Master help me recharge

Chapter 112 Study hard

Chapter 112 Study hard
During the lunch break, Lili picked up the phone and said in standard Mandarin: "I want a business package and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice without ice..."

Cheryl and Lulu stood up after packing up, and asked, "Lily, won't you go to the cafeteria with us?"

"You guys go first." Lily quickly ended the call, "I ordered lunch for Mr. Ace, and I will send it to his research room when the meal arrives. He said he has no time to go out to eat."

Lulu and Cheryl glanced at each other.

Cheryl said strangely: "But... I remember the day before yesterday, didn't he say that he was going to take a vacation? He also said that everything should be turned off by him, so why did he come to the company again?"

Lulu thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Isn't it because I was temporarily caught by the devil and came back to work overtime?"

Cheryl covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Once Mr. Ace starts to go on vacation, no one will be able to catch him back..."

Lily also laughed, "Yeah, last time he took the opportunity to go to an overseas branch for vacation, and then the devil urged him to come, so it's fine for him to turn off his mobile phone, and he even confiscated my mobile phone."

After Lily finished speaking, she said, "Mr. Ace is like this. Whether it's work or vacation, he doesn't like to be disturbed."

The three of them showed understanding smiles together.

"Okay then, let's go to the cafeteria first, do you want to bring you food?"

"No, you go."


——Gu Anbao felt guilty inexplicably in the elevator...

I always feel that it is inappropriate to go to Ace without telling Chen Yuheng... But this kind of thing is hard to talk about, a little... well, embarrassing...

The mobile phone in the small satchel suddenly rang, and Gu Anbao was shocked!He took it out and saw that it was Ace's call.Ace didn't know what method he used, so he directly copied Chen Yuheng's phone address book, and then called her to ask her to meet him in RK at [-] o'clock this afternoon.

Swipe your finger to connect to the phone——

Ace: "Hello? Are you there yet?"

Gu Anbao hurriedly replied: "I've already boarded the elevator, and it's almost there."

Ace: "No one found out, right?"

Gu Anbao was speechless for a while, asking this question...

Gu Anbao looked at the other people in the elevator. They were all unfamiliar faces. No one noticed her. She lowered her voice and said to Ace, "No."

"Okay, come quickly, it just so happens that Chen Yuheng is going to a meeting, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, come quickly..."

Gu Anbao: "..."

Can she choose not to go now...

People with the elevator left one after another, and when the elevator reached the 61st floor of the building, Gu Anbao was the only one left in the elevator.

With the sound of "ding", the elevator door opened, and the silver-white technological-style decoration came into view. Gu Anbao was a little nervous...

Bite the bullet and go out, to the side of the electronic security door, the unlocking device is elongated, the top is the iris scanner, the middle is the fingerprint recognition, and the bottom is the access control card sensing area.

It's really...complete...

Gu Anbao took out the card, scanned it in the sensing area, and the electronic door slowly opened, revealing a white aisle.

Gu Anbao suddenly felt that this place looked familiar.

She walked straight down the aisle.On the left side of the aisle, there is a robot model placed every ten meters or so, like a special decoration, placed on a delicate titanium alloy steel base, and some special robots are placed in a crystal glass cabinet to show.

Gu Anbao recalled that this...seemed to be...the place where she realized that she had become a robot.

The houses on both sides are tightly closed, and the house numbers above are all in English.Gu Anbao walked straight ahead and came to a very wide open room, inside which were neatly arranged long tables and glass cabinets of various sizes, as well as metal booms, workbenches, computer clusters, and other things that Gu Anbao could not identify. strange objects.

Ace buried his head in front of one of the computers, typing something on the keyboard quickly.

He seemed to have heard Gu Anbao's footsteps, and said without turning his head, "Here you come? Close the door for me, the button is on your right."

Gu Anbao found the door close button, and the metal door of the research room closed little by little.

At this time, Ace completed the last line of code, he raised a finger high, pressed Enter with a very cool swish, and said, "Complete!"

He turned the chair, kicked it a few times, slid in front of Gu Anbao, and said with a proud expression: "Lower your head."

Gu Anbao was puzzled, and bent over while asking, "What are you doing?"

"I'll give you a good thing." Ace spread his hand, revealing a small rhinestone earring in the palm of his hand, "This gadget took me a day, but it's very practical."


Gu Anbao blinked, not understanding what a small earring could be useful for... However, it is quite beautiful. There is only one rhinestone in the entire earring. monotonous.

Ace put the ear studs on Gu Anbao, looked left and right, and nodded in satisfaction, thinking that Chen Yuheng would definitely not find out if he did it so covertly.

But just in case...

Ace said: "If he asks, you just say that Lulu gave it to you, and don't mention me."

Gu Anbao is puzzled, is it necessary to hide it from him?She reached out and touched the earrings.

Ace told her: "Be gentle, don't drop it."

Gu Anbao looked at Ace suspiciously, "Is this useful?"

Ace replied: "It's used to monitor sexual arousal."

"..." Gu Anbao froze.

Ace turned around, kicked his chair and slid to the computer where he was working just now, and while calling up the numerical screen, he said: "With this, you can clearly know his sexual needs in the future, and you can adjust according to different levels of excitement. How about helping him better, isn't it convenient?"

Gu Anbao was dumbfounded, then nodded with great difficulty, "...Yes."

"There are super microchips hidden behind the rhinestones, which can sense different degrees of sexual excitement through the glandular hormones secreted by the human body. I made a rough classification—" Ace pointed to the different curve value charts on the screen, and continued Said, "When the rhinestone is transparent and colorless, it is a normal value, and then according to different degrees of excitement, the color will become light pink, light red, red, purple red, and at the same time, the color is different, and the temperature will be different. The higher the deep temperature."

Gu Anbao felt as if he understood something... and felt that he didn't understand it at all...

Ace smiled charmingly, "Now, let me let you feel the graded changes in temperature."

The subordinates have flexibly controlled the terminal data and manually increased the value.

Gu Anbao was slightly stunned, really... felt that the ear with the earring was a little hot...

"How? Do you feel it?" Ace asked.

Gu Anbao nodded blankly.

Ace raised the value again, "Now?"

Gu Anbao: "Well...the temperature has become higher."

Ace was very satisfied with the practical effect of the product he designed. He nodded and said, "Just now it was light pink, but now it is light red. You can understand it as... from being too excited since childhood to being very excited, and continuing to increase is very, very exciting!"

Gu Anbao tilted his head and asked, "Then what if it's purple?"

Ace was taken aback, and then thought: This is really an artificial intelligence that loves to learn.

"Purple, of course it's... so cool!"

 The second update, do you know what the next sentence to study hard is?

(End of this chapter)

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