Master help me recharge

Chapter 176 Missing

Chapter 176 Missing
National Day, the whole country celebrates.

The launch of the Mars robot added joy to this day.

The entire RK Group is celebrating this, singing and dancing all night long.

Only one person is not among them.

Chen Yuheng sat sideways at the desk, looking at the tall buildings outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.After a while, he put out the cigarette butt on his finger, picked up a file on the table and read it.

940 cases, male cases were screened out, cases under the age of 15 were screened out, cases over 30 years old were screened out, leaving 230 cases.

Ace suggested that he narrow the age range even further, but he dared not...

What if?
If he miscalculated Ruan Ruan's real age, he might miss it.

Of the remaining cases, more than half of them have recovered and been discharged from the hospital. They were screened out again, and then the conscious part was screened out. In this way, there are about [-] left...

And the remaining [-] are patients who are in severe coma and have died.

At this point, it seems to have reached the end of the mountain.

He had no choice but to find Ruan Ruan from the three hundred cases.

And Chen Yuheng found that... he was afraid to investigate further...

Whether it is severe...

still dead...

This is not the result he wanted.

Chen Yuheng put the case back, silently looking at the case information piled up on the desktop, feeling the depression in his heart.

Did he and her really stop here...

The cell phone rang suddenly.

His thoughts were brought back to reality by the ringtone, he glanced at the phone screen, it was Zhao Qingyuan.

Chen Yuheng answered the phone——

"What, is there any news?"

"The person you asked me to investigate is a bit evil." Zhao Qingyuan said on the other end of the phone.

Chen Yuheng frowned slightly, "What's going on?"

"The chief technology officer of Huaxin Technology, Pei Lijun, is this person, right? — My people can't find any information about her whereabouts." Zhao Qingyuan said, "Do you know what this means? It means that she avoids All the traffic checkpoints have been opened, such as express rail, trains, and planes, as long as they pass by, they will definitely leave traces, but she has no trace at all."

Chen Yuheng walked slowly to the window, looked at the sky outside, and said in a low voice, "A person... how could he disappear for no reason..."

"Either she died, or...she hid." Zhao Qingyuan said slowly, "I just don't know, whether she hid herself, or was hidden by someone..."

Chen Yuheng's heart sank.

Could it be that something happened to Mr. Pei Li?
Zhao Qingyuan said again: "I suggest you find a hacker and go directly to check Pei Lijun's bank card statement, look at the consumption records, maybe you can find clues. Ace must know a lot about this kind of technical elite, you may as well ask he."

"Yeah. Thanks."

Zhao Qingyuan laughed twice, "You are my Yuelao, of course I will help with this."

Hearing this, Chen Yuheng's expression became much gentler, and he asked with a light smile, "Why, did you win the goddess' heart?"

"Well, it's not exactly winning her heart, but it's a bit like seeing the bright moon through the clouds and mists. She promised to have dinner with me next week."

Chen Yuheng smiled: "It's a good start, I wish you success in advance."

"Haha, thanks for your good words, if we can make it in time, maybe we can have a wedding together. Hey, when do you plan to get married? You already have a fiancée, so I don't believe your old man won't urge you!"

Chen Yuheng's breathing stagnated for a moment, he relaxed slightly, and replied, "Well... I'm urging."

"My old man has been urging me, too annoying. When I take Qin Yu down, I must take her home and let the old man open his eyes wide. Let him know that if I don't look for her, it's fine. If you are looking for one, find the best one."

After Zhao Qingyuan complained a few words, he hung up the phone.

Chen Yuheng sat on a chair and looked out the window in a daze.

The electronic medical record information has been emptied so thoroughly that it cannot be retrieved.

There are still [-] copies of the paper version of the medical records, and there is no way to check them.

And the most important person, Pei Lijun, is missing...

Now, what should he do?
He suddenly felt a strong regret.

If he hadn't rejected Mr. Pei Li, stopped Mr. Pei Li, and broken with Mr. Pei Li, would all this be different now?
No one could give him an answer.

Cheryl knocked on the door, walked in, and said, "Mr. Chen, there is a call from the old house, saying that the old man is on his way to the company now."

Chen Yuheng was slightly taken aback, "Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Cheryl said apologetically, "The security guard at the old house called you, but the line was busy, so they called me just now."

"Do you know why you came here?"

Cheryl shook her head, "I don't know, I didn't say anything on the phone."

Chen Yuheng nodded slightly, "Understood, you can go downstairs to pick it up later."

Cheryl turned to leave, but was stopped by Chen Yuheng again.

"Wait." He paused and said, "Forget don't have to go, I'll pick it up."


Cheryl left the office, Chen Yuheng sat there for a while, got up, took a coat, and went downstairs to pick up Grandpa.

He felt a little strange, the old man was old and didn't like to travel far, so he rarely came to his company, why did he suddenly come here today?

Did you hear something?
But it shouldn't be, he arranged so many bodyguards to guard the old house, just to prevent some irrelevant people from spreading news...

With doubts, Chen Yuheng walked into the elevator and went all the way down to the lobby on the first floor.

The place is full of festive atmosphere, flowers, balloons, and various decorations can be seen everywhere. There are two cute robots in the hall, serving as service personnel at the information desk, making people laugh from time to time, and the surrounding atmosphere is extremely lively.

This is only during the day, and at night, RK's internal party will be held here, which will be even more lively.It's not until tomorrow that the real holiday begins.

When Mr. Chen came, Chen Yuheng had already been waiting for a while.

He walked over, supported the old man instead of the bodyguard, and asked, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

Mr. Chen blew his beard impatiently, "Xiao Xu said that you are busy recently and you don't have time to come and see me, so I, an old man, have to come and see you. Why, you are not welcome?"

Chen Yuheng smiled, "No, the company does have some matters to deal with today. I was planning to visit you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Mr. Chen grabbed Chen Yuheng's arm with his backhand, "Is Miss Ruan coming? I haven't seen her for a long time..."

"She..." Chen Yuheng paused slightly, and said, "It's a rare long vacation. She is going abroad with her brother to visit her parents... Next time, I will take her to see you next time."

Mr. Chen stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowed slightly, "You bastard, don't tell me you... broke up with Ruan girl?!"

 Let me explain, the story background of this book is semi-substantial, what is semi-substantial?It is half true and half false. Those festival folk customs are written according to the real situation, but the place names and the like are all fake.

(End of this chapter)

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