Master help me recharge

Chapter 76 How To Help

Chapter 76 How To Help

Gu Anqi's boyfriend held her shoulders, looked directly at the man in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Lin seems to be disgraceful to buy things in this way?"

The man's face remained unchanged, and he said slowly: "Calm down your anger, this year's clothing industry is not easy to do, and a number of small and medium-sized enterprises have died. Many people in the industry know about Gu's clothing company, and there is no need to specifically inquire about it. Just happened to tell me that I wanted to buy Lingmei’s goldfish.”

After he finished speaking, he paused, and continued: "My father found out about Lingmei's illness, and felt very sorry. He is willing to pay 100 million yuan to buy these two Dragon Robe Zifengs. Miss Gu, the Dragon Robe Zifengs are very popular in the market 30 is already a high price, and I think my father’s price is very good.”

A little girl next to her snorted a little unconvinced. It seemed that the snake spirit in the group was in the late stage. She said unjustly: "Is it great to have a few stinky money... use money to buy everything..."

Gu Anqi's complexion was also very bad, and she forced herself to reply: "Mr. Lin, you don't need to say any more. Although my father's company has collapsed, the family is not so poor that they have to sell my sister's goldfish for medical expenses."

The other party sighed softly, as if a little helpless, "Please forgive me if my words offend, but I still hope you can think about it again. As far as I know, these two goldfish sisters have been raised for three years , the average lifespan of goldfish is only six or seven years. My father is willing to pay 100 million to buy the remaining four years of life for two fish. The family members are probably not very good at it. Instead of stubbornly leaving the goldfish at home to kill at any time, why not give in and sell it to someone who knows how to raise goldfish? If one day my sister wakes up and finds out that two precious goldfish were not raised properly Wouldn't it be more sad to die?"

Mr. Lin's words made Gu Anqi hesitate.She was really afraid of killing Gu Anbao's favorite goldfish.

I have never taken care of them before, but now that I think about it, the family has become a mess because of the company and my sister's illness. How long has it been since those goldfish were fed?How long has it been since you changed the water?I seem to have heard my sister mentioned before that the filter cotton should be washed regularly, and what bacteria should be replenished regularly?Or a water stabilizer?Can not remember……

At this time, the other party sighed again: "In a while, it will be dog days, the climate where goldfish are most likely to die... If Ms. Gu really disagrees, we can't force it, but can you let my father go and see him?" Two dragon robes and purple phoenix, let my father feast his eyes?"

Gu Anqi looked gloomy, lowered her head slightly, "...I'll go back and discuss it with my family, and I'll give you an answer in a few days."

"Yes, here is my business card, Miss Gu can contact me anytime."


After the man left, the friends in the group bid farewell to Gu Anqi one after another. It would be strange if Gu Anbao stayed alone, so he took advantage of the opportunity to bid farewell to Gu Anqi and left with them.

Before leaving, Gu Anbao didn't forget to take another look at her future brother-in-law...

Looks like a nice guy...

When they got to the elevator, Gu Anbao deliberately took a step behind and separated from them.

She went to the stairwell alone, leaned on the railing and slowly descended, and sat on the steps of the stairs.

There is still some confusion in my mind.

The clothing company at home actually went bankrupt...

Before, she only heard that her father had lost an investment overseas and did not get the money back. How could the company suddenly go bankrupt?Could it be that at that time, the company was already dead? ...

In order for her to recuperate with peace of mind, even if something happened to the company, they wouldn't tell her, would they?
Even though it was already so difficult, she was still allowed to live in the best ward... Even her fish was not willing to sell easily...


Gu Anbao suddenly felt that his behavior of being sad because of Chen Yuheng was so stupid.

She should think of a way to help her family through the difficulties, instead of grieving for the love and complex in her heart every day.Too ignorant...

...what can she do to help her sister and her parents?
Money is necessary, but... where does she get it from?
Gu Anbao's heart was heavy, he was confused and helpless.

Leaving the RK building, Gu Anbao walked on the road with a dazed expression like a lost child, full of confusion and hesitation.

What should I do to get money?

She has lived for 18 years, and the only skills she has mastered are fish farming and drawing manga...

fish culture?Then resell at a high price? ...unrealistic.Rare species of fish fry can only be bought at a high price, as well as various fish farming equipment, feed, fish medicine...everything needs money.

Even if the principal problem can be resolved, it will take at least a year to raise the fry and sell them.Too long... There is no way to help her family.

What about drawing comics? …It’s not realistic, the remuneration for comics is very low, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand, and the time for payment is always delayed… Besides, she doesn’t have a computer and a hand-painted tablet now, so she can’t draw comics.

think again... think again...

What can I do to help her family...

Gu Anbao boarded the bus with a heavy heart, unaware that not far behind her, a woman wearing sunglasses followed her unhurriedly.

Until the bus that Gu Anbao was on left, Pei Lijun looked down at the time, and whispered into the recording pen in his hand: "...the driving performance is good, the data fluctuation is perfect, and no obvious defects are found. It is recommended to observe the experimental body at a close distance in the future."

After she finished speaking, she put the recorder back into her satchel.

Looking at the bus going away, Pei Lijun felt a little pity. When Gu Anbao came out of the old house, she rushed over non-stop. But from turning on the instrument to now, only a small piece of monitoring data was obtained, which really doesn't explain anything wrong.

It would be best if she could get 24-hour data, but she couldn't find a reasonable excuse to stay in the old house for such a long time... Fortunately, although the data obtained today is not comprehensive, it still has research value.

See you later.

Pei Lijun sighed lightly, then smiled slightly, feeling that he need not regret, the existence of Gu Anbao was already a great surprise.

Her experiment was indeed feasible.

The phone rang, and Pei Lijun answered it.

"Why haven't you returned to Xinhai City?"

Pei Lijun smiled and tilted his head, and said to the phone: "I will stay in Qingjiang City for a while. If the company needs me for something, we can hold a video conference. Technically, I will also provide remote support."

"Why, is there anything else you need to do in Qingjiang?"

"Well, something happened." Pei Lijun walked back while talking on the phone, with a happy expression, "It's a very important thing... When I go back, I will report it to the boss in person. During the recent period, how hard you have worked on the company's affairs It's over."

After simply ending the call, Pei Lijun returned to his car, turned on the monitor, the bright spots on the screen flickered, beating non-stop, and walked slowly along the street map.

Pei Lijun stretched out a finger, slowly touched that point, smiled and murmured: "I caught you."


 One thing, you guys never forget...that is, vote for me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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