Master help me recharge

Chapter 143 Rejection

Chapter 143 Rejection
She's investigating herself!

But... why? ...

Pei Lijun looked at her quietly for a while, then said softly: "Your family loves you very much."

Thinking of his parents and sister, Gu Anbao looked sad and lowered his head.

——In order to be able to get close to Gu Anbao smoothly, Mr. Pei Li investigated everything about the Gu family very clearly.Really happy, even after the company closed down, the family moved from the villa area where the rich lived to the apartment building where ordinary salaried people lived, and they supported and loved each other without any complaints.

She also thought that Gu Anbao had been ill for 18 years, and instead of being distorted and sickened by the serious illness, his temper was calm and docile. Perhaps it was because of such a harmonious family environment.

This is an emotional relationship that Pei Lijun has never been in contact with.

Her parents divorced early and started their own families. She lived in the school dormitory most of the time when she was studying, and her relationship with both parties was very weak.

As an old saying goes, people are divided into groups.

Her friends are also people with weak family ties, such as Chen Yuheng, who lost his father in his early years and rarely saw his biological mother after remarrying, while another friend, Ace, was born as an orphan, and has no view of family ties.

"Why didn't you go back?" Pei Lijun asked her curiously.

In the same city, it is strange that I have been patient and have not seen my relatives.

Gu Anbao felt bitter.I thought to myself, seeing, what's the use...

When I first became a robot, I wanted to go home every day, every day, but I couldn’t find the opportunity, and I was worried about being discovered, and I was very nervous... When I finally had the opportunity, I saw my sister. At that time, her The family has accepted the reality that she has become a vegetable, so she is even more afraid to recognize her family.

She murmured: "I've tried to get in touch... I also went to see me secretly a few times, but they didn't see me."

Because there was nothing I could do, I had to let go.

There is even a sense of relief deep in my heart, feeling that my family has finally got rid of my burden...

Yes, a burden that has dragged the family down for 18 years...

Pei Lijun said thoughtfully, "So, you didn't tell anyone about this?...Chen Yuheng and Ace didn't know either?"

Gu Anbao slowly shook his head.

Pei Lijun smiled: "It's true... Even if you talk about this kind of thing, it will only increase your troubles, and it will not do you any good."

At that time, Gu Anbao realized that she had turned into a robot. Subconsciously, she didn't want anyone to know about it, for fear that it would be regarded as a poor-quality product with disordered programs and returned to the factory for repair, or even destroyed directly.

Later, the relationship with Chen Yuheng gradually changed subtly, and she was even more concerned, and she didn't want to talk about it...

As Pei Lijun said, even if he said it, it would only increase his troubles.

Whether it is Chen Yuheng or herself, they will always live in pain, tortured by that glimmer of hope every day.

Want to be human... want to go back into body... want to...

But powerless to change.

She also thought about it, what if?
What if we go back?

What if she turns into a human?

Gu Anbao thought: If there is such a day, she will go to him.

No matter what the ending is, she doesn't want him to suffer, she doesn't want him to be sad...

"You have a lot of flaws, haven't they ever suspected you?" Pei Lijun thought this was inconceivable, with Chen Yuheng's could he not have noticed the abnormality of the robot?Ah, he seems to have a good impression of this robot.

Gu Anbao replied in a low voice: "They thought I was an artificial intelligence."

Pei Lijun snorted and laughed, "These men... their yearning and belief in artificial intelligence are no less than children's belief in Santa Claus. They are so naive that people can't help laughing."

Gu Anbao frowned slightly.

Pei Lijun stopped laughing for a while, and said with a smile on his face: "Although from the point of view of common sense, you are equivalent to a dead person, but there is something that I still want to ask for your wishes."

Gu Anbao looked at her puzzled.

Pei Lijun: "I need you to cooperate with me to conduct an experiment. This process is very long, maybe three to five years, maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, are you willing?"

Gu Anbao was slightly taken aback.Although she is simple, she is not stupid. In her current state, the experiment that can help Mr. Pei must be related to the soul or spirit.

Gu Anbao asked in a low voice: "Can you let me go back to my own body?"

Pei Lijun shook his head, "No."

Gu Anbao was disappointed.

"If you cooperate with my experiment, this wish may come true one day, but if you don't cooperate, then you will never be able to go back. At least as far as I know, in the whole world... only I have in-depth research on the human spirit."

Pei Lijun was leaning halfway in front of the work table, with a somewhat proud and independent expression on his face, somewhat contented.

Gu Anbao thought for a while and asked her, "Will it cause harm to me... my soul?"

Pei Lijun was silent.

After a while, she curled her lips and smiled, "You have reached the most critical point."

Pei Lijun pushed the broken hair from his temples to the back of his ears, "The experiment is not 100% safe. It is too professional, and you may not understand it. Let me give you an analogy. —— If the soul is compared to water, our The body is one cup after another, and my experiment is to pour water into other containers, if the water is accidentally spilled during the process, then the spilled water will never be retrieved.”

Gu Anbao listened carefully and did not speak for a long time.

Pei Lijun stared straight at her, "Once the experiment fails, you will die and truly disappear from this world."

Gu Anbao asked: "What if... continue to stay in the robot's body? How long can I live?"

Pei Lijun replied: "If you live to the point where the robot body is no longer able to support your soul, if you maintain it regularly, there should be no problem in 40 to [-] years."

Gu Anbao lowered his head and murmured, "I don't do experiments."

Pei Lijun was slightly startled, "You mean..."

Gu Anbao said again: "I do not agree to participate in the experiment."

Pei Lijun looked at her in surprise, "You...don't want to go back?"

Gu Anbao bowed his head and remained silent.

Pei Lijun: "Or...are you afraid of death?"

Gu Anbao raised her head and looked at Pei Lijun quietly. The eyes of the robot revealed humanity and unique emotions because of the soul. She said softly: "You will come to me only because I am the only successful experimental subject so far. , right?...That is to say, everyone else has must have failed many times, so, in fact, you have no certainty at all, you just have no way."

Pei Lijun was stunned in place.

After a long time, she sighed with a wry smile, "You are very smart."

Gu Anbao slowly shook his head, "I'm not smart, I just think more...Because I was in poor health since I was a child, I couldn't do many things, and I think every day what should I do if I die the next moment? I Live every day as if it were my last, I will try my best to be happy and make the people around me happy..."

 The single update will be resumed tomorrow... But there is also good news, there will be double updates in the next few days from next Tuesday to Friday~
(End of this chapter)

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