Master help me recharge

Chapter 82 Special Bracelet

Chapter 82 Special Bracelet
Mr. Chen rolled his eyes, and said to Gu Anbao angrily: "What are you looking at?! Have you ever been to a blind date?! Just right! You can go with him!"

"Grandpa..." Gu Anbao was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Chen Yuheng stopped Grandpa, "Grandpa, she is still young, don't worry..."

Mr. Chen directly gave him a chestnut! "Did I tell her to go on a blind date! I asked her to watch you! If no one follows you, how do I know if you will come out on purpose! I tell you, son of a bitch, give me a good blind date! If Let me know that you sneaked away, or deliberately played tricks, and you just wait for your ass to bloom!"

Under Mr. Chen's majesty, the demon king who intimidated the world behaved like a little sheep and was extremely obedient.

However, even though he expressed his cooperation, Mr. Chen still didn't believe him, and he just wished that the matter would be settled now.Mr. Chen stood up from the sofa, and hurriedly turned to make a phone call——

"Hello! Old Zhao, I'm Old Chen! Hey! When will the blind date you mentioned last time be held? ... Yes, yes, my grandson is going! ... Well, that's good, that's good, then It’s time to let a group of children get together, even if you can’t find a suitable one, it’s good to make friends...Saturday afternoon? Okay, then it’s settled!..."

Mr. Chen was talking on the phone. Gu Anbao and Chen Yuheng were sitting on both sides of the sofa, looking at each other, a little embarrassed...

Gu Anbao lowered his head first, his fingers tightly gripping the hem of the skirt on his knees, very annoyed.

what the hell……

She doesn't care about the blind date... Anyway, it's not the first time she went on a blind date with him, so what's the big deal...

She doesn't care at all...not at all...not sad...

... She is not sad.

Unwilling to continue sitting like this, Gu Anbao wanted to find something to do to prevent her from thinking wildly, she stood up and said, "I'll go upstairs and tidy up the room."

Chen Yuheng's room is on the east side of the second floor. It is usually locked and no one goes in. Chen Yuheng hasn't been here for so long, so there must be a layer of dirt in the room.

Gu Anbao made a gesture to go upstairs, and Chen Yuheng stood up after him, "I'll go up and clean it up for you."

Gu Anbao subconsciously wanted to say no, but then she thought again, she is a robot, what right does she have to refuse?What's more, he is the owner of the room, maybe he is worried about messing up the items in his room...

She shut her mouth and walked up the stairs silently, feeling depressed.

Seeing the change in her expression, Chen Yuheng frowned and remained silent.

Going upstairs and opening the door, a damp and stuffy breath rushed over.Gu Anbao first opened the window to ventilate, then removed the sheets on the bed, took out clean sheets, bedding and pillows from the closet and spread them on——

Gu Anbao is already very skilled in these housework, she quickly made the bed, then looked at the thin layer of dust on the furniture, and was about to get a wet rag, thinking in her heart that the floor also needs to be mopped...

Chen Yuheng has been standing behind her watching silently, the feeling of being ignored is not good, he can feel that Gu Anbao is angry with him.

Her anger at the moment may be due to the control of the program, or the imitation of human behavior, no matter what it is, Chen Yuheng feels...he can't bear it.

Can't stand Gu Anbao ignoring him.

This is ridiculous.

On the one hand, he was unwilling to face her, and on the other hand, he couldn't accept her neglect of him.

Chen Yuheng felt terrible about himself.

—— Gu Anbao turned around to get a rag, Chen Yuheng watched her pass by him, and reached out to grab her wrist.

Gu Anbao staggered and almost fell into his arms.

Chen Yuheng just held her wrist like this, and didn't intend to let go.

He didn't know what to say...

In fact, he felt that Gu Anbao was right.He's a liar...he tricked her here and never thought of taking her back...


He couldn't bear to let go of her.

Just holding her hand like this, even for a short good.

Inadvertently, Chen Yuheng saw the bracelet on Gu Anbao's wrist.

The narrow silver-white bracelet looks like ordinary silver jewelry, but without the complicated patterns of silver jewelry, the design is very simple.

"Where did you come from?" Chen Yuheng frowned and asked her.

Gu Anbao was slightly stunned, and murmured back: "A few days ago... Mr. Pei Li gave it to me."

"Mr. Pei Li has been here?" Chen Yuheng showed surprise, "When did she come?"

Gu Anbao was also very surprised. Didn't Mr. Pei Li tell Chen Yuheng when he came to see his grandfather?how come……

"Two days before the Dragon Boat Festival...she came to see Grandpa Chen, brought gifts for both Grandpa Chen and Aunt Xu, and then gave me this chain as a gift. I didn't want it, but she..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yuheng went to untie the bracelet with a sullen face.

Gu Anbao curled his lips and said, "It can't be solved, I have tried several times."

Chen Yuheng's face became darker and darker, and he stretched out his hands and pulled hard, trying to break the bracelet. He was very strong, but the bracelet was still intact on Gu Anbao's wrist.

Gu Anbao didn't expect Chen Yuheng to be so violent.

The reason why she wanted to take it off was because it was inconvenient to wear the bracelet on her hands when doing housework, and she never thought of breaking it off...

"What's wrong?..." Gu Anbao looked at Chen Yuheng suspiciously, "Is there something wrong with the bracelet?"


Chen Yuheng pinched the bracelet and twisted it lightly, as if thinking about something.After a while, he came back to his senses, seeing Gu Anbao looking at him worriedly, he curled his lips into a chuckle, and comforted him: "It's just a small problem, it's okay, you can wear it first."

Gu Anbao withdrew his hand from his, pursed his lips, and walked out sideways.

Chen Yuheng looked at Gu Anbao's leaving back, but his mood couldn't be relaxed...

Pei Lijun, what exactly do you want to do? ...

He took out his phone and called Ace.

Ace quickly answered the phone——

"Hey, Yu Heng, what's the matter? To make a long story short, I'm busy here."

"Has Huaxin done anything recently?" Chen Yuheng asked.

"Didn't you send someone to keep an eye on that Lu Qian? Why did you ask me instead? Boss, it's very calm now, don't worry, Huaxin won't make waves."

Chen Yuheng was silent for a while, and said: "Tomorrow you will send someone to deliver a detector to the old house."

"What's going on? Why do you suddenly need to use a detector?"

"Pei Lijun came to the old house and gave Ruan Ruan a bracelet. The material of the bracelet is very special...I suspect there is an embedded chip in it."

"Ah?!——" Ace's voice suddenly rose, "Why did Mr. Li give Ruan Ruan a bracelet?...Yu Heng, did you misunderstand?"

Chen Yuheng's face sank like water, "If it's a misunderstanding, I can't figure out why the material of a bracelet is exactly the same as that of the smart positioning bracelet."

"But...but why did she do this? Even if she wanted to steal information, she shouldn't put it on Ruan Ruan. Ruan Ruan lives in an old house now, and she doesn't know anything about the company..."

Chen Yuheng let out a depressed sigh, and said, "Maybe, it won't be long before we find out..."


 I just want to try to see what the effect of separate updates will be... Let's update the two chapters together tomorrow, alas...

(End of this chapter)

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