The male protagonist is being blackened online

Chapter 1194 Demon Sect Lord, Don't Be Black 59

Chapter 1194 Demon Sect Lord, Don't Be Black 59
Xuan Yunzhi's head didn't even want to blurt out
"I don't like it at all."

She said it very seriously.

Si Yunxie looked at her sincerely, her resolute tone, and the inexplicable irritability in her heart finally faded away.

The corners of the lips that had been tightly pursed, slightly raised, held her in his arms, preventing her from looking up at herself.

When she struggled to raise her head, Si Yunxie had returned to her usual appearance.

She looked at him happily, tugged on his robe, very serious
"You said before that you would show me the glazed mirror, the leader will not go back on his word, right?"

Her eyes were very bright, looking at him, it was full of expectations.

The long and narrow eyes were deep, and after the thin anger faded, they returned to the original waveless pitch black again.

a soft sound


As an answer to her, she has not forgotten this matter.

Xuan Yunzhi listened, and took a step forward
"Tomorrow, take me to see tomorrow."

Looking at the glass mirror, she felt that the sooner she looked at it, the better.

Who knows what will happen in the future, if the plan can't keep up with the changes and the task is completed early, even if she wants to see this treasure, she won't be able to see it.

If you ask her why she is so interested in this glazed mirror.

In fact, there is no reason.

The most treasured glass mirror in the martial arts world is rumored to be tied to the safety of the entire martial arts world.

A few days ago, those people besieged collectively, and there was also something about the glazed mirror in it.

Liulijing has always been controlled by the Demon Cult.

Who can rest assured?

Unfortunately, this glass mirror has always been a sacred weapon of the Demon Cult since it became famous far and near. Those famous families who are upright and self-proclaimed are noble, so it is natural that they can't do it by force.

It was rare for Si Yunxie to see her being so enthusiastic.

Pursing the corners of the lips, the throat rolls up and down


should come down.

She hugged Si Yunxie, and the enthusiasm she showed was much happier than when she was chasing him.

Early the next morning, the sky had just dawned.

Xuan Yunzhi pestered Si Yunxie, and the two rushed to the Demon Sect.

In the beginning, the Demon Cult was not really called the Demon Cult.

It's just because most of the believers in the gang were not good at the beginning of its establishment, and they never did anything bad.

They were hated and hated by people in the martial arts world, and they were called the Devil's Cult. Later, people shouted more and more, and the former leader simply changed the name to the Devil's Cult with a swipe of a pen.

Extremely arrogant and rampant.

So much so that the name is still used today.

The two of them traveled for about half a day.

Xuan Yunzhi clicked his tongue when he saw the two big characters standing tall.

There was no fluctuation in Si Yunxie's face, and instead of walking forward, he walked to one side

"This way."

He held Xuan Yunzhi's hand and pulled her to the side.

Going around to a very remote place, I saw a cave.

He took a step, leading her into the room unhurriedly.

Xuan Yunzhi looked around,
"Where is this?"

Curious and puzzled inquiry.

Si Yunxie raised his eyelids
"Secret passages"

Xuan Yunzhi's eyes widened upon hearing this.

It was the first time for her to see a secret Taoist cultivator so swaggeringly.

Doesn't this mean that anyone can come in and out?

It wasn't until she walked inside that she realized the difference.

As we walked, three forks appeared in front of us.

Si Yunxie walked in along the leftmost one.

After walking for a while, three intersections appeared again.

He walked in along the middle path.

Going on is another three.

This secret path twists and turns, until I don't know how many choices I have to face, and finally the road gets narrower and narrower, and I come to a gate.

(End of this chapter)

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