Master help me recharge

Chapter 197 Face Slap Complete

Chapter 197 Face Slap Complete
Ma Rong just wanted to say that this matter is not something you, a child, can hear, but Mr. Xu spoke up first, and said slowly: "I am going to use five flowers and auspicious four bubbles, and red gold dragon eyes and phoenix tail, little girl, what do you have?" idea?"

Gu Anbao shook his head lightly, "The two methods you mentioned are already the best. If it were me, I would choose these two methods."

Ma Rong showed sarcasm.

Gu Anbao pretended not to see it, and after finishing speaking calmly, he turned to look at Lin Yan and said, "Boss Lin, it seems that you don't need my help here, so let's take our leave first."

After all, without waiting for Lin Yan to speak, he pulled Gu Anqi outside.

Ma Rong's voice came from next to my ear: "Let me tell you, what does this kind of child understand? These are all works of art, does she understand? I'm afraid she thought she was shopping at the vegetable market..."

Gu Anbao stopped, took a deep breath, and turned around.

"By the way, I forgot to mention that although those two methods are good, they will definitely not succeed. Use five-flower auspiciousness to protect the four bubbles and lose the phoenix tail, use red gold dragon eyes to protect the phoenix tail and lose the four bubbles, and the golden flower body The color will disappear [-]%, you can try it."

"You!!" Ma Rong glared.

Gu Anbao added: "Also, this auntie, you are really the most bitter, mean, vulgar, and ignorant woman I have ever seen in my life. You wear beautiful clothes, but your behavior is disgusting. goodbye."

After finishing speaking, he left the private room with a stern face.

Ma Rong was so angry!After a long time, she finally uttered a sentence: "No tutor!"

Lin Yan smiled lightly and said, "What? Is it because she called you auntie?"

Ma Rong's eyes widened and she choked.

Lin Yan ignored her, and went straight out of the private room to chase after the pair of sisters.

Xu Pengfei in the room seemed to be troubled, "Isn't it... Can't use the red gold dragon eyes..."


When there was a distance away from the elegant room, Gu Anqi couldn't help but praised: "Okay, An Bao, you were so imposing just now, even I was bluffed by you!"

Gu Anbao smiled shyly, "I was so angry just now, I didn't want to talk to them at first, but that woman was so annoying, I couldn't hold back."

"Why bear it?!" Gu Anqi blinked, and said, "It should be like this from now on, you don't need to bear it if you are angry or unhappy. If there is anything, my sister will take care of it for you!"

Gu Anbao couldn't help laughing out loud, "I'm not going to fight her, I'm also reasoning."

"Well, the reasoning is very good, my sister loves to listen, haha!" After laughing for a while, Gu Anqi asked her again, "Is what you... said just now true? The method that the old man said really doesn't work?"

"I'm not lying. I've tried his method a long time ago. Not only me, but also many people in the forum have tried it. In fact, the elderly should learn to surf the Internet when they have time..."

The two were talking when Lin Yan chased after him.

"You two stay."

Seeing Lin Yan trotting over, Gu Anqi curled her lips angrily, and said in a strange tone: "Mr. Lin, you should go back. Next time you invite guests, remember to make sure you understand before you invite them. Look at what happened today. How embarrassing."

Lin Yan smiled apologetically, "It's because I didn't think carefully."

Turning to look at Gu Anbao, he asked: "Miss Gu seems to be very good at breeding high-quality goldfish, and I will definitely come to ask for advice when I have time."

Gu Anbao shook his head lightly, "I understand a little bit, but I probably won't tell you."

Lin Yan was slightly stunned.

Gu Anbao continued: "Why should I tell you? When that woman spoke just now, you can dismiss her, right? Even if you can't dismiss her, at least you can interrupt, right? But you didn't do anything."

She slowly raised her head, her eyes were very clear and bright, "Because you are testing me, right? You don't believe me at all, so you just watch the excitement, and you don't lose anything anyway, but Mr. Lin, in this world, there is no Not everyone is willing to be your clown for your enjoyment, so even if I know something, I won’t tell you about someone who is impolite like you.”

After Gu Anbao finished speaking, Gu Anqi realized later that she was originally a shrewd person, and she was just bluffed by the scene, so she didn't think much about it. Now that she heard Gu Anbao's words, she suddenly became furious and broke out on the spot !
"Boss Lin! I think I should have told you that my sister has just recovered, right? I should also have told you that my sister has a heart attack, right? Don't you rich people never take human life seriously? Tell you! If my sister gets angry today, none of you can escape!" Gu Anqi said, holding Gu Anbao's elbow angrily, and said, "Let's go! I'm really blind, if not He called and asked and urged four times, who came here to be offended!"

Lin Yan looked at the two people who were going away, with a wry smile on his face, and murmured: "It's a bit too much..."


Gu Anqi was really worried that Gu Anbao would be pissed off. My sister's body must not be pissed off. Now that she came out anyway, she drove Gu Anbao to the street for a walk, and bought a bunch of her sister's favorite food. Coaxed Gu Anbao to smile.

Seeing her smile, Gu Anqi felt heartwarming, stretched out her hand to pinch her cheek, and said, "I didn't think you were so greedy before, but now you are just a little greedy cat."

Gu Anbao winked at her, "You and your parents have been worrying about how to raise me up all day long, am I trying to cooperate with you?"

Gu Anqi replied: "Then you have to take it easy, parents may decide what to cook today, you are full now, can you still eat when you go home?"

Gu Anbao nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I'm taking it easy, the last soufflé egg roll, I'll eat the last one!"

The two of them drove home happily with large and small bags of snacks.

As soon as they got home, Gu Anqi began to tell about Gu Anbao's "heroic deeds" vividly, amused Gu's parents and mothers, who collapsed on the sofa laughing together.

Gu Anqi sighed: "I thought at the time, why my sister has become so powerful! I almost don't know her anymore!"

Gu Ma said with a smile: "Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention our little treasure, hey, you don't remember, she was like this when she was a child, usually silent, really annoying, her small mouth talks like a machine gun The crackling doesn't stop, that little temper becomes more difficult to coax than you!"

Gu Anqi couldn't stop laughing when she heard this, "Yes, yes, yes, I remember it. When I was a child, I accidentally broke her doll and wanted to give her another one. She wanted the original one, and she was so angry that she ignored me for a whole week. !Ha ha ha ha……"

The mother and daughter were having a good time talking, you and I revealed all of Gu Anbao's childhood anecdotes like countless treasures.

Gu Anbao was speechless...

She returned to her room, sighing silently.

For some reason, I remembered Pei Lijun.

Gu Anbao felt that she seemed to be a little influenced by Pei Lijun.

It's hard not to be affected...

Although I only stayed for a month, I am afraid it will be an unforgettable experience in my life.

Life is already so difficult, so try to make yourself better.For example, that woman, knowing that those people are ready to kill her at any time, can live a wanton life all the time.

Gu Anbao sighed softly——

Pei Lijun, I hope you are living well now.

 18 walk up...

(End of this chapter)

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