Master help me recharge

Chapter 325 Homemade Dog Food

Chapter 325 Homemade Dog Food
In the kitchen, Gu Anqi put on an apron, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, studying the steps of the recipe.

Gu Ma stood suspiciously at the door of the kitchen and looked at her, "Can you do it? Don't bring trouble to the kitchen."

"Mom, can't you give me a little encouragement?"

"Hehe... I encouraged you, who will care about my kitchen?" Mama Gu was unmoved.

"Oh, I won't mess it up for you! I promise to clean it up, you keep saying spoiling things and it will affect my performance!"

Gu Ma turned around and left with an indifferent face.

"My mother doesn't believe me so much, is it really okay..." Gu Anqi muttered, looking down at the phone again, "A small handful of spinach, two large green vegetables, soaked in salt water...steamed pumpkin...cut carrots broken……"

Gu Anqi followed the tutorial, "It seems to be quite easy..."

"A large piece of chicken breast, plus four eggs..."

"Adding some garlic can disinfect... Oh, so that's it!"

"Four big bowls of flour, one big bowl of corn flour, one small packet of baking powder, stir..." Gu Anqi ran to the kitchen door, "Mom! Come and help me find out which is corn flour!"

"Hey, miss, you don't even know what corn flour looks like?" Gu Ma came over in taunting mode, glanced at the kitchen countertop, and immediately frowned, "You're going to die! What are you trying to do with so much baking powder? Hurry up and get some out, there are too many! This amount of two grams of baking powder is enough! Do you know how much two grams are?!"

Gu Anqi shook her head sincerely, "I don't know."

Gu Ma regretted the way she raised her forehead back then, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have spoiled you and given you princess disease."

Gu Anqi giggled and said poorly: "How can it be said that it is the princess's disease, if it is sick, it should be the queen's disease."

Gu Ma poured out the baking powder in the basin, "Yes, yes, I am the nanny who serves the empress... What will I do next? Don't mess around, let's see what you do... This is what you want to do. vegetables?"

Gu Ma directly poured out all the green vegetables that Gu Anqi had chopped, and picked up a kitchen knife for secondary processing, "Do you understand what chopping is? And these carrots, you cut them so thickly, how will they be mixed into the dough then?"

Checked the same thing, except that the pumpkin was steamed, all other vegetables and meat knife skills Gu Ma gave a bad review!
The mother and daughter were busy in the kitchen for a while, and finally finished.I have to say that since Mama Gu joined, the efficiency has improved a lot.

"Then how do we do it? Hurry up, I'll make lunch after freeing up the space." Gu Ma urged.

Gu Anqi looked at the phone, "It seems to be ok, the above said, and then put it in a warm place to wait for fermentation."

"Okay, put it in the fermentation machine...Okay, go out, I'm going to start preparing lunch...Look at the mess, go out."

Gu Anqi was kicked out by Gu's mother, looked at the golden retriever who had been guarding the kitchen door, and stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Look, is it easy for me to cook for you?"

The golden retriever came over, lowered his head and licked her instep, then her ankle, and wagged her tail affectionately.

Gu Anqi smiled and rubbed his big head.

"Hey?! Did you all watch the news?" Dad Gu stood up in the living room, looked around, and finally looked at Gu Anqi, "Xiao Chen's mother has cancer! Is it true? Where's Anbao?"

"Drawing comics in the room." Gu Anqi went to Gu Anbao's room and knocked on the door, "Anbao?"

After a while, Gu Anbao opened the door and looked at his father and sister in confusion.

"An Bao, do you know that Xiao Chen's mother has cancer?" Papa Gu asked.

Gu Anbao couldn't help frowning slightly.This thing spread really fast...

"We only found out after reading the news. Chen Yuheng doesn't have much contact with his mother. Now he has gone to the hospital to resolve this matter...Don't worry, Dad..."

Father Gu frowned and nodded, "It's time to solve it. If it's not handled well, it will make people poke their spines."

"Yes." Gu Anbao comforted his father, "Don't worry, Dad, he will take care of it."

Papa Gu thought for a while, and then said, "Ask Xiao Chen later to see if you need me and your mother to visit the hospital."

Gu Anbao felt that Chen Yuheng might not be happy to see her family and Yu Qinglan get too close...

But her father was kind, so she nodded, "I'll ask him."

"Okay, dad." Gu Anqi stretched out her hand and pushed Gu's dad into the living room, "I don't know what's going on, Chen Yuheng and An Bao have been together for so long, and his mother has never offered to see his future daughter-in-law. What are we doing?" Hurry up to do favors, this matter, Chen Yuheng knows it well, and he will arrange it."

"But... other diseases are fine, this cancer..." Father Gu hesitated.

After all, they are also in-laws, and now they know that the other party has an incurable disease. If they don't go to visit, wouldn't it be justifiable?

Gu Anqi dragged her father back to the sofa to sit down, and prevaricated: "Besides, isn't An Bao still preparing for the exam? When is it... It seems to be March 3?... It's almost here, It's better not to get involved in this matter, so as not to be thankless."

"Ah, the exam..." Papa Gu also remembered this, and looked at Gu Anbao, "But, Anbao was in the hospital for a month before... Is it too late now? It's too late to take the boat."

Although the heart transplant has already been done, after all, it's only been a month, and the family is definitely worried about letting Gu Anbao go by plane.

Gu Anbao forced a smile, "It's okay, the big deal is to take the exam next year."

Missing the opportunity to go to college, she felt somewhat regretful.

Turning around and going back to the house, she continued to draw her Mars Goldfish cartoon, which hadn't been updated for a month in the hospital, so she had to make up for it quickly.

After drawing an article, log in to the background of the website to publish it, and at the same time send a copy to your mailbox as a backup.

— There are several new emails in the mailbox.

Gu Anbao took a glance and found an email with an English title, thinking it was spam.

Selected, ready to delete.

There was a sudden pause...


This seems to be...

Gu Anbao clicked on the email in disbelief, and carefully read the full English email word for word, his heart pounding!
God, God!
It's the exam notification letter from Vancouver College of Art and Design!
"Father! Mom! Sister!" Gu Anbao ran out of the room excitedly, ecstatic, "I can take the exam!"

In the living room, Papa Gu and Anqi Gu looked confused, and Mama Gu also ran out of the kitchen upon hearing the sound.

"What's going on? What happened?" Gu Ma asked repeatedly, "What exam? Where do you take the exam?"

"Vancouver School of Art and Design!" Gu Anbao's brows and eyes were crooked, "The school sent me a notice, saying that the school will organize online exams for students who are not in good health but have excellent works, and there is no need to go to Vancouver. I can take the exam!"

(End of this chapter)

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