Master help me recharge

Chapter 88 Be with me

Chapter 88: Stay With Me

The colloidal flesh was peeled off from her body during the burning, and the circuit board twitched due to poor contact due to the fire.

Chen Yuheng's eyes were almost red, and she tore off her burning clothes a few times, then took off her shirt, hugged her into a ball, and slapped the burning part of Gu Anbao desperately!

Soon the shirt started to catch fire too, he threw the shirt and slapped it with his hands!The colloid under high temperature became hot and sticky, and Chen Yuheng's palms were quickly blistered, but he didn't know it, and even grabbed the soil from the roadside green belt and rubbed it on Gu Anbao's body, just to let the flame go out as soon as possible!
Gu Anbao almost cried, "Don't touch will burn you..."

In the shop along the road, a clerk ran out with water and poured it on Gu Anbao!Someone came over with a bucket and poured it down!
Gu Anbao and Chen Yuheng were drenched very quickly, and she heard someone from the crowd around her say, "So it's a robot... It scared me to death, I thought someone was going to be burned alive..."

"Yeah, seeing the anxious look of that man, I thought it was his girlfriend, who was a robot for a long time..."

"Can you not be in a hurry? Do you think robots are cheap now? If they are burned, they are all money. Maybe they are all his belongings!"

"makes sense……"

Seeing that the person on fire was not a real person, the onlookers dispersed one after another.

Only then did Gu Anbao realize how embarrassed he was...

Wearing only underwear on his body, a large area of ​​exposed skin has become scorched black, and some parts... have even been burned through, exposing the inner metal layer.

Gu Anbao lowered his head, reaching out his hands to cover those unbearable places...

Chen Yuheng took a large towel blanket from some shop, wrapped Gu Anbao's head and feet, and asked in a trembling voice: "How are you feeling?... Can you still talk? Can you hear me? Is there a sound?"

Gu Anbao's face was half covered under the thin blanket, she shook her head lightly, "I'm fine..." While speaking, she grabbed the blanket with one hand and tightly covered half of her numb body.

She knows, she is bad now.

Those scorched black and mottled skins are not aesthetically pleasing... Not to mention, most of the body has lost consciousness. It should be that the inner circuit has been burned out.

Chen Yuheng noticed the abnormality in her body, picked her up and walked back.

His steps were a little weak and unsteady...

Because of drinking too much alcohol, the effects of alcohol will not subside for a while.Fortunately, they didn't leave the bar very far. Chen Yuheng came to the parking lot, carried Gu Anbao in, and sat in himself——

The doors and windows are closed, and no one will disturb them again.

Chen Yuheng reached out to pull the blanket, wanting to check Gu Anbao's physical condition, but Gu Anbao held her down with one hand, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito: "...don't look at me..."

Chen Yuheng only felt that his heart was going to be broken.

"Let me see what's broken, okay..." he asked softly.

Gu Anbao lowered his eyes and murmured: "It's ugly..." In the end, he stopped resisting, let go of his hand, and only turned his face to one side, as if he didn't dare to look at his body.

Chen Yuheng pulled down the blanket...

On Gu Anbao's body, a large area of ​​scorched black spread from the shoulder blades to the waist. The skin on half of the arm had been burned, and the inner circuit of the metal plate seemed to be affected. The arm completely failed, hanging down in an unnatural posture.

Chen Yuheng saw it in his eyes and took a deep breath.

He whispered: "Don't be afraid, it will be fixed..."

"Yeah." She slowly pulled the blanket back to cover her body, "I'm fine..."

Anyway, she didn't feel any pain, she was just...just very lost, or it could be said, dejected.

When the flame was burning, time seemed to pass very, very slowly, everything was like a slow motion in a movie, she could clearly see the changes of the robot's body in the flame, so clearly recognized , this body seems to be flawless, but in fact it is extremely incomplete.

She didn't know what she was like now.

I don't even feel pain, so I'm still alive?
Could it be... that being alive at this moment is itself an illusion of her own?In fact, she had already died, lying on that cold hospital bed, she had been dead for a long, long time...

Sadness haunted her, lingering.

When Chen Yuheng saw Gu Anbao bowing his head in silence, his heart ached even more.

He took out his phone and called Ace.

As soon as the call was connected, Eisner's sharp voice came from the phone——

"Chen Yuheng! Can you stop calling me every time I sleep?!! I haven't slept for two days and two nights because of your Mars project! Now you wake me up less than two hours after I lay down ! You did it on purpose!!!"

Chen Yuheng frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Ruan Ruan is injured, I will drive her to the company's maintenance department now, you hurry up."

The other end of the phone was silent for half a second, and then there was a loud roar: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You want me to die suddenly!!!"

Chen Yuheng's voice was even deeper, and he almost gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I'll be waiting for you in the maintenance department, hurry up."

After all, hang up the phone and start the car.

Gu Anbao grabbed his arm from behind——

Chen Yuheng turned his head, Gu Anbao shook his head slowly, his eyes full of worry, "You've been drinking... it's dangerous to drive."

Chen Yuheng's heart softened, and he reached out and rubbed her ears gently.She was completely wet, and the fur on her ears was wrinkled and messy, but Chen Yuheng still felt that she was cute everywhere.

"Okay, I don't drive, I let it drive itself."

Only then did Gu Anbao let go of him, and her eyes fell on Chen Yuheng's hand. She opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound...

It's not that I can't make a sound, it's that I don't know what to say...

She can't control her emotions.It's can't be done...

Why are there such people?Abandoning her ruthlessly, yet treating her with utmost tenderness...why?
... In this way... In this case, how can she forget him?How could she not love him?
The heart is sour, swollen, astringent and painful, all kinds of emotions are mixed together, and a heart is terribly uncomfortable!
Chen Yuheng's palm was hot red, and there were blood blisters in several places. Gu Anbao only took one look, but he didn't dare to look again...

"Go to the pharmacy first... buy some medicine and deal with it." Gu Anbao said hoarsely.

In addition to pain in her heart, it still hurts!I really want to ask him: is it worth it?
does it worth……

I'm just a robot...

"I'm fine, let's go to the company first." Chen Yuheng had already set the driverless mode of the car, turned around and said, "I'll shut it down for you first, so as to avoid secondary damage to the program during operation."

"En." Gu Anbao nodded, and obediently leaned over so that Chen Yuheng could better reach the switch key on the back of his neck.

The thin blanket slid down, revealing her shoulders and neck. The original white neck, because of the splashing sparks, now had many speckled burn marks, and the neck down was even more glaringly scorched.

Chen Yuheng's fingertips rubbed lightly on her neck, and he whispered: "Ruan Ruan, stay with me after repairing."

 When I finished writing this chapter, I glanced at the chapter number, and felt that the male lead would really choose the right time to confess. Chapter 88, what an auspicious number... Oh, by the way, kids, when alcohol catches fire, don’t put it out with water, girl There are three main reasons why the fire on the main body can be extinguished: 3. The amount of alcohol on the body is not too much, 1. The amount of water is super large, enough to dilute the alcohol, 2. The author is willful.

(End of this chapter)

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