Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 16 Domineering President, Lightly Pet (6)

Chapter 16 Domineering President, Lightly Pet ([-])
Bai Chuqi, who was in the bathroom, heard the sound of the door, and gave instructions to Duo Lanlan in the room.

"Go and open the door, it should be the assistant who came with the documents."

After hearing Bai Chuqi's words, Duo Lanlan got up from the sofa and walked towards the door.

As soon as she walked around, she found that the effect of the medicine had come out.

Duo Lanlan shook her head to wake herself up, and only hoped to send the assistant away quickly.

She came to the door and pressed the button on the wall, and the door was opened by her from the inside.

When she turned her head to look outside the door, she opened her mouth in shock when she saw a few people outside.

The people outside the room were Su Yun whom she had met this morning, and Lan Xiaorou who was always in trouble.

And the people behind them were Si Xiaocong, who usually protected him at school, and Hua Xinyu.

"Why are you here?!"

Duo Lanlan was very surprised, she burst out and asked her own question, then she looked down and saw that she was wearing clothes, and she hid behind the door to cover it.

But it was too late to dodge, because the people outside the room had already seen her for the first time.

Si Xiaocong did not expect to see Duo Lanlan like this, his brows were tightly knit together.His face was gloomy, but not angry.

After all, he has nothing to do with Duo Lanlan, but he usually sheltered her in school. Now that he saw her like this, he knew that there must be other men inside.

At this moment, he was very disappointed, and also felt a little dirty, thinking in his heart, it was really cheap.

I thought she was a very special woman, but I didn't expect that she was as dirty and disgusting as that kind of casual woman.

Si Xiaocong's frown and disgusted face fell into Lan Xiaorou's eyes, thinking that the other party would be impulsive and make some moves.

She didn't care about other things, she reached out and took the other's hand, and the latter looked up at her.

And she shook her head at Si Xiaocong, and then looked at Su Yun's situation. After all, Su Yun brought them here, and there are some things that it is not good to get involved too much.

Sensing Lan Xiaorou's movements, Si Xiaocong couldn't help touching her little hand, only to stop the other party's glaring.

At this time, Si Xiaocong had already forgotten about Duo Lanlan who was hiding in the door, and he didn't have much affection for Duo Lanlan.

When Su Yun saw the opened door and the other party's clothes, he didn't show any emotion, but walked into the house swaggeringly.

Seeing this, Duo Lanlan, who was hiding behind the door, hurried out and warned her loudly, "This is not where you came from, get out!"

At this time, she had long forgotten Bai Chuqi's orders, and she didn't know how they got here, she just knew they couldn't be allowed in.

Su Yun looked at Duo Lanlan who was blocking her, with a sneer on her face, "What are you! You really thought you entered my Bai family's door!"

There was Chi Guoguo's sarcasm in those words, but it also shocked Lan Xiaorou, Si Xiaocong and others behind him.

Su Yun's words have already revealed the identity of the man in this apartment, that is a member of the Bai family.

The person who keeps Duo Lanlan, or buys her, is a man from the Bai family.

Who actually let Su Yun come here? Now her custody right is in the hands of that man who is as noble as an emperor.

Could it be that man?
But is a woman like Duo Lanlan really capable of hooking up with that one?

It was the first time that Si Xiaocong and Lan Xiaorou looked at each other tacitly. They both understood the serious meaning, and this time it was really not something they could intervene in.

When Duo Lanlan heard Su Yun's words and the obvious ridicule, she couldn't help showing an angry expression.

She didn't understand why Su Yun was mentioning the Bai family.

But when she heard the other party's ridicule, she attacked back very rudely, "I don't know you, this is a private room, and you are not welcome, please come open!"

The tone was as if she herself was the owner of this room, and she arrogantly issued an order to evict the guest.

But Su Yun ignored her at all, pushed Duo Lanlan away, and went into the room.

Duo Lanlan was already weak, so she was easily pushed away by Su Yun, who was thinner than her, and took two steps back uncontrollably.

She watched Su Yun go to the Sha and sit down, while Si Xiaocong and Lan Xiaorou also entered the room.

They didn't sit on the sofa casually like Su Yun, because they still don't know who the man in this room is from the Bai family.

Duo Lanlan saw the movements of several people and heard the sound of water in the bathroom, and then remembered Mr. Bai.

She walked quickly to the sofa, and issued another order to evict the guests, "Please leave, if you don't leave, I will ask the security to ask you to leave, then you will be very embarrassed."

Duo Lanlan's self-righteous words finally angered people.

Hua Xinyu was disgusted when he saw Duo Lanlan like this, but when he saw that Si Xiaocong didn't move, he fell silent.

But seeing Duo Lanlan's words now, Si Xiaocong's face finally darkened, and he couldn't help it.

"What kind of thing do you think you are, and you still need security guards, where do you have a face?"

"I was deceived by your disguise before, but now I feel disgusted seeing you like this. You think I would like to stay here."

"I feel disgusted when I see you. It's okay to stay in the corner and stay in the corner. Didn't you see our expressions and you almost vomited?"

"Since you're here, it's natural that you have something to do. If you want to know, just wait slowly. Who do you think is willing to see you? After seeing you like this, we will have to wash our eyes later."

Hua Xinyu's words were not without venom, but they touched the hearts of several people present.

Su Yun didn't expect Hua Xinyu to have such a vicious tongue. She raised her thumbs up to the man standing behind her.

The latter was a little flattered, and turned his face away a little uncomfortably.

Turning his head, he saw Si Xiaocong looking at him with an expression like seeing a ghost.

Now Si Xiaocong was even more embarrassed, he stammered, "Si... Young Master Si, I just couldn't hold back..."

And Si Xiaocong gave him a thumbs up gesture before he finished speaking.

"Brother, today is the first time I know you. I didn't expect you to have this ability. I admire you."

Now Hua Xinyu was dumbfounded, he was just telling the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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