Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 168 Entertainment Tycoon, New Love (34)

Chapter 168 Entertainment Tycoon, New Love (34)

(Entertainment Tycoon, New Love) (33)

"So you had a plan long ago, and you just kept it from me?"

Su Yun asked again with a half-smile.

Liao Boxuan didn't explain, but sealed his lips domineeringly.

Liao Boxuan didn't stop until Su Yun was about to lose his breath, "Don't worry, no one will disturb you, those reporters dare not look for you."

Liao Boxuan directly picked up Su Yun and walked to the restaurant.

Su Yun was caught off guard by the sudden movement, and immediately put his arms around the opponent's neck.


Recently, two major events happened in S City.

First, the chairman of the Liao family came back from abroad, and even returned to the golden house.

Second, the second shareholder of the Liao Group, Liao Qiwen, was suspected of commercial fraud and used his own conditions to launder money, and was even related to a qiangjian case 20 years ago.

Of course, the qiangjian case 20 years ago was an internal matter of the Liao family, and it seemed to involve the next generation.

So not many people know about it, but Su Yun knows a little bit.

In the end, Liao Qiwen walked into the cell, and he even seemed to be involved with a popular female artist named Angela.

The two designed Liao Boxuan, so they eventually went to destruction.

Angela was indeed pregnant, but it wasn't Liao Boxuan's, it was Liao Qiwen's.

Before the opponent made the next move, Liao Boxuan returned.

Although the scandal about Liao's did not have much impact, it also affected the decline of Liao's stock.

And other people who don't like the dominance of the Liao family are looking for trouble one after another, wanting to make things worse.

However, following Liao Boxuan's thunderous move, using the latest project developed by the Liao family, he once again gained everyone's attention.

This smokeless commercial battle ended quickly and peacefully.

A month has passed, and Su Yun's "Sound of Nature" filming today finally finished.

Her role is completely over today.

"Alright...for Bai Xi, make up the last shot."

"Well, Bai Xi, you can move closer and make more moves."


After working for nearly an hour, I finally called it a day.

Su Yun looked at the uncontrollable smile on Liao Wen's face, she knew why this man was like this.

This is from a month ago.

She also didn't know that Liao Wen was Liao Boxuan's brother until the first day when Liao Boxuan reported his disappearance.

Although they are not brothers, they have a good relationship.

Of course, this is Liao Wen's wishful thinking.

I still remember that day when Su Yun came to the set.

He was directly taken away by Liao Wen's assistant and brought to Liao Wen's office.

Liao Wen was sitting in the office, when he saw Su Yun walk into the room, he stood up immediately.

Holding a newspaper in his hand, he pointed at the person above and asked eagerly, "Bai Xi, is this you?"

When Su Yun saw the pictures in the newspaper, he knew that it was the one Liao Boxuan read in the morning.

The content above is the same.

Afterwards, Liao Wen made indirect remarks and finally found out what happened between her and Liao Boxuan.

In the evening, after filming the scene, he followed her directly back to the villa.

After Liao Wen saw Liao Boxuan, the two talked for several hours before leaving.

Of course, Su Yun also saw that there was another side of his fame that Liao Dao didn't know.

Liao Wen kept pestering Liao Boxuan to ask this and that, during which time he expressed his brother's position vividly and vividly.

Liao Boxuan had indeed been facing each other with a cold and serious face, because the changes on his face were only more in front of Su Yun.

Liao Wen was expecting Ai Ai to leave, and finally looked at Su Yun with full eyes, you stole my brother's expression.


"Bai Xi, come here."

Just when Su Yun fell into the memories of the past, she heard Liao Wen calling her loudly.

Su Yun walked over quickly, "What's wrong?"

Liao Wen waved at her, "Here's this for you, see if you're interested?"

Said he will give her the folder.

Su Yun took it, and saw the four characters "The Fourth Space".

This is a foreign film.

Now that the third season has been filmed, the fourth season is about to be prepared.

Su Yun looked at the script in front of her, and she seemed to understand why Liao Wen gave her this.

"See if you are interested. This drama was invested by the Liao family, and the director was also trained by the Liao family. It's just that he is not from Hua, so he has been developing abroad. If you are interested, the filming will start next week. You go Try it."

Liao Wen talked about it in a casual tone.

But if people from the outside world knew what he looked like, they would probably grind their teeth to pieces.

"The Fourth Dimension" is a supernatural film, and it is quite popular no matter at home or abroad.

It turned out that this was invested by the Liao family, and even the director was trained by the Liao family.

Su Yun thought that Liao Boxuan was so close to her during this period of time, maybe this is also an opportunity.

It can not only let Liao Boxuan hang out for a while, but also increase his own value.

It may be difficult for her to complete the task in a short period of time, but as long as she frequently appears on the big screen and shoots a lot of good scripts, she must not be far from completing the task.

Su Yun left with the script, and she returned to the villa.

Ever since Liao Boxuan regained his memory, he has not left and returned home on time after work every day.

When Su Yun returned to the villa, Liao Boxuan was not there.

She breathed a sigh of relief and went straight upstairs to pack her luggage.

Because the shooting of "The Fourth Space" will start next week, she needs to go and see it early.

And Liao Wen also said that he has already contacted there, and someone will connect with her directly in the past.

After Su Yun contacted Annie, she ran directly to the airport.

At this time, Liao Boxuan, who was in the Liao's Mansion, had no idea that Su Yun had left.

He looked at the young man in front of him, frowning tightly, showing that he was in a very bad mood at the moment.

"I've finished what I should say, and I don't have anything to add to the rest. If you have nothing to do, go home and pack your things and go to country M."

The young man opposite was none other than Liao Mingchen who happened to meet Liao Boxuan on the wrong road that day.

Liao Mingchen has been hit too hard recently.

It is shown that Mom is not dead, and then Dad goes to jail.

Before he could react, he was called here.

Thinking back to what Liao Boxuan said before, he still couldn't believe it.

It turned out that my mother was a good friend of my uncle (Liao Boxuan's father). It turned out that my father had forced my mother's body more than 20 years ago, so he was born.

It turned out that Liao Boxuan never did anything to his father because of him.

It's because he promised his uncle to take good care of their mother and child.

Although Liao Mingchen's brain has been greatly impacted, he is quite clear about it.

Mother didn't die, Liao Boxuan broke away from father's control for her, and sent her to country M.

So in the future, he will go to country M to accompany his mother.

Liao Mingchen raised his head and looked at Liao Boxuan complicatedly.

The other party still frowned tightly, and there was calmness in those sharp eyes.The corners of his mouth were slightly pursed.

Doesn't seem to have any emotion for him.

However, this was the case, so Liao Mingchen felt more and more guilty.

He pretended not to know anything, and even shot at the opponent.

How embarrassing it was for him.

Liao Mingchen stood up suddenly, bent down to Liao Boxuan, "I'm sorry."

After speaking, he quickly walked out of the office.

"Take good care of yourself."

Just as Liao Mingchen was about to leave the office, there was a faint voice of concern behind him.

Liao Mingchen stopped, and then left quickly.

Liao Boxuan looked at the leaving figure and slowly closed his eyes.

He has done what he promised his father.

Before the uncle didn't cross the boundary, he still wouldn't touch him, but now he had to make a move.

I only hope that child Liao Mingchen can accept it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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