Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 207 Ghost Animal God, Get Out (33)

Chapter 207 Ghost Animal God, Get Out (33)

"So I've said all I need to say, and you can swear now."

At this moment, Louis' whole body became sharper, even full of domineering aura.

Seeing his impatient look, Andy smiled and shook his head, "You are so anxious, if I don't swear, will you not hand over the army to me?"

When Louis heard his words, he frowned and said, "No, these are two different things. It is most appropriate for the military department to entrust you."

After speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the door.

When Andy heard his words, his expression was both relieved and sad.

It is gratifying that his old opponent is optimistic about him, but sad is that this opponent he grew up with is leaving in less than a month.

When he heard footsteps leaving, he stood up and said loudly, "Come back! Where are you going, don't you swear?"

Andy knew that the other party had misunderstood. In fact, he was just joking just now. He shook his head not in disagreement, but in disapproval of Louis's persistence.

But since swearing is what he wants, Andy can still give it to the other party.

Seeing Louis stop, Andy raised one hand without waiting for him to turn his head, with a serious face.

"I, Andy Bird, the crown prince of the Lanyao Empire, use my soul, and the future successor of the Lanyao Empire, to swear here that after the death of Louis Blue, he will treat his wife Morola well, and as long as If the other party does not do anything that threatens the empire, it will always be allowed to act recklessly."

After Andy finished swearing, Louis had already turned around.

Seeing that the oath had been made, a smile appeared on his face, a smile from the heart.

Now the Mo family has been settled by Andy, and that woman can live in peace and stability for the rest of her life.

He was not afraid that Andy would not be able to do it, because the other party not only swears by the identity of the heir, but also swears by the soul.

The soul is life after life, most people dare not swear with the soul, but since Andy dares, then he will definitely do it.

Louis smiled gratefully at Andy.

Even when he turned to leave, he could hear the word thank you from the air.

After Andy left, he once thought he was hallucinating and misheard.

But he didn't know, the man was really thanking him.

This is really a hundred years, no, it is a rare event in ten thousand years.

And Andy is sure that he is the first person to thank Louis in his life.

Looking at the direction in which the man left, Andy's eyes were complicated.

He didn't stay where he was for long, then picked up the documents in his hand and left.

He wasn't going to show his father these things, after all, the other party was not in good health recently.

In the past few days, the father has already started preparing for his ascension, and maybe he should be in the position by the end of the year.

So there are some things he can solve, and the group of people under him are not raised for nothing.

Andy left shortly after Louis left. He is going to give some orders now.


And here, when Louis returned to the place where he left, he saw a scene that made him angry before he walked over.

At this moment, a group of people surrounded his woman.

And these people are all men, and there are even fat men in black dresses who greeted them behind the door before lying on the ground.

The woman sitting in the seat was also very strange at this time, her face was blushing, and her expression was not right.

He strode over with a sharp aura on his body.

And those who felt the aura around him all slowly backed away.

In fact, it can't be their fault, who makes the woman exude that sweet smell.

The kind of pain that makes their lower body unbearably hard and wants to tear the woman apart.

They also wanted to get closer to the woman before, but every time they wanted to get closer, they saw the same aura as Admiral Louis on the woman.

This makes them stop until the woman starts to feel wrong, and she emits a crazy sweet smell.

So some people couldn't help but stepped forward to get closer, and the aura of the other party was also weakening.

But even if they had some ideas, since the man was knocked to the ground by the woman before, everyone began to surround her, looking for opportunities to strike, anyway, Louis was not there.

But they didn't expect that Admiral Louis would appear before they found the opportunity.

So if there is one, there are two, and Louis saw the scene in front of him.

He saw the woman surrounded by a group of men. Although he didn't get close, he still couldn't help but let out a soaring anger.

Louis walked in front of Su Yun, and the men around him had already dispersed.

He looked at the man lying on the ground who couldn't get up, Su Yun who was blushing, and the sweet smell emanating from her that he couldn't control.

He probably knew what was going on.

It was precisely because he knew that his anger was even worse.

Seeing the woman looking at him with blurred eyes at this time, he angrily raised his feet to face the lump lying on the ground.


The sound of the meat shield flying up and landing again.

The man who was kicked by Louis has completely passed out.

The people around were shocked when they saw the scene, and moved further away from the two people there.

At this time, Su Yun felt that the effect of the medicine in his body was getting stronger.

She is still conscious now, but her whole body is weak, and she can smell the smell on her body, that attractive sweetness.

This made her very uncomfortable, and she wished she could take a cold shower right away.

But she has no strength on her body, so she can only stay here and be alert to the people around, who want to approach.

However, just when she was about to lose her hold, she saw a familiar figure.

At that moment she relaxed her tense body.

Seeing the man getting closer and closer, Su Yun felt a desperate desire to grab the man.

When she had this feeling, she felt finished.

If she let a man know how she felt, she would definitely not be able to escape today, so even though she relaxed her body, Su Yun still made herself look more natural.

She saw with her own eyes that the man was so angry that he kicked the man who wanted to take advantage of her before, and felt indescribably happy.

If it wasn't because of her lack of physical strength before, she must have vented her anger severely.

Louis looked at Su Yun angrily at the fat man who fell to the ground in the distance, and he really wanted to step forward and cripple him.

But seeing Su Yun's face getting redder and his body trembling faintly, he walked forward.

Frowning, he said in a displeased tone, "What did you drink before?"

When Su Yun heard the man's question, he didn't care about his attitude. He thought for a while and replied, "Wine, the newly brought wine, I only drink it if there is no problem."

When Louis heard the other party say this, he gritted his teeth and spoke with indignation.

"Do you know what it is? Just drink it. Some things are colorless and tasteless. If something happens to you, you won't be able to cry!"

Although Louis's attitude and tone were very bad, but looking at Su Yun who was suffering at this time, he still bent down and picked her up.

Walk in the direction of the door when you come and go.

All the people present gave way to him one after another, and even the men who were going forward to do something to Su Yun all hid behind others.

They thought that this would be the end of the matter, but they had long forgotten that Louis's means, he will take revenge, and even if someone hurts her, he will make the other party pay back ten times.

So Louis carried Su Yun to the center of the hall and stopped.

Looking at all the people around him, he released a cold gaze, and his aura rose violently, and the surroundings felt choked by the bloody aura on his body.

 Hey...beauties are so calm recently, they are all clamoring to abuse Louis_(:з」∠)_
  But Huahua is reluctant to abuse her, and the heroine is even more reluctant to abuse her
  Beauties, please calm down, Huahua will give each of them a happy ending for each other︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

(End of this chapter)

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