Master help me recharge

Chapter 45 You are stupid

Chapter 45 You are stupid

Chen Yuheng nodded, "Yeah." I was also wondering what kind of request this baby-like robot would make.

Gu Anbao looked at his face, wondering why he made such a sudden overture, so he tentatively expressed the thoughts that had been haunting him all this time: "I want to go out by myself."

Chen Yuheng was stunned, never expecting that Gu Anbao would make such a request.

I thought, is it true that Ace is right?Ruan Ruan's body, is there really an artificial intelligence life form?So I was curious about the outside world, and then I wanted to go out and have a look...



Chen Yuheng resolutely rejected her.

The look of anticipation on the little face faded in an instant, and it became sullen and lifeless.

Seeing this, Chen Yuheng couldn't bear it, and couldn't help explaining: "It's not safe for you to go out by yourself."

If it is seen as a robot, it is easy to cause trouble.

To put it bluntly, a robot like Gu Anbao is a high-end electronic product that only wealthy families can afford. If it just appears on the street like this, there is no guarantee that you won’t meet someone with a malicious heart, and then drag it to a second-hand robot store. Change the shell and continue to sell.

Gu Anbao understands all these principles.However, it is one thing to understand, and I really let myself accept it... I still feel a little depressed in my heart.

She always thought about finding a chance to see her body again...instead of always staying in the room like this.

I have to find a way to go back...

Between one person and one machine in the room, the atmosphere became inexplicably cold.

Gu Anbao was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk, while Chen Yuheng, although he felt sorry for her, couldn't act shyly to please the robot, let alone change his principles.

Just going to the company in such a stalemate, Chen Yuheng's face has never been clear...

At noon, Ezra took Chen Yuheng to dinner, and couldn't wait to share with him his new imagination of artificial intelligence in the past two days——

"The development of science and technology has increased exponentially. If an artificial intelligence is really born, it may take decades to make the intelligence and perception ability of a human three or four-year-old child, but after that, it only needs a few years. It can deduce general relativity and quantum mechanics in a month! After that, it can upgrade itself to super artificial intelligence in just a few hours! Do you understand? Understand? Think about it... super artificial intelligence!"

Ace put his hands on both sides of his head, imitating the movement of the brain's expansion in a funny way, "Think about it, its intelligence will be at least 17 times that of ours! Not 17 times! It's 17 times! This kind of Level of super intelligence, can ordinary humans understand?! Send you a capital NO! Impossible to understand! Just like ants can’t understand sunspot scattering waves, just like bees can’t understand Keynesian economics! Super artificial intelligence is beyond human imagination !"

Chen Yuheng did not speak with a sullen face, and did not know if he was listening attentively.

Ace talked further and further away, more and more excited, dancing uncontrollably, ignoring the strange eyes of passers-by.

"My God, my God...Yu Heng! This is a crucial moment in human history! Once the super artificial intelligence is born, what is human beings? What is the earth? It's all clouds! Clouds! Think about it, we have already It’s so powerful, it has created cars, trains, airplanes, rockets... Then what will a brain that is 10 billion times smarter than us create! Will the world’s problems that the elders of all countries worry about be still problems? Financial crisis? Incurable disease? Greenhouse effect? ​​Famine? Floods? Are these still problems! Maybe human immortality is as simple as flipping a light switch to superintelligent intelligence! Do you know what that means? It means God is coming! God is coming!—”

God? ...

Chen Yuheng glanced at him lazily, thinking that God wanted to go out for a walk by himself today, and was unhappy after being rejected...

"Hey! Why didn't you react at all?" Ace said dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you curious whether human beings will enter a new era or be destroyed by artificial intelligence?!"

"This morning, I asked Ruan Ruan if there was anything she wanted." Chen Yuheng said lightly.

Ace was immediately intrigued, "And then? And then? How did she answer you?"

"She said she wanted to go out by herself." Chen Yuheng replied, "I didn't agree."

Ace's eyes bulged, and he said after a while, "You're stupid!"

Chen Yuheng: "..."

Chen Yuheng endured it, and then he refrained from getting angry at him, "Do you want me to agree? You are not afraid that the artificial intelligence you have been thinking about has not been upgraded to a super artificial intelligence, and it will be picked up and dismantled into several pieces to be sold as second-hand goods." market!"

Ace shook his exaggerated silver-white hair and laughed muffledly, "Chen Yuheng, Chen Yuheng, I can tell you've never coaxed a woman before."

Chen Yuheng sneered: "You know how to coax, you go!"

Ace spread his hands, "Whoever makes Ruan Ruan like you." He said, and winked, "She will blush only when you talk to her."

Chen Yuheng raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

Ace said: "Are you secretly having fun? Are you? Hahaha! You can't fool me! Hahahahaha..."

Chen Yuheng smiled faintly, but didn't answer.

After all, they were friends for ten years, Chen Yuheng's little complacency, naturally couldn't hide it from Ace, so he couldn't help but laugh right away.He couldn't help but think of Chen Yuheng's romantic love in college. He and Pei Lijun received countless love letter gifts for him, and Chen Yuheng often grabbed him to block the romantic relationship, especially Pei Lijun, who needed to be a guest girlfriend from time to time.

Ace laughed enough, adjusted his facial expression, and said earnestly: "Let me teach you a few tricks."

Chen Yuheng looked at him suspiciously.

Ace said: "When you can't meet a woman's request, you should refuse in a different way... You can't follow her train of thought, but let her follow your train of thought, understand? For example, she wants to go out by herself , you just say yes, but you haven't gone out before, so I'll go out with you this time. Wouldn't this prevent Ruan Ruan from going out alone? It can also show your concern for her. "

Chen Yuheng thought about it for a while, and it made sense.

Ace continued: "You have to take the lead. Do you usually watch those idol dramas? The heroine wants the stars and the moon, but does the hero really have to go to heaven? Buying a few diamonds can still make the heroine happy!"

Chen Yuheng frowned: "Ruan Ruan is a robot."

"Why are you so stubborn, you're boring! Boring!" Ace was unhappy, and muttered, "Is Ruan Ruan an ordinary robot? It's different! She's advanced! Do you understand?"

Chen Yuheng: "..."

Ace's voice changed suddenly, and he said with a shy smile: "How about you see if it's okay, you can lend me Ruan Ruan for a few days, and let me cultivate a relationship with her, I promise! Definitely look after her! I will accompany her wherever I go!"

Chen Yuheng glanced at him, stood up, turned and left.

"Hey?! Hey! Yuheng? Yuheng! Wait for me! Let me tell you if I want to borrow it or not!"


 Saturday, then double update~
(End of this chapter)

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