The male protagonist is being blackened online

Chapter 1180 Demon Sect Lord, Don't Be Black 43

Chapter 1180 Demon Sect Lord, Don't Be Black 43
He revealed a stunning face that was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

The one named Xiaoyue was taken aback, staring at that face for a while.

The look is a little strange.

Xuan Aotian noticed that something was wrong with Xiaoyue, and asked
"But the scattered internal force is causing trouble again? Are you feeling unwell?"

Xiaoyue shook her head, raised her head, and asked

"Ao Tian, ​​will your sister appear in front of everyone in my place?"

Xuan Aotian nodded

"The Martial Arts post has been passed on to her, and it should arrive in a few days, but don't worry, I've mentioned her, and I won't let her make trouble in your face."

After listening to Xiaoyue, she didn't say anything.

Xuan Aotian helped her walk into the tent.

As for Xuan Yunzhi who was lying under the nearby tree, after they left, his eyelids moved, but he did not open them.

The sky is bright and the sun is shining brightly.

She fell asleep for a moment until the afternoon.

There were lively voices nearby, and more and more people came and went.

Finally, Xuan Yunzhi who fell into a deep sleep was woken up.

Eyes opened, leaning against the tree for a while in confusion.

The posture is lazy.

The people who were coming and going next to him gradually left.

Quiet was restored.

She stood up and brushed the dirt off her body.

Go to the hillside a few hundred meters away.

Walked up and found that dozens of tents were camped there.

In twos and threes, from time to time, someone can be heard touting politeness.

Xuan Yunzhi smiled but wasn't smiling.

With so many hundred or ten people, they want to crusade against the Demon Cult?

Because she doesn't know the rules of this world very well, she doesn't make wild guesses.

Just looking at her here, her appearance is so outstanding that it attracted many people to turn their heads, observe, and the indispensable, amazing eyes.

At this time, a man with a sword came over,

"But Palace Master Leng Yue of Bao Yue Palace?"


She nodded.

the man poses please

"Palace Master Leng Yue, all the heads of the five sects have arrived except you, please"

Xuan Yunzhi walked in the direction he pointed, and came to the largest tent.

Open and lift the tent, just stepped in.

In unison, the eyes of a dozen people in the room have already swept over.

Xuan Yunzhi scanned them one by one.

Xuan Aotian was at the top, and from there, there were seven or eight people sitting on each side, discussing something.

As soon as she appeared, all eyes focused on her.

The five major sects, Qingshan sect headed by Xuan Aotian, followed by Zhenhuozong, Baoyue Palace, Ningkun Sword Sect, Shaolin, five major sects headed, and more than a dozen other small sects gathered.

Lou Qianhui, the suzerain of the True Fire Sect, stroked the green beard growing on his chin, and said with a smile

"Presumably this one is the Palace Mistress of Baoyue Palace. The appearance of the Palace Mistress Leng Yue is indeed far better than seeing."

As soon as the words fell, there was a voice beside him who wanted to echo.

On the high platform, Xuan Aotian frowned, interrupting the praise
"Palace Master Leng Yue, sit down."

Follow up
"Let's continue the discussion, the crusade against the Demon Cult."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was embarrassed for a moment.

Especially those who are left there with a sentence.

Xuan Yunzhi scanned the empty seats, then walked over and sat down.

Her brows and eyes are light, and she has no emotion.

This kind of reaction actually attracted admiration from many people, and he really deserved to be the lord of the first palace.

Understand the overall situation and know that the overall situation is the most important thing.

Ever since, the words that were interrupted just now were discussed again.
"Leader, I think that since we have already come, we should join forces and attack them, trying to destroy the Demon Cult with one blow, and completely solve the cancer in the martial arts world."

(End of this chapter)

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