in the lobby of the Jazz Hotel two years ago.

The scene two years ago, that incident has caused a sensation in the entire upper class of S City.

Many people even knew that Jue Shao was looking for the woman who blatantly made a move at the Jazz Hotel two years ago and directly killed the people on the board of directors of the dealer.

As for Qi Jingwen, what did he do that day?
Gong Qing tried hard to think back, and found that the other party didn't seem to be moving, and had been standing by his side.

Never said anything.

Where does his emotional intelligence come from?

"Love hurt."

Gong Qing answered Zhuang Xiao's words before, with cold words.

"Hey... Gongqing, every time you answer a question, can you not use the same answer to deal with me, it makes me so sad."

Zhuang Xiao was helpless, because this was Gong Qing's answer every time, just two words, no more, no less.

Gong Qing glanced at him lightly, "Then can you stop asking a question repeatedly."

When Zhuang Xiao heard Gong Qing's words, he was completely speechless.

Both of them were looking for something to talk about, and they came to the same room repeatedly every night, and sat there until late at night.

These few hours, they are also very difficult.

It is definitely not acceptable to put two people here alone, and something will happen then.

So he and Gong Qing have to sacrifice their good sleep and come to accompany them every day.

This persistence is two years.

How long is two years, more than 700 nights, the two of them do this every day.

Gong Qing is also a cold person, if you don't talk to him, he can go all night without saying a word or even making a sound.

So for Mr. Zhuang who likes to be lively, this is tantamount to aggrieved, but he persisted for two years for his brother.

Gong Qing stopped talking, Zhuang Xiao also had nothing to say, the two silently looked at the two men sitting on the sofa drinking.

This has become their daily habit.

Yes, used to it, already used to it.

Qi Jingwen may be in a bad mood today, and his whole body exudes a strong depression.

He glanced at Jue Shaotian not far away, and walked over slowly.

"Shao Tian, ​​come and let's toast."

Jue Shaotian gently lifted his eyelids hidden in the dark, and those sharp eyes shot straight at Qi Jingwen.

The latter didn't seem to see it at all, and was still leaning towards him.

In fact, Jue Shaotian was not targeting Qi Jingwen, but that he really didn't want people to disturb him.

At this moment, he was thinking about the appearance of the woman who had disappeared for two years.

It was only at this time every day that he could recall every movement, every sentence, and every word of the woman wholeheartedly.

He was afraid that he would forget, so he always filled his brain with the faces of women.

But at this moment when he was missing this woman, he was disturbed by someone, so that sharp gaze was directed at Qi Jingwen.

Qi Jingwen held the wine glass in his hand, shook it at Jue Shaotian, and put it into his mouth.

Then I heard him say, "My family is asking me to go on a blind date recently. What age is it and they still go on a blind date. The other party seems to be some kind of foreign student. Now there are foreign students all over the street. The second young master of my dignified and wonderful family has actually fallen into a state of poverty." This level."

Jue Shaotian frowned when he heard what he said, not understanding why the Qi family suddenly asked him to go on a blind date.

It stands to reason that the eldest of the Qi family is not yet married, so it is unlikely that Qi Jingwen will be able to turn around.

Even Gong Qing and Zhuang Xiao, who had been paying attention to this side, showed puzzled expressions.

Then they heard Qi Jingwen's shocking words.

"I came out to my family."




This is the speechless expression of the three present.

Their hearts at this moment are simply, shit!

The little son of the Qi family came out to his family openly.

However, this is not the most important thing, but the three of them, as Qi Jingwen's brothers, don't even know that he is gay.

Didn't see any signs of it.

This guy hides too deeply.

For so many years, none of them have found out.

Even Jue Shaotian was speechless, he looked at Qi Jingwen with complicated eyes.

He does not discriminate against homosexuals, but he is still full of disobedience to his good brother being one of them.

Maybe it was because the other party hid it too deeply, or he said it suddenly at this time, making people unprepared.

Although Qi Jingwen drank a lot of wine, he saw the expressions of the three people present.

Seeing that they were only shocked, not disgusted or disgusted, I felt a lot of comfort.

"I didn't know that I was a homosexual, I always thought I was a twin."

Talking that he drank another glass of wine, the breath on his body became more and more depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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