Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 219 Ghost Animal God, Get Out (45)

Chapter 219 Ghost Animal God, Get Out (45)

But at this moment, Gong Qing looked at the woman on the screen, and then at the man lying on the bed, and he made a decision in his mind.

Since the man is in such pain, maybe he can do something about it.

Although he might have to bear the man's anger afterwards, once he had this thought, he couldn't stop it.

Gong Qing covered the man with a quilt, poured another glass of water and put it beside the bed, and left.

Although the man couldn't wake up no matter how much movement he made now, when Gong Qing left, he still closed the door gently.


Another day passed.

Su Yun got up from the bed, and the first thing she did was to communicate with Andy.

Every day when she wakes up, she will take the initiative to send a message to the other party, asking if she has found Louis.

Soon Andy was connected.

At this moment, Andy's face was very haggard, and his eyes were bloodshot.Su Yun knew that the other party became the emperor of the Lanyao Empire only yesterday, so he must have a lot of things to do.

So she didn't waste time, and asked directly, "Is there any news about Louis?"

Hearing Su Yun's question, Andy shook his head apologetically at her.

Su Yun's face was full of disappointment, even though she knew it was impossible, if she found it, she would definitely contact her.

But the disappointment in my heart couldn't help but expand.

Su Yun directly turned off the communication, then got up and mechanically went to the bathroom to wash up.

When she walked out of the room, her face had already been tidied up, and her complexion looked good.

She went downstairs and headed straight for Kenny's butler's room.

Looking at the old man lying on the bed, Su Yun felt sore in his heart.

The old man may be dying. After Louis left, the old man's body completely collapsed.

But when the other party knew about it, his face was calm, even with a smile on his face.

He said that he could finally go to accompany the old general.

Go to the old general to apologize for not taking good care of Louis.

When Su Yun heard this, his heart ached.

In fact, Butler Kenny had a relieved smile on his face at that time.

It was as if Kenny Butler would have no reason to exist if Louis wasn't in this world.

At this time Su Yun walked into this room, butler Kenny's breathing on his chest was already very weak.

As soon as he walked to the bed, he saw Butler Kenny open those cloudy eyes.

Kenny saw Su Yun's figure and shouted at her, "Ma'am."

Su Yun personally poured a glass of water for him and handed it to him.

Kenny struggled to take it, but he didn't drink it, but looked at Su Yun, "Ma'am, the Blue family will take care of you. In fact, the Blue family without the adults is meaningless."

After speaking, Butler Kenny looked sad, thinking about the past, and stopped talking.

Kenny has been like this lately, lost in thought at the mention of Louis.

Seeing this, Su Yun didn't bother him, until he fell asleep again, then turned and walked out of the room.

When she walked into the hall, she found a tall man in front of the sofa with her on his back.

Looking at the man's back, Su Yun felt a sense of familiarity.

With a guess in mind, Su Yun walked forward quickly.

But before she could get there, the man heard her footsteps and turned around.

This person was thinking about it all night, but couldn't help but come to Su Yun's palace secretary.

Yesterday, he thought, since the man couldn't let go, since he missed him so painfully, then let him find someone.

When Su Yun saw Gong Qing appearing, she was not surprised, and even her eyes were red.

Andy sent so many troops before, but they failed to find Louis and Gong Qing.

But at this moment, Gong Qing suddenly appeared in front of her, which made her have a bad guess.

Especially when she saw that Gong Qing was exhausted and even dressed messily, this was the first time she had seen this man in such a mess after experiencing the previous few worlds.

Su Yun covered her mouth seeing Gong Qing approaching in such a way, the tears did not fall, she was holding back herself, her eyes were red, but she refused to shed tears.

She had guessed the worst, and even at this moment she knew what she had lost.

She didn't want to cry, crying meant she was really lost.

She didn't want to know the news that the man had left.

At this moment, she didn't even have the courage to go forward and ask Gong Qing what was going on.

When Gong Qing saw the woman on the opposite side like this, she had already guessed that the other party had misunderstood from the beginning.

But he didn't explain it. He didn't come forward until he saw the woman's face and finally changed completely.

Because at this time, he was sure that Su Yun would go with him.

When he came, he decided.If the woman does not go with him, she will be knocked out and taken away, and brought to the man.

But right now, he was pretty sure he didn't need to.

Gong Qing stepped forward and took a few steps closer, "Please come with me, he wants to see you."

Hearing Gong Qing's pleading words, Su Yun was shocked.

Louis was alive, and she couldn't be more thrilled than the news.

Su Yun nodded and followed Gong Qing without notifying anyone.


When Su Yun followed Gong Qing to the place where they lived during this time, he was directly taken to the room where Louis was.

Standing in the direction of the door, Su Yun was about to open the door and go in, but was stopped by Gong Qing.

"Ma'am, he didn't know you were coming. I invited you to come on my own initiative."

Su Yun nodded clearly, then pushed open the door and walked in.

When the door opened, she immediately saw the man lying on the bed who had lost a lot of weight during this time.

At this time, the man was already asleep, but the light brain was still turned on.

Su Yun walked over slowly, and saw her figure displayed on the light brain screen at a glance.

Seeing this picture, Su Yun looked at the man on the bed with a complicated expression.

She stretched out her hand to shut off the man's optical brain, and sat beside him looking at the man's still handsome face, but it was more angular, just because the man was too thin during this time.

Su Yun couldn't help feeling sorry for this man.

If Gong Qing didn't look for her today, then did this man plan to live alone until the end of his life?

Even if the man fell asleep, his brows were still tightly frowned, as if he had some knot in his heart and couldn't let go of his mind.

Su Yun couldn't help touching the furrowed brows, and slowly smoothed them out.

Looking at the smoothed brow, Su Yun showed a satisfied smile.

She just guarded the man quietly.

She looked at Louis' eyes, and she couldn't bear to look away at all.

Maybe it was because Su Yun's gaze was too direct, maybe it was because it was time for Louis to wake up.

Just when Su Yun was looking at Louis, the other party opened his eyes.

Louis opened his eyes and saw the woman sitting next to him.

He just couldn't help laughing, thinking that the other party was finally willing to enter his dream.

But following the pain all over his body, he broke the reality in front of him.

If you feel pain all over your body, then it can't be a dream, but real.

The woman actually sat next to him and was with him all the time.

There was no disgust in those eyes, let alone the indifference or calmness of the past.

It is indescribably complicated and distressing.

Distressed?Louis showed a mocking face again.

Distressed, who is distressed, he, he doesn't think so.

Because he knew that the other party had hated him a long time ago, and hated him to death since the wedding night.

How could he expect that now? ,

And now that women have seen him like this, they don't know what they will think.

Louis began to avoid Su Yun's gaze and turned his head to the other side.

His eyes were filled with pain, and he was unbearable.

For his current appearance, he is really too weak, and anyone who comes here can kill him.

How would he face the woman in front of him?

(End of this chapter)

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