Master help me recharge

Chapter 23 2 scene

Chapter 23 Two Scenes


It's amazing...

Qin Yu didn't want to go into details, so he replied with a smile: "Isn't it great? Started from scratch, founded RK, and was already worth hundreds of billions at the age of 28."

The assistant replied flatteringly: "If you say that, then our President Qin is really powerful. President Qin is also 28 years old, and she is still a woman! I have never seen a woman as powerful as President Qin!"


Qin Yu smiled absent-mindedly, but did not answer.

At this time, the assistant said again: "However, Mr. Chen is really a weird person, he doesn't seem to want to talk to us very much. I saw a report last time saying that he has eccentricities! He only likes to stay with robots. I don't like to socialize with ordinary people... Otherwise, why would he insist on investing in a robot hotel when the hotel market is already saturated..."

Qin Yu laughed, "Those entertainment news can't be taken seriously. RK itself is a medical technology product. Later, because one of RK's shareholders, Ace, advocated the development of a robot intelligence system, RK will slowly transform. The relationship with Chen Yuheng Not big."

The assistant showed a look of sudden realization, thought for a while, and said, "I still think he... is a bit too cold..." As he spoke, he glanced at Qin Yu carefully.

Among the people who worked with Qin Yu in the past, which one was not enthusiastic?Not to mention Qin's Fenghong's proud assets, just having a beautiful woman like Qin Yu standing in front of her is enough for them to be courteous and flattering.

But Chen Yuheng's neither salty nor light attitude...

Qin Yu didn't take it seriously when he heard the words, and curled his lips: "Is it bad? If he is too enthusiastic about me, heh... I may not cooperate with RK."

Hasn't she seen enough of flattering people?There are countless rich children who rely on family assets and parents to help them succeed in starting a business. They think they are very capable. In fact, without those resources and backgrounds, there are only jokes left.

But Chen Yuheng is different, he is different from them...

Qin Yu believes that RK will not disappoint her in this cooperation.

The assistant hadn't figured out the deep meaning in Qin Yu's words, and looked up again, and found that the beautiful and capable female president had gone a long way, and hurried to catch up with her bag.


Xinhai City is close to the bay, and the temperature is slightly higher than that of Qingjiang City. Even though it is still April, the air here already has a hot flash that can only be seen in summer.

Chen Yuheng took a shower, changed into comfortable pajamas, walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and quietly watched the night scene outside.

Tomorrow's press conference, Pei Lijun, as the newly appointed CTO of Huaxin Technology, will inevitably attend.Unexpectedly, when we meet again, it will be in this capacity...

Friends of yesteryear have become rivals of today.

The phone rings—

Chen Yuheng glanced at it and frowned.

It was Shen Xinran.

As before, he was ready to ignore it, but he stopped when he turned around, and he didn't know what he thought of. He turned around and connected the phone.

"Hey, brother, are you already in Xinhai City? Which hotel are you staying in? Are you tired?"

Chen Yuheng casually looked at the lights and shadows of vehicles flowing downstairs, and replied, "It's okay."

"I'm free the day after tomorrow, and I want to go to the Fantasy City Paradise in Xinhai City, brother, can you accompany me?"

Chen Yuheng did not answer her, but was silent for a moment, and asked, "How is Ruan Ruan?"

Shen Xinran on the other end of the phone was confused, "Ruan Ruan? Brother, what Ruan Ruan?"

Chen Yuheng said: "Robot."

Only then did Shen Xinran remember that Lulu had said that the robot's name was Ruan Ruan.

She glanced at Gu Anbao beside her, and replied casually: "Well, it's very easy to use. I can understand the basic instructions and can have simple conversations. I filmed a few scenes for me today. The director is very satisfied and has been talking to me all the time. Ask if I can sell it to him, hehe, I will tell him that the robot my brother lent me is of course the best robot!"

Chen Yuheng didn't want to hear this at all...

"Is there any damage?" In order to simulate the best skin touch, Ace used very special and fragile materials, which were easily scratched and scratched.

"Nothing... nothing knocked or dropped, not a single hair missing, brother, if you are worried, you can come and check it yourself."

When Shen Xinran said this, he suddenly felt that this was a good idea, and immediately said repeatedly: "Come on, come on! Brother, you haven't been to the set yet! I'm playing a friendly princess this time, and the costumes are beautiful. ..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, Shen Xinran waited for a while, but did not hear Chen Yuheng's voice, she called out, "Brother?...Hello?"

"Let Ruan Ruan answer the phone." Chen Yuheng said.

Shen Xinran was stunned.

Did you hear me right? ...have a robot answer the phone?

Shen Xinran looked at Gu Anbao who was standing by the wall blankly, and said hesitantly, "Brother, are you... are you letting a robot... answer the phone?"

Chen Yuheng gave a faint "hmm".

Shen Xinran stared at the phone screen, puzzled.And robots, what's there to say?

She held up the phone and said to Gu Anbao: "Ruan Ruan, come and answer the phone."

The robot didn't seem to hear, and remained motionless.

Shen Xinran thought that her pronunciation was not clear enough, so she repeated again: "Ruan Ruan, come here, answer the phone."

Gu Anbao raised his head in a daze, and realized that Shen Xinran was calling her.

answer the phone?
……what phone?
She walked over slowly and reached for the mobile phone that Shen Xinran handed over. At this moment, Shen Xinran seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly avoided Gu Anbao's extended hand, and then directly pressed the call release button, saying: "OK Now, bro, you can say it, Ruan Ruan is right next to me."

Chen Yuheng didn't have anything to say for a moment... He thought for a while and said, "Ruan Ruan, tell me about today's schedule."

Gu Anbao recognized that it was Chen Yuheng's voice, and his heart trembled slightly... All kinds of negative emotions that had been suppressed in his heart all day today suddenly surged up!
Want to vent! ...But after thinking about his identity at the moment, he pressed down even deeper, and kept pressing down deep in his heart...

"I...I changed my clothes today." She tried her best to keep her voice as calm as a robot should be, "I also put on makeup... In the afternoon, I shot two scenes, one was running in the woods, one... Inside the hole..."

She couldn't speak any more.

Chen Yuheng frowned, worried that the robot's special skin would be scratched by branches while running, so he continued to ask patiently, "Well, what did you shoot in the cave?"

Gu Anbao recalled the scene during the day, and the extreme fear and panic seemed to still remain in her body... She lowered her eyes and tried hard to control her body from trembling, she whispered back: "There are many snakes in the cave... "

Her body was covered with snakes, and the fear was clearly deep in her bones, but she couldn't scream, and she couldn't struggle... The lights and the camera lens were aimed at her, and they took pictures over and over again——

Snakes circling around the ankles, snakes wrapped around the arms, snakes crawling along the thighs, snakes spit out letters, snakes with wide mouths... Every shot is a close-up, and these close-up shots will be edited later It is sometimes used in the scene where Shen Xinran is trapped in the snake den.

After the filming was over, she curled up in a corner of the studio and kept shaking, she couldn't stop shaking at all.Those busy workers who were running around smiled and said when they passed by her, "Haha, this robot is really interesting and trembling."

Facing the ridicule, Gu Anbao could only hug himself tighter with both arms, unable to say a word.

Chen Yuheng frowned when he heard the snake, and asked, "Did it bite you?"

(End of this chapter)

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