Chapter 85
The location of the blind date is a villa, and a private party is being held inside, but for Mr. Chen, this kind of event is definitely a blind date.

The party was organized by the eldest daughter-in-law of the old man of the Zhao family. In order to solve the single problem of the second son of the Zhao family, the Zhao family held a party and invited many sons and daughters of relatives and friends to visit the house. Therefore, when the old man heard about it , immediately brought his grandson...

They arrived earlier, Chen Yuheng and Gu Anbao first followed Mr. Chen to visit the Mr. Zhao's family. After sitting and chatting for a while, an elegantly dressed woman knocked on the door and invited Chen Yuheng and Gu Anbao to play downstairs with a smile. .

Mr. Chen couldn't wait for it, he waved his hands to drive Chen Yuheng and Gu Anbao down, while he and Mr. Zhao's family took out the chessboard and prepared to fight a game.

Going downstairs, there are indeed many young men and women in the living room, sitting together in twos and threes, watching TV, chatting, eating, and a few get together to play poker.

This is not the first time Chen Yuheng has participated in such a party...

He has attended the Zhao family's party only twice.

After a brief glance, Chen Yuheng saw Zhao Qingyuan, the second son of the Zhao family, sitting at the leisure bar, walked over to say hello, and found a place to sit down, and poured himself a glass of wine.

Zhao Qingyuan is the youngest son of the old man of the Zhao family. Although his seniority is older than Chen Yuheng, he is only two years older than Chen Yuheng. The love is still there.

When Zhao Qingyuan saw Chen Yuheng, he laughed and said, "Why are you here? Hey, hey, hey, just after showing your affection on TV, you came to play at our bachelor party, isn't it appropriate?"

Chen Yuheng frowned, "It's just media hype."

"I don't think it's a hype. Shen Xinran confessed herself on a TV show. Even if you want to refute the rumors, there's nothing you can do, haha..." Zhao Qingyuan smiled gloatingly, "I think you just followed her! She chased after her hard. I have been with you for so many years, I promise it!"

Chen Yuheng felt noisy, so he punched Zhao Qingyuan not too lightly but not too hard.

Zhao Qingyuan blocked his fist, and jokingly said: "Your good fortune is not shallow, but, your good fortune is also very dangerous, and Shen Xinran has many suitors..."

Chen Yuheng didn't want to talk about Shen Xinran anymore, so he asked casually, "Why is your old man urging the marriage again?"

Zhao Qingyuan shrugged and said helplessly: "It's not my elder brother. My father wants a granddaughter after he has a grandson. My elder brother disagrees with my elder brother and his sister-in-law to have a second child. He insists on waiting for the child to be older before considering a second child." Things, Dad started to play with my idea..."

Chen Yuheng laughed: "You are already thirty, and it's time to think about important things in life."

Zhao Qingyuan reached out and patted Chen Yuheng on the shoulder, "I'll give you the same words, Xiao Chen, at the age of 28, it's time to think about life's major issues!" After he finished speaking, he raised his chin slightly and looked behind Chen Yuheng, "Just now What's the origin of the girl who came downstairs with you? Are you going to introduce me? I'm on the verge of needing a daughter-in-law."

Chen Yuheng glanced at him, "You are not too small."

Zhao Qingyuan smiled: "Not small, not small, not small at all."

Chen Yuheng heard the meaning behind his words, and his expression was a little ugly...

At this time, Zhao Qingyuan said again: "Eh?...Unfortunately, that girl has taken a fancy to Brother Lin."

Chen Yuheng was slightly taken aback, turned around and looked over——

Gu Anbao, who was following behind him, walked to the flower window at some point, and is now sitting and chatting with two young men.

Chen Yuheng's heart suddenly sank, and his brows were slightly frowned in displeasure.

"Who is that person?" Chen Yuheng asked.

Zhao Qingyuan replied: "Lin Yan, the heir of the Lin family, doesn't smoke or drink, doesn't gamble or whore, he is absolutely a good man, hey! This girl has a good eye!"

Chen Yuheng saw the two people talking happily in the distance, but felt... very annoying.He picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, then stood up, determined to drag Gu Anbao back.

She is his robot.

is his.

No one can surpass his intimacy with her.

Even if he struggled, hesitated, lingered, and stagnated, she couldn't... fall in love with someone else, absolutely not.

——Gu Anbao unconsciously walked over after seeing Lin Yan.

She recognized Lin Yan as the person who asked her sister to buy goldfish last time. At first, she was just curious about who Lin Yan was. When she got closer, she heard him talking about goldfish with another person, so she couldn't help but interject and join their discussion. topic.

"...Twelve red lion heads are not worth auctioning at a high price. The lipstick is very unstable. Even if the breeding method is proper, the fish lip lipstick will disappear at any time during the growth process, but the most valuable part of the twelve red lion heads is the lipstick. ..." Gu Anbao's voice was soft and gentle, without rushing, "Compared to comparison, the golden-headed black-and-white lion is much more cost-effective. Although it is equally expensive, its genetic stability is much better than that of the twelve reds, and its breeding Breeding is also more controllable.”

Lin Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked with great interest, "Do you know how to breed goldfish?"

Gu Anbao nodded. This is nothing surprising. The high-end players who raise goldfish basically play breeding after raising them, comparing to see who can breed better-looking goldfish, or hybridize new types, and Gu Anbao, even more The best of the best.

The man next to Lin Yan looked at Gu Anbao in amazement. Generally, good fish breeders are grandpas. This is the first time I have seen such a cute girl. Hearing her talk about the goldfish scriptures is very honest, it doesn't seem fake.

The man couldn't help asking her: "I have a five-flowered blister of Wenzhong, and I want to keep the seeds. I tried it once, but the quality is very poor, the flowers are not formed, and the color is too heavy..."

Gu Anbao tilted his head in distress, "Five-flower blisters... This is really difficult. Even if there are two excellent five-flower blisters at the same time, it may not be able to hatch excellent offspring. I suggest you try to find five-flower blisters first." Breeding, if there is no suitable one, try soaking it in Wenzhong cinnabar water, try not to soak it in gold water and ink, these two colors will not produce good five flowers."

Lin Yan then asked: "Have you ever raised colored phoenix-tailed pearls? If you want to breed..."

The man next to him interrupted him with a smile: "Hey, Lin Yan, you are not being kind. Last year, a colorful phoenix-tailed pearl sold for $[-] in the fish market and became the king of fish back then. Just ask the king of fish when you open your mouth." How to reproduce? If this little girl really told you, it would be unreasonable if you don’t reward me.”

Lin Yan smiled and looked at Gu Anbao, "I'm taking the liberty, but I was fascinated by what I heard, so I couldn't help but want to ask. I have two colorful phoenix-tailed pearls at home, and they failed to reproduce several times..."

Gu Anbao smiled slightly, and said slowly: "The difficulty in breeding colorful phoenix-tailed pearls is not the body color, but the phoenix tail. Most pearl goldfish have short tails. If you want to keep the phoenix tail, you have to..."

Before he finished speaking, his shoulders suddenly sank.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yuheng asked.

 The knowledge about goldfish is from my Baidu, so it may not be correct, so just take a look at it casually, don’t take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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