Master help me recharge

Chapter 55 Come in and Charge (Modify)

Chapter 55 Come in and Charge (Modify)
Chen Yuheng looked at it for a while, and saw Ruan Ruan's small round satchel on the sofa. Without thinking about it, he stretched his arms to take it, took out the phone from inside, and opened it.

She didn't set a lock screen, and the screen was full of various video software and small games that Lulu had downloaded for Ruan Ruan, dazzling her eyes.

Chen Yuheng didn't have the patience to read them one by one, so he clicked on the message, and there were only two or three text messages in it, all of which were advertisements.

Chen Yuheng cut it out and clicked on the address book.

There are four contacts in the address book, namely:

1. Lulu

2. Boss master
4. Allen

Chen Yuheng watched for a while before realizing that the boss owner was referring to himself...

But why is it ranked second?
Chen Yuheng frowned.

Why is Lulu number one?

The slender fingers tapped a few times on the screen to reset the order, and the boss owner jumped up, ranking first.

Chen Yuheng was satisfied.

"It's finished washing..." Gu Anbao stood at the door of the bathroom awkwardly, her eyes were erratic between Chen Yuheng and her mobile phone, and she asked slowly, "...Where are you hanging?"

Chen Yuheng pointed to the balcony.

This is nonsense.

Of course she knew it was hanging on the balcony, but when she saw her mobile phone was held in Chen Yuheng's hand, she started talking nonsense nervously...


Never look at QQ...

Otherwise, she can really only say that she stole someone else's account...

But if he asked himself how did he steal it?how to explain?

Gu Anbao moved his steps heavily, walked to the balcony step by step, dried the big devil's underwear, turned around and looked again, the big devil had already thrown the phone aside, picked up the remote control and started watching TV...


Gu Anbao walked over quickly, grabbed the phone and looked at it, selected the QQ icon and swipe it to uninstall it!

Seeing the prompt message that the uninstallation was complete popped up, Gu Anbao felt relieved.

With a glance, he found Chen Yuheng leaning on the sofa, looking at him with his head tilted, with a faint smile on his lips.Gu Anbao's heart tightened again...

what the hell……

What are you laughing laughing……

bad guy!

The delicacy and shyness she showed were too tempting, Chen Yuheng couldn't hold back, and pulled her into his arms——

Subconsciously wanted to kiss her, but when he saw the two leopard-print ears, he woke up instantly, and finally touched her forehead like a dragonfly.

... It was that kind of palpitation again, but it was stronger than last time.

Gu Anbao dared not move in Chen Yuheng's arms.

Chen Yuheng hugged her quietly, wondering in his heart, what happened to him? ... She is a robot, Chen Yuheng, what are you doing?
A robot, a bunch of program codes, a product of modern technology.

Maybe he's just thinking too much...

When ordinary people see cute kittens and puppies, they also want to hug and kiss them, which is fine.

This is human nature...

Chen Yuheng was convincing himself.

——Ruan Ruan is very cute, it is normal for him to behave like this.

Gu Anbao looked up at him with puzzled eyes.

Chen Yuheng let go of her, patted her on the head, as if nothing had happened, and said in a relaxed tone, "Let's watch TV."



At night, Gu Anbao sat on the sofa to charge his batteries.

Chen Yuheng was worried that she would be as scared tonight as yesterday, and wanted Gu Anbao to come into the room to sleep with him, he opened his mouth, but became a little apprehensive.

Chen Yuheng couldn't figure out what he was thinking about Gu Anbao.

He thought that he liked Ruan Ruan just like he liked a cat or a dog, or he liked a child.But faintly, I feel that something is not quite right...

Maybe, he should stop.

As he once said, betting emotions on inanimate robots is itself sick and deformed and wrong.If feelings arise, they are also based on illusory thoughts, which are definitely not real.

Chen Yuheng was sober.

He has always been more sober than ordinary people.

Close the door, lie on the bed alone, trying to make myself fall asleep as soon as possible.


After lying down for a quarter of an hour, Chen Yuheng sat up, walked to the door a few steps, and shouted: "Ruan Ruan."

"Huh?..." In the dark living room, a small head with ears protruded from the back of the sofa. "What are you doing?"

Chen Yuheng's expression was very serious, "Come in and charge."

Gu Anbao: "..."

is it necessary……

Still carrying his own charging cable, he went in obediently.

Chen Yuheng felt relieved immediately.

He just came in to recharge the battery. He actually struggled with such a simple matter for so long, and even taught himself a lot of great principles!is it necessary?is it necessary!

Chen Yuheng lay down comfortably and said, "From now on, I will go into the house to charge every night."

Gu Anbao was dumbfounded, then nodded with a blushing face...


The next day, Monday, is work day.

I don't know if it was Gu Anbao's illusion, but she felt that Chen Yuheng was a little different.

In terms of specific performance...maybe...that is...the number of pinching her ears has increased?Well, the frequency of face pinching has also become higher...

On the way to the company, almost every time I encounter a red light, I will be pinched...

Gu Anbao blushed and flustered by him, followed him into the RK building in a daze, and was going to take the president's special elevator.

Passing employees greeted Chen Yuheng one after another.

"Mr. Chen is early."

"...Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen."

"Morning Chen..."


One of the doors in the elevator room opened wide, and three men came out from inside. Gu Anbao was stunned when he saw the face of the leading man unexpectedly!

It's him? ...That Director Xu!
The other party also fixedly looked at Gu Anbao...

 The villain is rough again.

(End of this chapter)

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