Master help me recharge

Chapter 344 Death List

Chapter 344 Death List
The days passed, peacefully, at ease.

During this period of time, Chen Yuheng searched the entire Gu family with special sensors, but did not find anything suspected to be a camera or bug. Zilin Manor also arranged for a comprehensive inspection by various security robots, but the final result was that nothing was found.

As she once said, Pei Lijun never appeared.

Although there are various indications that Pei Lijun has not left, there is also no direct evidence that she exists.

Gu Anbao gradually let go of his knots and stopped thinking about it so much.

After entering June, the good news came——

Gu Anbao received the admission letter from Vancouver College of Art and Design!
After receiving the admission notice, she was ecstatic in the first second, and subconsciously wanted to tell Chen Yuheng in the second second!
Amid the good-natured laughter of his family, Gu Anbao ran back to his room shyly and called Chen Yuheng.

"Can you come to my house for dinner this afternoon?" Gu Anbao said softly, "I have some good news for you."

Chen Yuheng asked, "What good news?"

Gu Anbao smiled and said, "I have received the admission letter."

"Wow, this is really good news, what reward do you want?"

"Hmph, I don't want rewards." Gu Anbao still remembered how Chen Yuheng teased him last time, and said coquettishly, "Mom and Dad want to celebrate for me, and they will cook a lot of delicious food for dinner, why don't you come."

She thought that Chen Yuheng would agree straight away, but there was a silence on the other side of the phone.

"Chen Yuheng?" After waiting for a long time for Chen Yuheng's voice, Gu Anbao couldn't help calling out tentatively.

"...Ruan Ruan, I have a meeting in another place, and I can't make it back to Qingjiang today. Next time I will celebrate alone for you, okay?"

"You're not in the company?" Gu Anbao was immediately disappointed. She thought that Chen Yuheng was in the company now, and it would be easy to come over, but she didn't expect that it would be a meeting in another place.

"Well, there is something that needs to be dealt with. I will call you back later."

Gu Anbao sighed silently, "Oh... Got it, you should be busy, don't be too tired."

Chen Yuheng then hung up the phone.

Gu Anbao held up his mobile phone and was stunned for a moment.

This is the first time...

It was the first time that Chen Yuheng hung up the phone before her.

In the past, he would let her hang up first.

Is it really a meeting?Or...was it because of something else?

But she didn't dare to call him again, worried that he was really in a meeting, afraid that it would affect his work...

Sighing in my heart, I tried my best to raise my smiling face and walked out of the room.

Gu Ma smiled and said, "Have you finished calling Xiao Chen? Tell him to come over early, so as not to run into the traffic rush when you get off work late..."

"He has something to do, so he won't come." Gu Anbao explained, "He said he was still in a meeting in another place, and he couldn't make it back today, and he also said that he would help me to celebrate alone next time."

Gu Ma felt a little regretful, but since she was busy with work, there was nothing wrong with it, so she nodded immediately, "Okay, when he comes back, you two will celebrate alone. Tonight, we will celebrate for you first!"

"Okay, I'll call my sister and ask her to come back for dinner early."

"Hurry up, your sister must be very happy to know about this!"



Chen Yuheng is indeed not in Qingjiang City now.

He is in Wu Qingen's new experimental base.

Wu Qingen was still sitting in the wheelchair, Xiao Yu pushed him forward slowly, it seemed to be the same as before, but if you observe carefully, you will find that although Wu Qingen is old, he is very energetic and his eyes are no longer It is limp and half-drooped, but sharp and bright.

"The robot's body is very convenient, but in order not to attract attention, the old general still uses a wheelchair outside..." Xiao Yu pushed the wheelchair and walked in front, "Mr. Chen, this way please."

They walked to the elevator room, Xiao Yu pressed the button for the second basement floor, and the elevator went down.

After arriving, Wu Qing'en stood up slowly, put her hands behind her back, clasped the palms of her hands, and walked out of the elevator slowly.

He walked in the experimental base, as comfortable as walking in his own backyard.

"The recent experiment is going very smoothly, Xiao Chen, you really should take a look, after you read it, you will find that everything you do now is worthwhile..."

Chen Yuheng followed behind him, listening silently.

After entering several floors of security doors one after another, the most secret place of the laboratory is revealed.

Seven or eight researchers in light green coats were busy inside. When they saw Wu Qingen, they stopped their work at the same time and bowed their heads respectfully.

Chen Yuheng found that among these people, there were also some who were not wearing uniforms.

And these people are the humanoid robots that the RK technical team just completed not long ago.

"These three have already completed the part of the spiritual transplant, and they are all trustworthy and loyal to the country." Wu Qingen said with emotion, "They will continue to take office in place of those officials, and they will take all the money from the corrupted ink. turned over to the country. Three more have been sent out...they will complete their mission."

Those people saluted Wu Qingen together, their actions were clean and decisive.

Chen Yuheng knew that these people were probably selected from the army again.

He really wanted to say that being an official is different from being a soldier. These people replace those officials, and they are likely to pass through...

But doesn't Gu Haoyan know about such things?Why let Wu Qing's kindness come and go?

Chen Yuheng decided to keep silent.

Wu Qingen showed Chen Yuheng a tour of various achievements in the laboratory with great interest.

Basically, the materials and equipment left behind by Mr. Pei Li have been thoroughly studied by the researchers under Wu Qingen.

They can very skillfully transplant the experimental body, and adjust the magnetic field force when the magnetic field of the transplanted body is incompatible, so that it can coordinate the corresponding spiritual source.

Even without Mr. Pei Li, this experimental base can operate normally.

Wu Qingen said to Xiao Yu: "Show Xiao Chen the new list."

Xiao Yu walked to a computer, operated it a few times, and then turned the screen around to show Chen Yuheng.

A large string of character information flashed densely on the screen.

Chen Yuheng couldn't help frowning, "How many?"

"23." Wu Qingen replied.

Chen Yuheng showed surprise on his face, took a few steps forward, and looked at the documents more carefully.

After browsing line by line, he finally understood...

The reason why there are so many new lists this time is because there are not only corrupt officials on the list, but more... relatives of officials.

There are husbands and wives, parents, children... as long as they are close people, they are all included.

"It's not unreasonable that there were nine clans in ancient times. These people seem innocent, but they enjoy the rich food and clothing brought by greed." Wu Qingen's face showed contempt and disgust, "Some officials took money and broke the law. Luxury cars in bungalows, sending children abroad, so his family members are not innocent. They are accomplices!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled and said, "Of course, the purpose of doing this is mainly to avoid risks. They are the relatives of those corrupt officials who are most familiar with them. If they find any clues, it will be very harmful to us."

 The fourth update~ Okay, I know what you want to ask, there are about two or three days before the battle between everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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