Chapter 109

……More comfortable?

Gu Anbao pursed his lips, refusing to accept the access control card, feeling vaguely inappropriate.

Seeing that she refused to accept the access card for entering and leaving the research room, Ace said in surprise: "Could it be are going to play Plato with him? Pure spiritual love?"

Gu Anbao's face was red.

Ace had a disapproving expression on his face: "Don't be stupid, look at this world, materialistic, even monks start eating meat and drinking, don't challenge that level of difficulty if you haven't reached that level of spiritual level, it may be nothing to you, But you can't let him hold it back, what if it breaks?"

He said, his voice lowered a little, and said: "Don't you think his temper is very bad? Let me tell you, it is because of internal fire...needs to be relieved regularly..."

"Ah...ah?" Gu Anbao raised his head and looked at Ace, "Is there internal fire?"

"That's right! Internal fire!" Ace said with a serious expression, "This man and woman are like two qi, one yang qi and the other yin qi. Over time, the yang qi gets stronger and the yin qi gets stronger. It gets heavier and heavier, what will happen in the end, do you know?"

Gu Anbao asked curiously: "What will happen?"

Ace raised a finger and shook it in front of Gu Anbao's eyes, "Every month, a woman's uterus will bleed regularly for five to seven days. This blood, in the old saying of our country, is called the blood of the most yin and cold. Since ancient times It is regarded as the most filthy thing—why do you have to bleed this blood? It is because the body needs to clear the excess Yin Qi accumulated in the body, so that people can be smooth and peaceful. Look at those women with irregular menstruation, don’t they? Everyone is eccentric? The temper is like a dynamite bag, isn't it?"

Gu Anbao nodded thoughtfully, it sounds reasonable...

Seeing Gu Anbao nod, Ace smiled and raised his legs, "So, in the same way, a man's body has too much yang energy and needs to be channeled, otherwise, it will hurt his body!"

Will it hurt you?
Gu Anbao became nervous, "Will it be serious?"

Ace said: "If it's mild, it's easy to get angry, anxious, lose your temper, if it's serious, tsk tsk, that's terrible..."

Gu Anbao was a little anxious, and asked: "What will happen if it is serious?"

Ace touched his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly, "The skin will get worse! The mouth is blistered, the forehead has acne, and that place..."

Gu Anbao's face turned pale!
At this time, Ace went on to say: "It's okay to bear it once or twice, it won't hurt the body much, but if you do it too many times, oops... the consequences are unimaginable..."

Gu Anbao's heart tightened, and he asked anxiously: "What will happen if there are too many times?"

Ace spread his hands, "What else can I do, of course... it can't be used, it's scrapped."

Gu Anbao swished and stood up!Ace was taken aback by her sudden movement, and looked at Gu Anbao in astonishment, but saw her crying and saying: "Then what should I do! What should I do!"

Ace was taken aback for a moment, and then he was about to burst into joy—Oh my god, I just realized that I have the talent to be a magic stick, haha!
He secretly rejoiced in his heart, but his face was so serious that he couldn't be more serious, "Don't worry, don't worry, I will help you, come, sit down... Let me tell you something..."

He pulled Gu Anbao back to sit down, and said earnestly: "Nowadays, some little girls become annoyed when they hear the topic of gender. They are prejudiced against sex. You are different. You are a living body with advanced wisdom. I know you will be able to." Understand the important role that sex plays in the emotional communication between men and women, right?"

Without waiting for Gu Anbao to speak, Ace continued, "When people are thirsty, they need to drink water, right?"

Gu Anbao nodded.

"When people are hungry, they need to eat, don't they?"

Gu Anbao continued to nod.

"Sleep when you feel sleepy, scratch when you feel itchy, and put on clothes when you feel cold... Every reaction is the instinct of the body." Ace changed his voice, stared firmly into Gu Anbao's eyes, and said earnestly and kindly, "So, if you feel that there is internal fire in your body and you are panicking, what should you do at this time?"

Gu Anbao murmured back: "Should...should...should...suggest..."

Ace patted Gu Anbao on the shoulder readily, "That's right!"


Gu Anbao and Ace heard the reputation and saw Chen Yuheng standing at the corner of the front corridor, striding towards him, "Why are you sitting outside?"

Ace stood up with a haha, "I'm leaving now, talk to Ruan Ruan outside." Using the cover of his body with his hands behind his back, he handed the access control card to Gu Anbao, and turned to her Wink: Put it away!

Gu Anbao quickly took it and stuffed it into his small satchel.

Chen Yuheng happened to have walked in front of the two of them, looked suspiciously at Ace, and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

"It's nothing, it's that..." Ace quickly found an excuse, "It's just that the old man wants to eat pig's trotters, and the two of us are discussing this, right, Ruan Ruan?"

"Ah... um... yes." Gu Anbao slightly turned his head, agreeing with an unnatural expression.

Chen Yuheng raised his eyebrows slightly.Ruan Ruan is always very simple, if she tells a lie, she will turn her eyes away, and everyone can see through it.

Having said that, he guessed that what Ace said was nothing more than harmless jokes, so he didn't plan to ask any more questions right now.

Ace patted his ass and slipped away, before leaving, he still didn't forget to turn his head and wink at Gu Anbao: remember to come to me!do not forget!

Gu Anbao didn't dare to respond to Ace in front of Chen Yuheng, for fear of revealing his secret...

In fact, she has revealed her stuff.


Chen Yuheng was not in a hurry to enter the ward. He took Gu Anbao's hand, sat down with her, and said, "I asked the doctor just now, and he said that grandpa will be discharged from the hospital next week."

Hearing this, Gu Anbao felt relieved, and the doctor allowed him to be discharged from the hospital, which meant that the old man's health was fine.

Chen Yuheng said again: "The doctor said, let us pay more attention to grandpa's physical condition in the recent period. The temperature in the dog days is too humid and hot, which can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly, so I thought, when grandpa is discharged from the hospital, we will take He went out to escape the heat."

summer? ...

Gu Anbao belatedly remembered that in previous years, when the heat came, her parents would take her to live in a farm on the mountain for two months, just because she was afraid that her body would not be able to withstand the sweltering heat of the dog days. totally forgot about it...

Like her, the old man has a bad heart. Going out to escape the heat can relax his mind and is also good for his body.

Gu Anbao nodded and said yes.

Chen Yuheng held her hand a little tighter, "I'll make some work arrangements for the next two days, let's go together."

Gu Anbao felt that his eyes were a little hot, and slightly lowered his head uncomfortably.

I thought to myself: just go...why do you look at people like that...

 The second update, there is another chapter that will be updated at 8 pm, please give me a ticket!If you don't give it now, when will you wait!
(End of this chapter)

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