Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 124 Domineering emperor, don't mess around (23)

Chapter 124 Domineering emperor, don't mess around (23)

Su Yun stood up and took out the mobile phone that Di Wennan left behind when he left.

Turn on the phone and look at the only contact in the phone without a name.

She sent a text message to the other party, then turned off the phone, took out the SIM card, and threw the phone into the trash can neatly.

She knew that the only contact on the phone was either Di Wennan himself or someone from him.

As for throwing away the phone, it was because it was temporarily impossible for her to contact the other party.

Because she was leaving that department and had to complete the last task, which was abroad.

And she wants to get back the memory of the original owner.

Recently, she has been dreaming about some memories of the original owner.

Those scenes were tragic, with corpses and blood everywhere.

Among them is the appearance of Di Wennan, and that scene seems to be against him from the original owner.

So until the memory is not retrieved, she can no longer contact the other party.

Su Yun left the imperial capital, she didn't know that someone told Di Wennan of her itinerary the very first time she entered the imperial capital.

Even when she was leaving, it didn't take long for Emperor Wennan to come to the imperial capital.

Di Wennan held the phone tightly in his hand.

Su Yun's guess was correct, the number in her cell phone belonged to Di Wennan himself.

So Di Wennan was very excited when he heard the report from his subordinates.

However, when he saw the message sent to him by the other party, his heart sank immediately.

Di Wennan was still following Lu Haoxuan, and the two went straight to that room in the elevator.

When opening the door, Di Wennan lowered his head and immediately noticed something on the ground.

He bent down to pick it up, and opened the contents.

It was a detailed introduction of the emperor's family's placement in various cities, where the body occupies the main position.

This is the task he has always given to the poisonous scorpion.

Later, he asked Su Yun to fetch this thing.

Now Scorpion has been contacted, but her mission has failed because he can't find such a document at all.

But Su Yun handed over this document to Di Wennan.

Then the other party really got it, and even took the transaction between the two of them seriously.

Di Wennan held this document in his hand, and only he knew what he felt in his heart.

However, after seeing the mobile phone in his hand, his eyes became more complicated.

Su Yun only sent him two sentences.

The transaction has ended, and the last transaction will continue to be performed alive.

Just such a sentence made Di Wennan's face extremely ugly.

He thought a lot, is it because the other party has been discovered, so there is no danger now.

The more I thought about it, the more likely it was. Di Wennan took the things in his hand and took Lu Haoxuan away.

Although he has not yet taken the position of being the head of the God's family, he holds half of the connections of the Emperor's family in his hands.

So Di Wennan returned to the base camp and directly ordered the people who searched for Mi Jiu'er with all their strength, to see the dead body.

It is impossible for this change not to alarm the current rulers of the imperial family, but the old man ignored it and allowed all his actions.

Just when Di Wennan ordered the search for Su Yun, she had already boarded the plane and headed for country f.

That's right, this time her mission is in country f.

Su Yun didn't know how much commotion the two words she left to Di Wennan caused.

Her last words had no other meaning, this time the task will definitely be completed, and she is very confident that she will be able to retreat safely.

But because of the original owner's recent memory images, Su Yun is not sure whether the original owner and the other party are really opposed.

Did the original owner's wish have something to do with Di Wennan?

If it is really related, the two will definitely start a life-and-death struggle. If Di Wennan is still alive, she will fulfill the second request.

But if she died, it still had nothing to do with her.

If the mission of the original owner is really opposed to Di Wennan, if this is really her mission.

Then Su Yun couldn't fail.

She will do everything in her power to kill Di Wennan.

So with just one sentence, Di Wennan would have misunderstood it.

And it was impossible for Su Yun to explain it to him for a while.

Neither of them knew that the difference this time was actually a year.


one year later.

At sunset and dusk, on the road of country f, that bustling bustling area.

A woman in a black tights walked quickly through the crowd.

While crossing her arms, she looked around vigilantly.Sometimes I still look at the void in front of me.

On the road that the woman walks, one or two drops of blood will appear after a certain distance, staining the clean road red.

It was a Chinese woman with neat cut hair and delicate face, which attracted the frequent attention of many passers-by.

This person is none other than Su Yun.

She has been in country f for more than a year.

Because of the tasks assigned to her by her superiors, she has only been in the Gerst family this year.

However, in this year's time, she finally knew the sinister intentions of the people above, and those people simply wanted her to be unable to return to the country.

The Gerst family has long been in collusion with the top people in the country.

Even the head of their department.

The ambition of the Gerst family is really not small.

Not only did they intend to use this to bring down the Emperor's family, but they even wanted to control the country of Hua.

Earlier, she thought that she would just need to hide in the Gerst family and wait for the orders from above.

But for a year, she did not wait for the order from above.

To this day, there is an arms deal within the Gerst family.

Even with a certain domestic military force, at the end of this transaction, all the latent members of their department were killed, and she was the only one left to escape.

Only then did she know that she had been hit.

The two parties were really patient, and it took nearly a year to get started, which shows that they have laid out a detailed plan.

Now I think that the team members who were killed before were all dangerous to others.

Because these people are either stupid and loyal people, or those who have the status of relatives of the emperor, and those who want to leave like Su Yun.

However, 009 did not investigate all this.

It seems that there are certain loopholes in this world.

Otherwise, why does she not have the memory of the original owner, and why 009 fails to display important information frequently.

The reason why Su Yun can escape is also thanks to 009, otherwise, it would be whimsical to escape with so many enemies armed with weapons.

She is going to the busiest area now, trying to get away in a confusing way.

But this country was originally the territory of the Gerst family, and until now, members of the Gerst family are still following her.

Su Yun looked at the people who had been following her on the screen of 009, gritted her teeth, and changed the direction.

What a mess!Su Yun thought that she would pay back a hundred times in the future.

Just as Su Yun was galloping away in one direction.

A thousand meters ahead of her, a Rolls Royce drove opposite her.

The handsome man sitting in the car had an indescribably cold face.

The few people sitting next to him have long been used to this situation of men over the past year.

After that person disappeared, he has been like this, and there is no smile on his face anymore.

Not even a false mask was worn.

(End of this chapter)

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