Chapter 211

Gu Anbao nodded in a daze.

The corner of Chen Yuheng's mouth curled into a faint smile.What I like the most is that she is like a kitten, relying on her cute appearance wholeheartedly.

He said: "You don't have to think too much about heart disease. I've made an appointment with a few doctors and I'll give you a comprehensive consultation in a few days."

Gu Anbao nodded obediently.

He added: "If your family members ask you about getting engaged, don't agree to it."

Gu Anbao continued to nod...



Gu Anbao felt himself awake a little bit.

Moist eyes widened a little, and he asked hesitantly, "...don't agree?"

Chen Yuheng nodded, "Well, it's fine if you don't agree, or don't speak, or express your opinion."


In fact, I would like to ask why.

But she felt that today's Chen Yuheng was good or bad, so fierce... Gu Anbao was too weak to ask...

Guessing that it was almost time, Chen Yuheng asked Gu Anbao to get up from his lap, and stood up himself.

After all, it is at her home, so it is necessary to know how to stop, as the two of them spend too much time alone will cause the other's parents to worry.

Chen Yuheng understands the measure.

But seeing that he was about to leave, Gu Anbao was very reluctant, hugged his waist from behind, and said in a muffled voice, "Aren't you going to stay with me anymore?..."

She felt that she was not worth it.

After dinner, my sister and brother-in-law can go out for a movie date, but she can't...

Although it's good to stay at home, but...Chen Yuheng can't stay with her for too long.

The time alone is so short.

Chen Yuheng turned around, touched her little head, and said softly, "It's too late today, it's not appropriate to take you anywhere, wait until tomorrow, I'll pick you up early tomorrow, okay?"

Gu Anbao was a little worried, "But my sketch is not finished yet..."

There are still a lot of pictures of the surrounding printed materials that have not been drawn.

Chen Yuheng smiled: "I'll ask someone to move a new computer to my office. The configuration is all according to your requirements. I will install any software you need in advance. You can draw in my office."

Gu Anbao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Okay!" She said happily, "Then I will send you a short message about the required configuration later."

It is nothing more than those 3C products of the drawing board, and RK is definitely not lacking!
After chatting for a while, finally opened the door, greeted Gu's parents and mothers politely, and Chen Yuheng was about to leave.

Gu Anbao took him by the corner of his clothes, reluctantly sent him to the door, and said, "Don't forget to post the video when you get home..."

Chen Yuheng leaned over, exhaling hot air in her ear, her voice was hoarse and sexy: "What do you want to watch in the video? No clothes... How about it?"

Standing up, I successfully saw the little girl turn into a cooked shrimp in a second.

He pinched her little face in a good mood, then turned and entered the elevator.

Gu Anbao stood awkwardly at the door of the house, covering his cheeks, and muttered in a low voice: "Bad guy."

When I entered the room, I heard my parents chatting, as if they were talking about Chen Yuheng.

"...Well, you are very prudent and measured in doing things. The gifts you choose for us are not overly expensive."

"I don't think he cares about Xiaobao in general. Although he was a little hasty, it doesn't make any difference whether it's earlier or later."

"Yeah, if you want to say that this fate is really amazing, Xiaobao was sick and transferred to another hospital, and after half a year of tossing, he finally met him on the street. I think the two of them are really destined..."

"Well, how about, wait until he brings it up again next time, let's agree. It's not easy for Xiao Chen..."

When the couple saw their daughter entering the room, they stopped talking at the same time.

Gu's mother waved to her daughter with a pleasant smile, "An Bao, come here."

What are you doing?

Gu Anbao came over.

Gu Ma asked, "You and Xiao Chen have a very good relationship."

Gu Anbao murmured back: "It''s okay..."

"Actually, your father and I think that the time you two have spent together is still too short. There is no need to be so anxious about getting engaged, but Xiao Chen is quite sincere, so I want to ask for your opinion."

I have no opinion...

Seeing that her daughter was silent, Gu's mother moved closer, "What do you think? I'm engaged to Xiao Chen... Do you want to?"

"I..." She opened her mouth, remembering Chen Yuheng's advice, she couldn't help but shut her mouth again, with her hands behind her back, tangled together.

The baby girl hesitated to speak, Gu's mother and Gu's father looked at each other, then looked at Gu Anbao again: "What's wrong?"

Gu Anbao refused to speak.

Gu's mother was a little anxious, "You don't want to get engaged? Or don't you like Xiao Chen? What's the matter, tell your parents."

Gu Anbao was so questioned that he couldn't help it, so he choked out a sentence: "I...I don't know..." Then he turned and ran into the room, closing the door with a bang.

In the living room, Gu's father and Gu's mother looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, Gu's mother's eyes slowly turned red, "My little treasure... my heart is suffering..."

The good girl obviously looks like a baby who is bitter in her heart and doesn't talk about it.

Papa Gu sighed again and again with a heavy expression.

Gu's mother wiped her tears and said: "When eating, she can't spare a moment to peel Xiao Chen's shrimp, and when leaving, she is also reluctant to part, she obviously likes it very much..."

Gu's father shook his head and sighed: "She is afraid of dragging Xiao Chen... Xiao Chen is right, An Bao is prone to shrink back, so it's impossible not to settle the relationship."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Xiao Chen who found her by accident, An Bao would probably keep it a secret. She's too kind-hearted and stubborn, and she always doesn't want to cause trouble for others..."

The eyes of the couple met again, and they found resonance in each other's eyes!
——Gu Anbao didn't notice all kinds of things happening outside.

She was sitting on the bed with a big plush bear in her arms, still feeling uneasy.

What if mom and dad don't agree to the engagement... what should I do...

Gu Anbao poked the plush bear's nose, puffed his cheeks and said, "If your parents don't agree, it's all your fault. Who told you not to allow me to agree..."

He poked the bear's nose several times and felt it was not good, so he stretched out his hand to touch it lightly, and said in a soft voice: "If they really don't agree... I will cry. Once I cry, my parents will definitely agree. Now, am I smart or not? Come on, praise me."

The plush bear said nothing.

It is said to be a plush toy... How could it be possible to talk?

Gu Anbao chuckled and rolled on the bed with the bear in his arms, feeling stupid but sweet in his heart.

Thinking about it, I'm pretty worthless. I clearly thought about it before, and I will never see each other again...

When she knew that she only had a year and a half left, she was really timid.It was like being sentenced to death, not knowing how to face that despair.

But when I really saw him, I was immediately eaten to death, and I was made to cry and laugh for a while...

The silly idea of ​​wanting to escape once sprouted, but at this moment, it disappeared.

I just want to be well, with you.

 This is the end of today's fourth update. Readers, prepare book coins and book coupons. I will be waiting for you at the old place at 12 noon tomorrow!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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