Master help me recharge

Chapter 126 Going to the Town

Chapter 126 Going to the Town

Mr. Chen didn't think too much, he just urged them to have breakfast quickly, while he walked out slowly with his hands behind his back.

The two bodyguards followed out with great winks.

At this time, the sun is not shining and the air is good, which is most suitable for walking.

The other people in the room also walked away, and everyone was very conscious not to disturb the sweet world of the two of Mr. President.

Dong Jingran cleared the dining table and brought breakfast from the kitchen.The recent meals have always been based on the taste of the old man, so most of the time they eat soy milk and fried dough sticks for breakfast, but today it is a bit different, it is Dong Jingran's daughter cake made with the eight-petal flower brought back by Gu Anbao.

There are not only cakes, but also flower porridge and a small dish of dried fish with flower sauce, which looks very novel.

Gu Anbao sat at the dining table, looking at the cakes and porridge in front of him... he started to get hungry again.

The daughter's cake is pink in color and really beautiful. It is cut into small regular squares, and each piece is covered with the imprint of a small eight-petaled flower.

Chen Yuheng ate a piece, Gu Anbao looked at him anxiously, "Is it delicious?"

Chen Yuheng nodded, "It's not bad, it tastes sweet, not greasy, and it's soft, suitable for the elderly..." Chen Yuheng thinks that eating this stuff is healthier than deep-fried dough sticks, and he thinks it's not good for the old man to eat too many deep-fried dough sticks, after all, they are deep-fried of.

Gu Anbao took another look at the flower porridge, which was also pink, dotted with one or two petals, which made Gu Anbao's girlish heart.

"Where's the porridge? Try it." She almost regarded Chen Yuheng as her own tongue, wanting him to eat everything.

Chen Yuheng frowned after taking only one bite, "This is a little too sweet..."

Gu Anbao pouted and said, "Don't you just love sweets?"

Chen Yuheng looked at her amusedly, "Who said that?"

Gu Anbao rolled his eyes and said with a bit of playfulness, "You always like that creme brulee, which must be sweeter than this one, why don't you say you don't like it?"

Chen Yuheng laughed and said: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I love sweets the most, especially sweet supper and sweet breakfast."

Normally, Gu Anbao would definitely not be able to understand Chen Yuheng's teasing, but today she was also enlightened, and immediately reacted when she heard it, she pursed her lips and gave him a coquettish look.

When Chen Yuheng saw her coquettish attitude, he felt his heart skip a beat...

Gu Anbao looked around and saw that there was no one else in the living room, so he poked Chen Yuheng's arm with his little finger, "Don't be dazed, there are still fish, try it too."

Chen Yuheng followed her, picked up a small dried fish about a finger long from the plate with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly, this time he was a little surprised, he said: "I thought it would be salty and sweet, but I didn't expect it to be It's hot and sour, but it's quite appetizing, I'll ask Dong Jingran to make some more of this sauce later, the old man should like it."

Gu Anbao couldn't help but start to imagine, what kind of taste would it be if the sweet petals were made into hot and sour sauce, and then mixed with pickled dried fish...

I want to eat……

Chen Yuheng patted her head amusedly, "I'll take you to the town later."

Go out and hang out more, and when you are dazzled by shopping, naturally you won't always think about eating.

Gu Anbao nodded and asked, "Then what is grandpa doing today?"

"It depends on Grandpa's mood. He may stay at home and play chess, or he may go to the mountains. Fan Hao said that there is a mountain stream to the east, and the scenery is very nice."

"Oh..." She thought for a while, then whispered, "Then we'll come back later, it's better to miss the meal, or grandpa will scold me for not eating again."

"Well, when the time comes, I will say that I have already eaten in the town."

Gu Anbao rolled his eyes and smiled, thinking that Chen Yuheng was really kind to her...

When Mr. Chen came back, the two of them mentioned to him that they were going to the town. When Mr. Chen heard that, he was very happy.

The old man felt that his grandson had finally gotten the hang of it. He knew that he had asked girls out to play. Thinking about Chen Yuheng's various performances recently, the more he thought about it, the more satisfied he became. He waved his hand and urged, "Play more, don't come back in a hurry."

Gu Anbao said: "Grandpa, is there anything we can bring you?"

Mr. Chen rolled his eyes at her, "Don't worry about me, hurry up and worry about your man, and ask him if he lacks anything!"

Gu Anbao was choked to death.

What do you call me a man... Can you stop saying things like this all the time...

She pouted, picked up her small satchel, swallowed her anger and went out.

Chen Yuheng chased up from behind, took her hand and walked out together, Gu Anbao struggled lightly a few times, but did not break free.

Chen Yuheng said with a smile: "Is this worthy of your anger?"

Gu Anbao turned his head and replied falteringly: "I'm not angry..."

Chen Yuheng asked: "Then why are you unhappy?"

Gu Anbao glanced at him, lowered his head and said, "It's just... I don't think it's very good. Grandpa always talks like this, and he even mentioned the matter of getting married several times in front of everyone..."

Chen Yuheng opened the car's electronic lock with the key from a distance, and said casually, "What's wrong?"

Gu Anbao gave him a strange look, thinking, isn't Chen Yuheng worried?

"What if he asks us...well, just...lets us get married, then what should we do..."

Chen Yuheng smiled, "That's it."

Gu Anbao was shocked by his words: "..."

The two had already reached the car door. Chen Yuheng opened the co-pilot's door and let Gu Anbao in first. He walked to the other side, got in the car, and leaned over to fasten Gu Anbao's seat belt.

Gu Anbao opened his eyes wide and asked him, "Are you joking..."

Chen Yuheng smiled, "It's not that difficult to get married. We can go abroad to register. It's just a formality anyway. Grandpa will understand us."

Gu Anbao stared blankly at him for a long time before murmuring: "Then... where about the child?...Aren't you going to...have a child..."

After asking this sentence, Gu Anbao regretted it...

Didn't you agree to grasp the present and cherish the present?Why bring up these topics that are known to be difficult to answer?What do you want him to answer?Abandon you, then marry another woman and have children, can you bear it? !Or... Do you want to see him live without any heirs of his own?Can you bear it?
Whether it's the former or the latter, she can't accept it...

Suddenly, I felt so stupid, the originally happy atmosphere was made like this by her...

"I'm sorry..." she said sadly.

I don't want you to leave me, but... I also don't want you to have no children of your own...

"My child, I really want to..." Chen Yuheng held the steering wheel and didn't start the car for a long time. He looked at the road ahead with a dull expression, and said slowly, "It's just that I have never had the confidence to be a good father... If I can, Want to have two or three kids, preferably two boys and a girl, I always wanted a sister when I was little..."

Gu Anbao looked at him blankly...

At this time, Chen Yuheng turned his head and stared at her deeply. His big hand with well-defined bones gently stroked her cheek. He whispered: "I really want a child belonging to the two of us..."

 Bad news! ——From tomorrow, the single update will be resumed!Double updates will still be maintained on Friday and Saturday, and single updates at other times, don't despair!If I have surplus manuscripts, I will add updates to you in time!Believe me ah ah ah ah ah!
(End of this chapter)

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