Chapter 128
When Chen Yuheng saw the caller ID, his expression became serious.

He answered the phone and said to the other side: "I'm on the street, wait for a while, I'll find a quiet place and call you."

Chen Yuheng hung up the phone, quickly finished paying, and led Gu Anbao to the roadside shop in a serious manner.

Gu Anbao was a little puzzled, thinking to himself, is it a call from work?It looks serious...

The two walked forward for a while, and finally found a decent-looking restaurant among a row of dirty and messy small restaurants.

Now it was time to eat, and there were a few customers sitting in the restaurant. Chen Yuheng directly threw the menu to Gu Anbao, and found a corner where no one was around to make a phone call.

Seeing Chen Yuheng standing in the corner talking on the phone, Gu Anbao found it strange, but she didn't think too much about it. She lowered her head and focused on the menu, and began to look for dishes that suited Chen Yuheng's taste.

Chen Yuheng has already called back. Just now, it was Qin Yu's call. It must be that the investigation has already begun.

"Sorry, it was a mess on the street just now." Chen Yuheng said lightly, "Is there any news from Huaxin Technology?"

Qin Yu said on the other end of the phone: "You're right, Mr. Pei Li does have close ties with the people in the Military Commission. You can never imagine who the big tree she climbed is..."

Chen Yuheng raised his eyebrows.

Qin Yu said: "It's Lu Zhengde, the former chairman of the Military Affairs Department. This person has countless merits and titles and is very powerful in the country. It's best not to provoke him...Even Minister Gu has always kept his distance from this person."

When Chen Yuheng heard this, his heart sank.

He didn't expect that Pei Lijun would provoke such a person.

In fact, RK was initially registered abroad, and the audience market was mainly foreign. Later, he, Pei Lijun and Ace moved the RK headquarters to Qingjiang City in China, and worked hard to develop the domestic market. Local policies, as well as changes in investment trends every year, RK's progress in the country is actually slow, but it also allows them to understand the unfathomable undercurrents in politics.

They have always been cautious about contacting those people at the center of the political undercurrent. Chen Yuheng never imagined that Mr. Pei Li would be so bold... To get involved with such a person, how would she get out in the future?

"... Concerned about his identity and power, my people are very passive when investigating clues, and they can get very little information. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the Mars plan should not be exposed, and the Military Commission and National Defense are two systems. There is no need for Lu Zhengde to join in, but Mr. Pei Li is a bit weird..."

Chen Yuheng frowned and asked, "Why is it so weird?"

"Now she seems to have a cooperation project with the People's Hospital in Xinhai City. She stays in the hospital almost every day. There are people from the Military Commission guarding that floor. Our people can't get in. I only know that they claim to be doing rehabilitation treatment." , but... I don’t think it’s that simple.”

Qin Yu's voice paused for a while, and then said: "I think, since Mr. Pei Li has not affected our plan, it's better not to startle the enemy, so people have already withdrawn."

After listening, Chen Yuheng was silent for a moment, then replied in a deep voice, "Thank you for your hard work."

Qin Yu smiled softly, "It's not hard work, but you, I heard that you went on vacation recently? When do you plan to come back? What Minister Gu means is that we can proceed to the next month after the satellite debugging is completed. stage."

Chen Yuheng gave a low "hmm", "I will make arrangements in advance."

While speaking, he looked up at Gu Anbao's direction, his expression froze, and he frowned and said, "Sorry, I have something to do, I'll hang up first."


Gu Anbao raised his head and looked at the young woman wearing sunglasses standing in front of him. It took him a long time to recognize that it was Shen Xinran...

But why is Shen Xinran here?

In fact, at this moment, Shen Xinran was absolutely astonished than Gu Anbao.

When Shen Xinran walked into this restaurant and saw Gu Anbao flipping through the recipes, she almost thought that she had recognized the wrong person... But when she saw the pair of furry cheetah ears on Gu Anbao's head, she couldn't contain the emotion in her heart anymore. Shock.

Shen Xinran walked over and looked at Gu Anbao in disbelief, "Why are you here?...Could it be..."

She looked around very quickly, and as expected, she saw Chen Yuheng who was walking towards here.

She was ecstatic at first, but that joy stopped for a moment, " and brother..."

She seemed unable to think, she looked at Chen Yuheng first, then at Gu Anbao, and murmured in a daze, "Why... why are you everywhere, you... why are you so lingering..."

Go to the company to find him, have you, go to the old house to meet the old man, have you, now here, why are you still...

Didn't you say you were on vacation?Is it necessary to bring a robot on vacation?
Didn't you mean to relax with the old man? !Why a tryst with this robot at a restaurant? !
why? !

Shen Xinran overturned the recipe in Gu Anbao's hand!Angrily shouted: "Why you?! Why you?!!——"

"Shen Xinran!" Chen Yuheng walked to the table a few steps, stood in front of Gu Anbao, and shouted in a deep voice, "Why are you crazy?!"

"You say I'm crazy?" Shen Xinran smiled sadly, "I'm crazy, I was driven crazy by you! I thought that after waiting for so many years, you would accept me one day, but you would rather be with such a thing My son has dinner together and doesn't answer my phone! Chen Yuheng, what do you want me to do?! How can I be satisfied?! Have you forgotten all about the past?!"

Chen Yuheng's face darkened, his eyes were sharp, he looked behind Shen Xinran, there were no bodyguards, and his brows frowned even deeper, "Why did you come here?"

Shen Xinran's eyes were red, and she said sharply, "I'm here to find you. Since you refuse to see me, I'll come to you!"

Chen Yuheng glanced at her indifferently, and said lightly: "Now that you have found me, so what?"

Shen Xinran bit her lip, and just stared at Chen Yuheng so closely, her eyes under the sunglasses became more and more red, and finally she shed tears——

"I just want to ask you, if, at that time, I didn't lock you in the house... Mom didn't slap you, if, my grandma didn't taunt you... If, my father... He also agreed We are together, will you accept me?...will you?"

At the end of the words, the voice was already crying, and even the silent Gu Anbao couldn't help but be touched by her sadness, with a bitter pain in his heart...

But she couldn't get in the conversation, and it wasn't suitable for her to say anything at this time.Because, Chen Yuheng didn't have her in the past.

Facing Shen Xinran's infatuation, Chen Yuheng remained indifferent, like a man with a hard heart, and said coldly: "There are no ifs in this world, and what you say is impossible."

Shen Xinran did not give up, stepped forward and grabbed Chen Yuheng's hand, and said sadly: "Why is it impossible? Have you forgotten that nine years ago we clearly..."

 Attentive readers may have noticed that the classification of this book has been changed. It used to be the big president, but now it is science fiction... Actually, I really want to write modern romance, but the writing is a bit different, I hope the classification is changed Afterwards, the results of this book can get better!Hey, I forgot to vote for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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