Master help me recharge

Chapter 223 White Cat

Chapter 223 White Cat

Gu Anqi held her mobile phone and walked happily.

Mu Qing took her hand and walked slowly into the community, couldn't help but said: "Don't look at your phone while walking, be careful not to fall."

"Look, it's so funny." Gu Anqi put her phone in front of Mu Qing, "Look at this Weibo message."

A trace of impatience appeared on Mu Qing's face, "You read their Weibo every day, what's the point..."

Gu Anqi pouted unhappily, "I think it's fun, and besides, it's my sister's Weibo, so it's normal for me to pay attention to it."

Mu Qing replied with some embarrassment: "I just think that we should have our own lives, and we don't need to pay attention to what other people are doing every day..."

Gu Anqi blinked in confusion, "How can you say it's someone else, that's my own sister."

Mu Qing frowned and said nothing.

Gu Anqi saw that his expression was wrong, thought for a while, and said softly: "You know, because she has been in poor health since she was a child... Our family has always favored her, and now she is about to get engaged to Chen Yuheng, my parents, And me, naturally I will pay more attention, Mu Qing, you... can understand, right?"

"Well, I can understand." Mu Qing forced a smile, "Go up quickly, I'll go back first."

Gu Anqi was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you going up?" She would usually be sent home.

"No, I'm a little tired today." Mu Qing patted her on the shoulder, "Go up quickly and rest early."

Mu Qing turned to leave, Gu Anqi looked at his leaving back with a dazed expression and a slightly sour heart.

He lowered his head and was about to enter the apartment building, only to find a pure white cat sitting at the door of the apartment building.

"It's so cute..." Gu Anqi walked over, and instead of running away, the cat meowed at her twice, making Gu Anqi so cute, "Which cat do you belong to?"

He reached out and hugged it, and immediately felt the difference.

"So it's a smart pet..." Gu Anqi said suspiciously, "It's very expensive, how could it come out..."

She walked in with the cat in her arms, muttering: "You are lucky to meet me, but you will be in trouble if you meet a waste collector... Hey, call the property tomorrow and ask who owns it." Smart pets."

After returning home with the cat in their arms, Father Gu and Mother Gu saw it in the living room, and were taken aback.

"Where did the cat come from?"

"The one I picked up downstairs is a smart pet." Gu Anqi put the cat down, went to the dining table and poured herself a glass of water, "I guess it ran away from home by accident. If the owner doesn't come tomorrow, I will Take the cat to the property to register, now a smart pet like this costs 10,000+ yuan, I guess the owner must be crazy..."

"It's really not cheap." Gu Ma took a second look curiously.

The white cat walked gracefully and slowly in the living room, and it was so vivid that it couldn't be seen from its appearance that it was a mechanical cat.

Gu Ma looked at Gu Anqi who was drinking water again, "Why did you come back so early today? Where's Xiao Mu?"

Gu Anqi swallowed the water, with a calm expression, "He's been a little busy recently."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly thought of something, and she moved to Gu's father and mother with a smile, "Dad, mom, let me show you something fun..."

"What is this?"

"Hee hee! It's An Bao! She and Chen Yuheng were shopping for an engagement ring in Yinlou, and they were photographed! Here, read the comments below, I laughed so hard today..."

"Force-feeding dog food?... What kind of mess..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

No one noticed that the white cat ran into Gu Anbao's room without a sound——

There was no one in the girly room.

Gu Anbao hasn't come back yet.

The white cat jumped on the table—

A pure white drawing book with lots of villains scribbled on it; a mug with her lip lines left on the rim; a pink hairpin with a few strands of black hair wrapped around it...

The cat's pupils stretched slightly, turned to look at other places, bed, cabinet, table, chair...

It raised its head, looked at a plush rabbit visiting the top shelf of the bookcase, narrowed its eyes slightly, bowed and jumped——

Fall through.

fell to the ground...

From the cat's mouth, a lazy woman's voice came out: "You are really right... Huaxin's product is indeed a bit worse than RK, it can't jump two meters, so I have the nerve to call it a smart pet cat... ..."

"Oh, what a hassle..." it complained.

Shaking the cat fur on his body, he bowed and jumped onto the table next to the bookcase first, and jumped onto the bookcase again by taking advantage of the height of the table.

This time it worked.

The cat spit out a black round object from its mouth.

The white cat stretched out its paws and pawed at the plush rabbit a few times. It felt that the decorative bow on the rabbit was good, so it pressed the little black thing on it. It seemed to have stickers on the back. Once it was pressed, it stuck to the bow. above.

After finishing all this, it jumped off the bookcase and admired it for a while with satisfaction.

It seemed that someone had come back from outside, and after the click of the door opened, footsteps followed.

"An Bao is back, have you eaten yet?"

"Well, I ate outside."

Gu Anbao took off his coat as he walked towards the room.Suddenly seeing a cat coming out of his room, he couldn't help being stunned.

……cat? !
A short look--

The white cat ran to the gate, jumped up, pulled the handle, opened the door, jumped down again, and ran out...

A cat that opens doors by itself? ? ?
Gu Anbao yelled in surprise: "Mom? A cat ran out just now!"

Gu Anqi heard the sound and came out of her room, "The cat ran away?...I just picked it up from downstairs, so let's run away if it runs away, so we don't have to look for the property."

Gu Ma muttered: "I hope I can go home, otherwise it's too unsafe to run outside with 10,000+ yuan..."

Gu Anqi shook her hands and turned back to the room, "Don't worry, there are police if you lose it."

Gu Anbao stared blankly at the door opened by the cat. After a while, he let out a sigh of relief and walked over to close the door again.

Is it an illusion?

I always is very similar to the body she used in the experimental base before...

But this kind of smart pets all look the same, maybe they are raised by the neighbors downstairs...


The instrument made a slight beeping sound, and the interval time became shorter and shorter, and finally connected in a line, turning into a long low-frequency light sound——

The man lying on the pure metal induction platform finally slowly opened his eyes.

He frowned as if having a headache, then propped himself up with one hand, and slowly sat up.

Discomfort is the sequelae of mental transfer.

A woman stood upright beside the instrument, and said in a calm voice, "The third generation of the soul proton instrument...Compared with the second generation, it is more suitable for the human body."

Pei Lijun supported his aching head, feeling irritable, feeling that this body was too incompetent.

"Has Lu Anxu been here today?"

"Come here, confirm the subject of the experiment and the time of the experiment, and then leave."

Pei Lijun turned over and came down from the metal induction stage, "Go and prepare, there will be a big show tomorrow."

The woman's figure disappeared into the darkness, her voice was soft and cool: "Yes."

 Today's four updates are over~~~ Recently, I can't bear to code 8000 words a day, so after tomorrow's four updates, the speed will drop a little from this Saturday, and it will be changed to three updates a day.But don't worry, let me take a rest for a few days, and I will be back in the fourth and fifth shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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