Master help me recharge

Chapter 29 Hug 1 Hug

Chapter 29

"Ruan Ruan," he shouted.

Even he himself didn't realize how soft the sound was.

After waiting for a while, the black cat's ears trembled slightly, and there was a rustling sound from behind the cardboard box, as if it wanted to stand up... Following the movement, the dust on the cardboard box fell down finely.

Chen Yuheng waited patiently for a while, and finally saw Gu Anbao half propped up, revealing half of his face.

When Gu Anbao saw Chen Yuheng, he cried aggrievedly: "Chen Yuheng, I'm broken..."

Crying without tears, thin and weak, a bit like a kitten...

When Chen Yuheng heard her voice, for some reason, the initial anxiety disappeared, but instead... a little bit like laughing...

Chen Yuheng walked over, walked around the pile of waste cardboard boxes, and saw the disheveled robot sitting behind him. He knelt down, looked at her at the same level, reached out and wiped her dusty face a few times, and said: "You are not broken, you just out of battery."

Gu Anbao was stunned.

……out of battery?

She thought she was broken!In a panic, he looked for a place to hide, for fear of being dragged away by the old man who picked up the rags!

It turned out - it was out of power! ! !
"Actually, it shouldn't be so fast." Chen Yuheng touched the button on the back of her neck and pressed it twice, but there was no "beep" sound from the button. It seemed that even the emergency power supply was almost exhausted. "The electricity is generally enough to last for half a month. Have you ever carried out activities that consume more electricity?"


Gu Anbao looked at him in a daze, thought for a while, and answered in a low voice: "Running...does it count?"

"Yeah." Chen Yuheng nodded, "How long have you been running?"

"No... I don't know..." At that time, I was so scared that I didn't think about the time issue at all, but then the sun went down, so... it should be... a long time...

Chen Yuheng asked again: "So, you walked here?"

Gu Anbao nodded.

Chen Yuheng laughed softly, "No wonder the power is insufficient... From the film and television base to the vicinity, you have traveled at least 150 kilometers."

Gu Anbao lowered his head...has he been discovered?The matter of sneaking out by myself...

Suddenly the phone rang——

Chen Yuheng answered the phone.

"Mr. Chen, the robot may be short of power, and the positioning marks on the map have disappeared."

"I've found her. You go back to the company to prepare. I'll take her back to the company now."

Hanging up the phone, looking at the stupid robot, "Can you still stand up?"

Gu Anbao struggled a few times on the spot, except for the layers of dust falling off, his body was still paralyzed in the pile of debris, motionless.

He could only raise his face pitifully and look at Chen Yuheng.

Chen Yuheng shook her head helplessly, sighed a little funny, and reached out to support her back and legs——

Gu Anbao was startled, and hurriedly said: "No! I, I am too heavy!"

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Yuheng had already hugged him.


He is so strong...

Gu Anbao looked at Chen Yuheng in disbelief.

The body structure of the robot is basically made of metal materials, and she weighs at least one hundred and seventy to eighty catties now... I didn't expect him to hug her like this? !
Chen Yuheng carried Gu Anbao all the way back to the car before putting her down.Open the car door, put her in, and connect a USB charging cable from the car to Gu Anbao to plug it in.

"How did you do this?" He asked lightly, taking out a wet tissue to wipe her face.

Because it was connected to the wire, Gu Anbao didn't dare to move around, and obediently sat in the passenger seat and let Chen Yuheng wipe his face.Hearing him ask himself, he replied in a low voice: "I was afraid of being picked I hid. I know it's a bit dirty there, but...I couldn't find a better place."

Chen Yuheng wiped her face clean, and gently picked up a piece of cracked fabric on the skirt with two fingers, with a smile on his lips, "What about here, huh?"

Gu Anbao opened his mouth... not knowing how to answer him.

Chen Yuheng only scratched her skirt and socks when she fell down, without thinking too much, turned around to start the car, but saw half of her underwear protruding from her neckline...

Before Gu Anbao could react, Chen Yuheng had already picked up the strap and pulled it lightly, and he pulled her underwear out from the neckline——

Gu Anbao was completely dumbfounded...

Two seconds later, his face was no different from that of a cooked crayfish!
However, Chen Yuheng's face darkened. He looked at the broken underwear belt, and asked in a serious tone: "What's going on?"

Wrestling won't break the underwear belt, right?This was obviously ripped off.

Gu Anbao pursed his lips and remained silent.

Chen Yuheng was silent for a while with a gloomy face, and suddenly seemed to realize something, threw the underwear aside, flipped over her skirt to check inside!
Gu Anbao was about to explode!Covering her skirt with both hands desperately, she shouted in extreme embarrassment: "No! He didn't!..."

After shouting, she regretted it...

"He?" Chen Yuheng asked with deep black eyes fixed on her, "Who?"

Gu Anbao didn't dare to look directly at him, lowered his eyes, and explained in a low voice: "...It was just a misunderstanding, the director thought... I was a robot like SOL11..."

Chen Yuheng's face turned pale instantly!A punch on the back of her seat!The force was so great that even the sunny doll hanging in the car shook.

His feeling at the moment was as disgusting as if he had swallowed a fly alive!
"Where did he touch you?" Chen Yuheng asked with suppressed anger.

"He...he..." Gu Anbao was frightened by his appearance, and replied intermittently, "...Push me onto the table, and I... just hit him with an ashtray..."

As she spoke, the scene of the man lying motionless on the ground seemed to reappear in front of her eyes again, and Gu Anbao couldn't help shivering, and continued: "Then he didn't move, and there was blood on his head... I... Am I right?" Killed?..."

When Chen Yuheng heard this, he smiled very coldly.

Definitely not dead.

If a well-known director died suddenly, it would be impossible for him to have no news.Chen Yuheng reckoned that the other party was not only not dead, but also not seriously injured. This can be seen from Shen Xinran going to the set to film as usual.

"Next time hit the key point." Chen Yuheng said coldly.

Gu Anbao nodded his head with difficulty and extremely slowly.

Only now was Chen Yuheng satisfied, with a black face, he turned around and started the car.

The car started to drive, Gu Anbao sat in the passenger seat and thought for a while, and finally understood the meaning of Chen Yuheng's words——

That person... is not dead...

She did not kill!
She did not kill!

The tight strings in my heart finally loosened, and a relaxed smile appeared on my face.

Great...don't worry about being complained...

"You know he's not dead, are you happy?" Chen Yuheng asked suddenly.

Gu Anbao smiled shyly and shook his head, "I'm not very happy."

But I was thinking in my heart: I will not be dragged back to the factory for destruction, of course I am happy...

Chen Yuheng stopped suddenly!

The brakes were a little hasty, and Gu Anbao's forehead hit the glass all of a sudden.

 Starting from next week, there will be double changes every Friday and Saturday, and single changes will be carried out the rest of the time.

(End of this chapter)

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