Chapter 168
It was exactly six o'clock when Chen Yuheng arrived at the old house, and it was time for dinner.

Hearing someone coming in, the old man turned his head and took a look, and asked, "Where is Ruan girl?"

"She has a cold and feels a little uncomfortable, so she was not allowed to come." Chen Yuheng explained lightly, walked to the dining table, and said, "Today's meal is very rich, Aunt Xu has worked hard."

Aunt Xu arranged the bowls and chopsticks, smiled, "There is still soup, I'll bring it out." Then she turned and went into the kitchen.

Mr. Chen walked to the dining table and sat down with his hands behind his back, and said slowly, "What did I say? Can she not catch a cold? You can't just talk about demeanor and not temperature when you dress, just her skirt? It's too short! Do you know?" ? The little girl is too cute now, you, please take care of her in the future."

"Yeah." Chen Yuheng nodded, picked up the chopsticks to pick up food for the old man, "Grandpa, let's eat."

Mr. Chen chewed the vegetables, and for some reason, he became a little unhappy again, and cursed: "Look at you looking like you are dying! Who are you showing such a stinking face to? You deserve it!" You only got a daughter-in-law at the age of 28, and you don’t even have a smile on your face when you come to eat, and you go abroad to meet Ruan girl and her parents, so it’s possible that you still want to be so virtuous?”

While talking, the voice stopped, and he frowned and sighed, "Forget it, I guess you can't change it, don't laugh if you don't laugh, it's better than that brat Ace with a hippie smile all day long, look It's not serious, Li Jun is the only one of your friends who is reliable, hey, what is she up to recently? The Mars robot is such a big deal, why is it only you and Ace in the news, and Li Jun is not seen."

Chen Yuheng's hand holding the food froze for a moment, "Oh...she's busy with other things, the company has other projects besides this one."

Mr. Chen didn't know that Pei Lijun had already left RK.

"That's it." The old man didn't dwell on this issue too much, he lowered his head and took two mouthfuls of rice, and continued to ramble, "If it wasn't because you've been too busy recently, it would actually be nice to register for marriage on National Day. Get married on the National Day... you turn around and give me Ruan girl's horoscope, I will go to a master to do the math, and see when is the right time for you two to get married, I think next year's New Year's Day and Labor Day are both good..."

"Well, good." Chen Yuheng replied with downcast eyes.

After the meal, Mr. Chen asked a lot of questions about the preparations for the wedding with great interest. Chen Yuheng also cooperated very well, and answered whatever he said. At the end of the chat, Mr. Chen was so excited that he wanted to go abroad to meet someone Seeing Ruan Ruan's parents, I can't wait to settle the marriage right away.

Chen Yuheng could only use work as an excuse, and said that Ruan Ruan was still young, and it would be disrespectful to say that the marriage was too hasty. In this way, all kinds of reasons were used to appease Mr. Chen.

Before leaving, Aunt Xu hesitated to send Chen Yuheng to the gate of the courtyard, and said: "Yuheng, you can't hide it like this, Ruan Ruan is a robot, even if you want to make the old man happy, you can't tell such a big lie Ah...if the old man finds out about this..."

Chen Yuheng forced a smile, "Aunt Xu, I will find a way to solve this matter."

Aunt Xu was worried for him, "Or just make excuses and say that we have broken up, and bring back the most likable girl later, and stop fooling your grandpa with robots."

"Well... I understand." He opened the car door, paused slightly, turned around and said, "Aunt Xu, the National Day is almost here, and the company is busy with the Mars project. I may not be able to have dinner with grandpa during this time." , Thank you for taking care of him."

"It's okay, it's okay, the doctor will come to check on the old man every day now, you can do your work, work is important."

Chen Yuheng nodded, got into the car, and drove away from the old house.

——It was late when we got back to the apartment.

After turning on the light, her eyes habitually looked at the sofa, but she was still there without moving at all.

Chen Yuheng walked over as usual, sat down beside her, and sat for a long time.

The clock was ticking, Chen Yuheng pressed his eyebrows, feeling tired.

He thought of the past, before he knew Ruan Ruan, when he returned home every day, he was so quiet, but he never felt that there was anything wrong.

Why do I feel that this room is so quiet now...

It's too quiet.

Chen Yuheng picked up the small drawing book on the coffee table and began to flip through it page by page.

In fact, he has watched it many times, but every day when he goes home, he will watch it again.

Sometimes he wonders, if there is no this picture book, would he take everything that happened as a dream?

Those memories are too good to be true.

Her sudden departure was also so illusory.

The bits and pieces of her and his life were recorded on the white paper.

Chen Yuheng thought to himself, what a vengeful child, he even remembered so clearly when he poked her chest with a pen when they first met...

The cartoons are drawn casually and irregularly. Sometimes it is her and him, sometimes it is a chubby goldfish, sometimes it is written records, and there are recipes she memorized.

Whether it is words or pictures, there is a sense of joy, and Chen Yuheng can almost feel how happy she is when she draws these things...

He felt very hot in his heart.His Ruan Ruan likes him and gets close to him like this.

But now, this person who is willing to like him and get close to him is gone...

Chen Yuheng felt panicked and suffocated.

There was a sense of frustration that he couldn't control, and his limbs and bones infected every nerve in him.

Where should he go to find her?

Her fingertips rubbed lightly on the drawing book, greedily looking at every line and every word in the drawing book, which recorded her various little emotions...

When the finger slid over one place, the movement couldn't help but stop.

Chen Yuheng's eyes darkened slightly, as if he had doubts.

There is a recipe, which records the method of making creme brulee - beat the eggs, pour in the milk, then add a little sugar and stir well...

Beside "a little white sugar", Ruan Ruan drew a small spoonful of white sugar, where it was marked: about this much.

It seems that there is nothing strange...

So Chen Yuheng didn't pay attention to it before, but now... he was thinking, shouldn't he be used to being accurate to the gram with the artificial intelligence thinking mode?Can artificial intelligence understand how much "a little" is?
Chen Yuheng began to turn to the front. On one page, he and Ruan Ruan were on the boat, with a big mulberry tree with luxuriant branches above their heads. She wrote: sweet and sour kiss.

How could she know that the taste of mulberry is sweet and sour?Did you check it online?Then how did she come up with the idea of ​​using the taste of mulberries to describe kisses?

Chen Yuheng's heartbeat was gradually accelerating.

Faintly, he felt as if he had captured something...

Under his fingers, the pages of the book were quickly turned by him.

Those seemingly ordinary words, at this moment, seem to reveal clues as long as they think deeply.

She drew a scene of the two of them riding a roller coaster and wrote: "It's so much more fun than a merry-go-round."


At the playground that day, she never sat on the carousel...

 Alright, your CEO is here. I know some people will think it's unscientific. The male lead is so smart. Why do you only realize that the female lead is abnormal now?My reason is: falling in love can make people brain-dead.

(End of this chapter)

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