Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 140 Entertainment Tycoon, New Love (6)

Chapter 140 Entertainment Tycoon, New Love ([-])

It was He Yuxin's words that made the people who were standing behind the seemingly aggressive but bright-spoken girl reverse their positions and began to accuse each other.

This He Yuxin is not simple, but also very good at pretending. .

Su Yun watched a group of people talking upside down, she stood up from the corner.

Go to the door of the audition room.

She had already got the number at the top of the queue, and it seemed that it was her turn now.

Because she saw another girl walking out of the audition room with a sad face.

After Su Yun stood up from the corner, everyone's eyes were on her.

Su Yun's appearance is first-class, and she has an aura that the original owner does not have, which makes her have an eye-catching temperament.

When everyone saw Su Yun, they almost felt threatened.

For today's audition, they were all in their hearts, and they posed a huge threat to her heart.

Because she has that kind of unpretentious, very pure breath and natural charm.

I saw that He Yuxin, who was still wearing eyes with concealed complacency just now, turned pale immediately after seeing Su Yun.

"Bai...Bai Xi...Why are you here?"

He Yuxin couldn't speak well.

There was unspeakable fear in her eyes, as well as deep jealousy in her eyes, which made it obvious to everyone around her.

At this time, He Yuxin has not officially entered the entertainment circle, nor does she have superb acting skills.

So it is easy for her to reveal some of her true temperament, such as at this time.

Su Yun gave her a cold look, she would not be as stupid as the original owner, nor would she deal with a woman like He Yuxin.

"I had dinner with everyone last night. Then there was an accident and I almost died. Are you surprised to see me?"

There is definitely something in the words, and it makes the people who listen to think about it.

"Bai Xi! What are you talking about? Fortunately, we were still waiting for you in the dormitory for a long time today, and we didn't answer your cell phone, which almost delayed the audition."

Liu Huiling saw that Bai Xi seemed to be a different person, and her speech was uncomfortable, so she immediately accused her.

With mocking eyes, Su Yun turned to Liu Huiling.

If it wasn't for Liu Huiling's words, Su Yun would have almost forgotten that when she first came to this world yesterday, she didn't have a mobile phone at all except some small change and ID card.

Presumably those who attacked her were afraid that she would call for help, so they took her mobile phone away.

"Hmph! I don't know what I said wrong, and what you said just now, I don't agree with it. Could it be that Director Liao's film can be filmed not relying on ability, but relying on unspoken rules?"

"Everyone on the scene is fighting for the role with their strength. Could it be that they can win the role by crying twice and begging for mercy? This is not equal to everyone."

After finishing speaking, Su Yun stopped looking at the other audition participants and walked into the room alone.

None of the people present were fools. I believe everyone could understand He Yuxin's unnaturalness and what she said just now.

Although Director Liao is serious, he is definitely not the kind of director who relies on unspoken rules.

Everyone relied on their strength to win the role. Could it be that they really relied on the girl from before to just cry a few times and seduce people to get the role.

That's not fair to anyone.

Therefore, people who have thought through these things no longer target the girl and her friends who attacked Liu Huiling before.

After Su Yun walked into the room, they looked at He Yuxin with scrutiny and suspicion.

Including Liu Huiling and Wang Yushu standing beside her.

Wang Yushu watched Bai Xi walk into the audition room, and her eyes on He Yuxin became suspicious.

In the past, Bai Xi had always been indifferent to the world, even gentle and gentle, but today he became sharp and even had a strong aura.

And last night they had dinner together, why did she say that she had an accident last night and almost died.

And He Yuxin's attitude just now made her suspicious.

At this time, He Yuxin also felt the surrounding atmosphere, and some people even cast contemptuous glances at her.

She was about to explode with rage, why did Bai Xi appear, why.

Obviously last night those people said that the matter had been settled, and they left them in a remote place, how could she still come here.

He Yuxin felt unprecedented fear at this time.

Did she already know what the other party said just now?


Su Yun didn't have time to worry about He Yuxin's thoughts, she walked into the room, looked at the people sitting in the room, and nodded her head as a greeting.

Then came to the middle seat, straddled the backpack diagonally on the chair, and sat down safely.

In fact, as soon as Su Yun walked into the room, everyone's eyes lit up.

Even Liao Wen, who was still in a bad mood, also took a deep look at Su Yun.

Seeing Su Yun sitting down, Liao Wen picked up the documents in his hand and read them at a glance.

"Bai Xi, right? Let's not waste any more time. You can directly act out a scene where my sister realizes music for the first time."

Hearing Liao Wen's simple and direct words, Su Yun stood up from the stool.

He nodded at him, then walked to the corner of the room.

Liao Wen and the other audition staff around him looked at her with puzzled eyes.

However, Liao Wen, who had been noticing Su Yun's movements, was suddenly shocked and sat up straight from the seat.

I saw Su Yun walking to the corner of the room, his eyes became flickering, even with some panic. ,

Those hands also tightly grasped the dress, and the fingers were turning white, showing that the strength was not small.

She walked forward slowly, looking very nervous, with her head half down, and her body would stagnate from time to time.

In this way, Su Yun walked for a meter or two, when she stopped suddenly, her eyes showed a confused and puzzled look.

Then his eyes stared straight in one direction.

What kind of eyes are those, clear and pure.

But it gradually became enthusiastic, with a hint of madness.

Su Yun stared straight in one direction, and just as he took a step, he wanted to move forward but stopped abruptly.

She stood where she was and kept holding her dress tightly with both hands.

After waiting for another minute, she finally moved, her eyes were as clear and pure as ever.

But she could see courage from her eyes, it was a face that was infatuated with something.

The girl finally walked towards the goal ahead.

There was a holy smile on that face, and that smile was so satisfying. ,


Just when Su Yun was about to continue, he heard the sound of the room calling to stop.

At the moment when the voice fell, Su Yun immediately became alone, with no desires or desires, very indifferent.

She silently walked to the middle seat, reached out to pick up the backpack on the chair, and then looked at Liao Wen.

At this point she knew that her audition was over and she was just waiting for the final result.

She knew that now she just waited for the other party to say that she was waiting for the notification, and then left here.

She hadn't forgotten that there were still wounded at home.

However, it was her actions and posture that made the corners of the mouths of several people in the room twitch.

"Ahem...Baixi, right? You wait a little longer and don't leave in a hurry."

Su Yun looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to Liao Wen with puzzled eyes.

Didn't those people all finish the audition before, and then they said they would leave immediately after being notified?

(End of this chapter)

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