Master help me recharge

Chapter 16 My Robot

Chapter 16 My Robot

Shen Xinran sneered when she heard the words: "Didn't they guarantee that they are all trained snakes and not poisonous?"

The assistant thought: It is not poisonous...but it can bite people...

Shen Xinran had already put on a straight face, "Whoever likes to act, he will act, anyway, I won't go! If the double is injured, just spend money to find another one."

The assistant said with a sad face: "Those little girls are afraid of snakes, no one dares to go..." They asked all the extras on the set...

Yu Qinglan's face was not very good when she heard the assistant's words, "It's too dangerous. The original contract didn't mention that there would be such a dangerous scene... Can't we use special effects in the later stage? Those big movies now... No Do they all use special effects?"

The assistant laughed bitterly, "The scenes of the snakes in the snake cave will use special effects, but the close-up shots that interact with the actors have to be real. Aunt, you don't know, this director is very fond of adding scenes... There are snakes This scene was added temporarily by him."

Yu Qinglan stretched out her hand and pressed Shen Xinran's forehead, "You kid, did you agree to add a play?"

Shen Xinran pursed her mouth: "...He is the director... Besides, I think the few scenes he added were really effective... I thought there was a substitute anyway, so I agreed..."

The assistant echoed and said: "Auntie, it's all to blame for the temper of people in this industry. This director is actually pretty good, but he just likes to add drama. Some directors use actresses as ruthless. Going in the mud, crawling in the boiling fire... The last time I went to the desert to film a movie, our sister Xinran suffered a lot."

Yu Qinglan frowned slightly, and looked at Shen Xinran with distress, "...I shouldn't have agreed with you to do this job at the beginning, it's so hard... Wouldn't it be better to go to the company to help your father?"

Shen Xinran gave the assistant a white look, "Mom, don't listen to his nonsense, he just loves to exaggerate... Don't worry, I will definitely not do dangerous scenes myself."

"Don't fool me, I was told just now, and now I can't find a substitute, so why don't you do it yourself? No, I have to talk to the director, he has to follow the contract..."

Yu Qinglan was about to stand up, but Shen Xinran stretched out her hand to hold her down, "Mom, why are you in a hurry! Are you afraid that you won't be able to find a substitute if you spend more money?"

Yu Qinglan said angrily: "You think it's so easy to find a substitute? Besides, there's no time now..."

"It's too late." Shen Xinran suddenly thought of something, and with a twitch in his heart, he grabbed Yu Qinglan's wrist and said, "Mom, we can use robots."

"...Robot?" Yu Qinglan looked strange, "How can a robot do it? It will pass through."

"No, no, no." Shen Xinran shook her head, "The one at my brother's house is exactly like a real person! I'm so close to her and I can't tell, let alone through the camera, I'm sure she won't be out of place!"

Yu Qinglan was slightly stunned, and then realized that Shen Xinran wanted to take this opportunity to meet Chen Yuheng...

Why did this child fall in love with Yu Heng...

After all, she was raised by herself. Seeing Shen Xinran's eagerness to try, Yu Qinglan couldn't bear to let her down, so she could only cater to her and said: "Well, I will accompany you to his company tomorrow..."

Shen Xinran took her arm and shook it, said with a smile: "Mom treats me the best!"

Yu Qinglan smiled slightly. The closeness of her stepdaughter made her feel warm and comfortable. The efforts of these years were finally not in vain...


During the lengthy meeting, Chen Yuheng lost his mind at work for the first time.

The high fever has receded, but there is still a slight low-grade fever, and the throat is still dry and slightly sore, and I don't want to talk much... The managers of various departments below reported the work of the last month one by one, carefully considering the words one by one, not asking for nothing but nothing, conservative , rigid, boring...

He couldn't help but think of the few years when he started his business, he, Ace, and Pei Lijun would quarrel every time in the meeting room, and once the meeting was over, they would go to have a drink with laughter.

...Since when did it become like this?As the company's scale gradually expanded, their business also extended from electronic medical equipment to various industries, such as mobile phones, computers, and intelligent robots—the intelligent robot developed by Ace won an international award. Since then, robots have become RK's trump card.

Finally became the first-class in the industry, but the ideas of the people around him are different from before.

Ace was so annoyed with the management of the company's affairs that he simply left it to him and Pei Lijun. He took a slack job as a vice president in the company and concentrated on researching his robots.

And Pei Lijun...Pei Lijun...she is really good, he has always known it.

The talent is obviously not inferior to Ace, but he cruelly abandons his favorite research work and devotes himself to managing the company's business.

... Now, Pei Lijun finally made up his mind to leave...Let's go, let's go...There is always a banquet in the world, leaving RK, maybe she can develop better.

Chen Yuheng silently glanced at these people in the meeting room. There were both veterans of RK in the early days and managers hired with high salaries in the later stage. People of all kinds gathered here, but their attitudes were surprisingly consistent—cautious, conservative, and seeking victory in a steady state. .

There is nothing wrong with being cautious, but now he urgently needs an opportunity, a good card, which can completely make RK stand out and become the absolute king in the technology circle.

"Everyone." The boss who had been silent all this time said.

Everyone fell silent and looked at Chen Yuheng.

"I believe everyone already knows that Ms. Pei Lijun, the former chief technology officer of RK, left RK and joined Huaxin Software Technology Company." The voice was still hoarse after fever, and the leader's deterrence continued unabated.

"I very much agree with everyone's cautious attitude, but our era is an era of rapid development, especially the electronic technology industry we live in is changing with each passing day... What kind of changes will Ms. Pei's joining bring to Huaxin Technology? We don't know, but I believe that Huaxin will definitely inject new vitality into this industry, as well as... impact."

He tilted his head slightly, and Cheryl beside him immediately stood up and handed out a copy of the information in his hand.

"This is a plan for RK's key development direction in the next stage. It has a lot of content. I hope you can spend a few minutes to read it carefully, and then share your thoughts."

Some people's complexions changed slightly, some remained calm, some showed joy, and some showed worry...

Chen Yuheng picked up the water cup and swallowed a mouthful of warm tea, the burning discomfort in his throat was slightly relieved.

He tilted his head and looked outside through the glass wall of the conference room. His personal robot has been standing obediently in the rest area outside, but he doesn't know when, there are many people around him...

Chen Yuheng couldn't help frowning, these employees...don't work hard at work?

Just thinking about it, I saw two male employees passing by the rest area stop and approached.

What's there to watch?Are there still few robots seen at work in RK?

Lulu and a group of female staff were smiling and talking to the robot, but they couldn't hear what they were saying. From his perspective, he could only see the side of the robot... She seemed very happy, smiling and nodding from time to time.

Chen Yuheng thought to himself: The social design is good.

At this time, Lulu took a few steps closer and reached out to rub the robot's ears!

Chen Yuheng: "...?"

Immediately afterwards, the people behind Lulu went up to touch their ears one by one as if they were lined up!

Chen Yuheng: "!!!"

Did Ganqing nod just now to agree to be touched by these women? !
Damn!Damn sociability! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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