Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 272 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved (8)

Chapter 272 Top Jue Shao, please be reserved ([-])

Su Yun looked at the man's movements, feeling inexplicably familiar.

That's right, men in the previous life also acted like this.

Su Yun couldn't help looking at the man's face again.

With a handsome face and a natural noble temperament, it can be seen that the man came from an extraordinary background.

The corners of Ling Li's mouth were pursed in displeasure, and the aura around him was sharp and stern, as if there was something displeased in front of him.

Su Yun just let the man's actions like this, she looked at the man secretly, the more she looked at him, the more familiar he became.

She thought, this man could not be the one she was looking for.

It won't be so cheating.

This person was the guy who married the woman Qin Lingshan in the original body's memory.

That's why she excluded people before.

However, no matter the man's movements or the breath around him, they all gave him a familiar feeling.

When Su Yun thought of the man marrying another woman, Su Yun's whole body became bad.

She immediately withdrew her hand and took two steps back.

Then he looked in the direction of Gong Qing.

At this time, Gong Qing also looked nervously at the man standing not far from her, now Su Yun didn't have to guess.

This Jue Shaotian was the man she was looking for in this world.

Su Yun felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, she glanced at Jue Shaotian in disgust, then turned around and came to Renwu's side.

Seeing that Ren Wu was being supported by Xiao Liu and the others, there was no major problem at all, so she prepared to take people away.

But Jue Shaotian stopped him, "Are you leaving?"

With an indescribable light in his eyes, he just looked at Su Yun directly.

The face was noble and elegant like a god, and the eyes were gentle and approachable, but Su Yun could still see a trace of nervousness in the man.

Su Yun sighed, she said to the man, "I'm leaving, of course we will meet again, just wait for me."

After speaking, Su Yun left with Ren Wu and others, and left the gate of Jue's Hotel step by step.

When Jue Shaotian heard the woman said that they would meet again, he felt his whole body fly up.

He just watched the woman leave with a smirk, without any movement at all.

Just immersed in the surprise left by the other party.

Many people around saw his stupid appearance.

Many people feel that today is an eye-opener.After all, it's rare to see a man who is usually noble and elegant, showing such a face.

Gong Qing, Qi Jingwen and Zhuang Xiao almost went blind seeing Jue Shaotian's appearance.

This is the Jue Shao they know, has he been dropped by someone?

The three of them stepped forward and looked at the expression on his face seriously. They also looked like they had seen a ghost.

Qi Jingwen and Zhuang Xiao even looked at him with a little disgust.

Only Gong Qing stepped forward, looked at Jue Shaotian and said seriously, "You seem to have forgotten to ask her name and where she lives."

When Jue Shaotian heard Gong Qing's words, all the joy disappeared from his face.

His face became ugly, but when he saw Zhuang Zhongjie lying on the side and passed out, he walked over.

He also heard what the woman said before, so this old guy covets the woman's beauty.

Presumably he should know that there are women who say the surname Qin. There doesn't seem to be any famous ones in this city, but there seems to be a Qin family that has become more famous recently and has business problems.

Jue Shaotian walked over and kicked Zhuang Zhongjie on the ground a few times, but he was already in a coma and couldn't wake up at all.

He showed displeasure when he saw this, but the hotel manager who had been a transparent person came over at this moment, "Master, you can ask the dealer's bodyguards, they should be very clear."

As soon as the hotel manager said this, the dealer's bodyguards withered away immediately. They didn't dare to provoke the young master of the Jue family.

So when Jue Shaotian cast his eyes on the bodyguard of the dealer closest to him.

The latter's legs were trembling, and he also heard what he said before, so he stumbled, "That... that is... the daughter of the Qin family, called... Qin Xiaoxiao..."


Su Yun led Ren Wu and the others out of the hotel gate, then turned to look at them.

At this time, the seven men were all concerned, and Su Yun was very dissatisfied with this.

They are not incapable of refuting resistance, but because of unavoidable reasons, they have to bear it.

This was all done by that old fox of Qin Ming. If the other party hadn't got the handle on these people, they wouldn't have been bullied to this extent.

"I will help you solve all the troublesome things at Qin Ming's place. Do you want to follow me? Even if you don't follow me, I will help you solve them. That old fox Qin Ming, don't think that he can let you go easily. That is the Lord who cannibalizes people without spitting out their bones, and following him will not lead to good results."

Ren Wu and the others looked at Su Yun with complex expressions, especially Ren Wu.

He didn't expect this woman to come back, and when he decided to let her go, he decided to take on everything.

Even the intention to seek death before was just a whim.

He thought that if he was dead and someone was killed, Qin Ming would no longer be able to embarrass his brother.

But he didn't expect to be saved by a woman, which made him disappointed, but also a little fortunate.

Just like what the other party said, if Qin Ming didn't let the six sons go without him after he died, then everything would be in vain, everything would be in vain.

So what Su Yun said at this time, he nodded without hesitation, "Follow you."

There are no conditions to negotiate and no demands.

Because Ren Wu firmly believes that women must keep their word.

The previous scene in the hotel lobby shocked not only the onlookers, but also him.

The woman is ruthless in her actions, and she is merciless in her treatment of Zhuang Zhongjie. She is a person who can accomplish great things.

Ren Wu nodded, so of course Liu Zi and others followed.

So Su Yun, Ren Wu and the others drove away in the car they came in.

This departure is two years.

Eight people disappeared in S City, and this disappearance lasted for two years.

When they return, I don't know how thrilling it will be.

However, when they left, they resolved the current situation of Ren Wu and the others.

That is related to Ren Wu and their comrades in arms.

A comrade-in-arms that Ren Wu sacrificed unfortunately died when he went to the border to fight drugs.

The man left only one son, but the child didn't learn well, and ran amok all day long, killing an employee of Qin's with a car.

Because he had no parents, he had to ask Ren Wu.

Ren Wu found Qin Shi to find a solution, and he planned to use money to solve it.

But by chance, Qin Ming knew about it and saw it, so that old fox started to play Qin Ming's idea.

Especially when you know that the other party is a soldier, you actually let him retire and work hard for him for ten years before this matter can be written off.

Qin Ming thought that his old comrade had saved his life many times, so he gritted his teeth and retired.

Then he came to Qin Ming's side, but he was good with him. At the same time, Xiao Liu and others who survived the anti-drug operation also retired one after another.

Because they learned of Ren Wu's actions, they also came to Qin Ming's side, just to reduce the time Ren Wu worked hard by Qin Ming's side.

Then it changed from ten years to three years.

Because these seven people came to Qin Ming's side, which gave him a lot of help, and even ensured his safety.

The son of that old comrade-in-arms was fine, but Qin Ming couldn't stand the evidence in his hand, and occasionally threatened them to do something against their wishes.

So during the past year by Qin Ming's side, they suffered a lot of humiliation.

In the memory of the original body, there is not much memory of Ren Wu and others, just because these people are all dead.

This is what Su Yun learned through 009.

PS: There will be 11 updates today, after 3 o'clock in the daytime, please wait patiently, I love Mua! (  ̄[-] ̄ ) ~

Thanks: Busy in the summer, the years are quiet, the gentle breath °C, Yuanyuan's reward, so meh~

(End of this chapter)

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