Pokemon et al.

Chapter 293 VS Xun Chaoze!


spn "Gyarados, [-] volts!" The speed of the red Gyarados can be said to be maximized in rainy days, so it was able to knock down the black Gyarados from the sky in one fell swoop. , the Gyarados with its head facing the opponent on the ground issued an order to pursue.

"Roar!" The black Gyarados roared into the sky, slapped its giant tail, and finally stabilized its figure, the red light dissipated all over its body, looked up at the red Gyarados high in the sky, its eyes were burning with anger, and as for burning Heaven and earth, the wild roar frightened the sky.

"Both strength and speed have been increased!" Seeing a golden electric current thundering down, and the Gyarados also completed the dragon dance, Xun Chaoze immediately launched a counterattack: "Gyarados, the rock blade!"

Following the order, the black Gyarados suddenly burst out of the body with white light all over its body, crossed and formed two sharp stone groups outside the body, and directly attacked the [-] volt current falling from the sky.

"Bang bang bang~" The electric current and the stones are facing each other, and the stone blades are hit by the electric current and explode into stone powder, and are wetted by the rain to form muddy water, and the [-] volts are also constantly falling under the constant attack of the stone blades. Come down, they stalemate each other. [

"Huh!" Seeing the sharp rock blade defending against [-] volts, Liu Qing's mind flashed suddenly, as if he had grasped something, but when he thought about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing, Liu Qing knew that he must have realized something, But if you want to comprehend it, you have to slowly discover it in future battles.

"Boom~" Intense energy swept over, one hundred thousand volts and rock blades finally exploded, powerful force swept the spot, and even the surrounding rain was blown to the surroundings, leaving a void of smoke and dust.

"Ice Fang!" After the explosion, the Gyarados had already lowered its body. Seeing the Gyarados' movements, Liu Qing also issued an order in a timely manner.

Following the order, the cold air gathered in the red Gyarados' huge mouth instantly turned into two huge lightning-like ice teeth stretched out, directly biting towards the black Gyarados.

"Gyarados, dodge!" After the Dragon Dance, the speed of the black Gyarados has also been greatly improved. Although the anger in my heart wants to fight the red Gyarados, but at this time I heard that Xun Chaoze Rationally, let it swim away quickly, like a black lightning, and left the place in an instant, the ice teeth bit down, the powerful cold spread instantly, and the large swath of muddy grass froze quickly.

"Rock sharp blade!" Xun Chaoze took this opportunity to issue an order immediately, but just as the black tyrannosaurus stopped its fast dodging figure, its whole body glowed white, and saw a giant red tail dancing wildly in the air, carrying The sound of "Woo~" pierced through the air, and the black tyrannosaurus immediately roared. Instead of retreating, it stretched its body, endured it abruptly, and slid backwards in the muddy water, roaring continuously , the white light all over his body rose sharply, turning into several sharp stones and shooting out rapidly.

"Gyarados, the tail of the water!" Following Liu Qing's order, a mighty stream of water spread over the giant tail of the red Gyarados, turbulent and surrounding, and with the swaying of the Gyarados lightly, it directly intercepted the rock blade. There was a burst of 'bang bang bang~', and the stone blades were shattered one by one.

"Gyarados, now, use waterfall climbing!" Seeing that the red tyrannosaurus has a certain degree of attack and defense, and the straight attack with rock blades is obviously ineffective, Xun Chaoze turned his eyes and looked at the red storm whose tail was off the ground. Lilong quickly thought of a countermeasure in his mind, and decisively changed the order.

Following Xun Chaoze's order, the whole body of the black Gyarados suddenly glowed with blue light, and the giant tail poked into the ground, the blue light spread, and in an instant, a huge column of water gushed under the body of the red Gyarados. Out, dragging the caught off guard red Gyarados soaring into the sky, the black Gyarados swam quickly around the water column, climbed up the water column in the blink of an eye, and directly hit the upper body of the red Gyarados, the red Gyarados couldn't help but With a roar, the upper body was hit by this huge force, and it couldn't help breaking away from the water column, and swept out towards the back and upper.

Unfortunately, it seems that Xun Chaoze has forgotten that the red Gyarados can fly, and the success of climbing the waterfall just now was only because the red Gyarados was using the tail of water to defend against the sharp edge of the rock. When the attack time was too short and it was too late to fly, the red Gyarados reacted, and Liu Qing took advantage of the situation and issued an order: "One hundred thousand volts!"

"Roar!" The red Gyarados roared violently, and the golden current flowed all over its body, and it was transmitted along the tail that was still wrapped around the water column in an instant. The black Gyarados couldn't escape, and was shrouded in golden electric light. He let out a painful but angry howl, struggling violently.

"Boom~" The powerful electric current merged with the water column climbing the waterfall, and suddenly exploded violently, and the huge body of the black Gyarados also fell uncontrollably towards the ground.

"Gyarados, Ice Fang!" Following Liu Qing's pursuit of the victory, the body of the red Gyarados also plummeted down, its icy teeth protruding, biting directly at the black Gyarados.

"Gyarados, cheer up!" Seeing the red Gyarados getting closer, Xun Chaoze immediately called out, and at this moment, the black Gyarados suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the The approaching red Gyarados let out a loud roar.

"Gyarados, come again, climb the waterfall!" Xun Chaoze yelled, and the black Gyarados responded immediately. During the fall, the whole body glowed blue again. The moment the dragon bit down, a huge amount of water shot up into the sky again, the long body of the black tyrannosaurus twisted instantly, avoiding the damage of landing directly, but the red tyrannosaurus also bit the water column with one bite, and the cold air Surging, instantly freezing the water column from top to bottom.

"Rock sharp blade!" The black Gyarados swam away in an instant, breaking away from the water column climbing the waterfall. Under the order of Xun Chaoze, white light flowed all over his body, turning into countless sharp rocks and flying out, instantly hitting the red There was a series of explosive noises from the Gyarados. The red Gyarado roared again and again, but was forced back by the huge force of the rock blade.

"It's now, Gyarados, let's do the dragon dance again!" Although there was a dragon dance once, which improved the strength and speed, no one would think that the speed is faster and the power is stronger. Seize this opportunity, flood tide Ze issued an order again, and the black Gyarados body twisted again.

My Gyarados is stronger than the opponent. Where is the strength? Naturally, it is the double speed brought by the rain. If I let the opponent perform the dragon dance again, the gap in speed that has been shortened by a lot may be even worse. Now, Liu Qing naturally didn't want to see this kind of thing happen, and immediately shouted: "Gyarados, stop it!"

"Boom!" Following Liu Qing's order, the red Gyarados swayed, and the huge tail was surrounded by water, and it was instantly drawn on the frozen waterfall climbing water column. The icicle shattered immediately, and a large number of ice cubes mixed in the tail of the water. It slammed down on the black tyrannosaurus, with 'boom~' explosions, and the black tyrannosaurus wanted to hold on, but was hit by the tail of the red tyrannosaurus, and its body rolled out on the field . [

"Ice Fang!" The red Gyarados tail retracted, but the upper body protruded out in an instant, Senhan's ice fangs bit the black Gyarados' body, and the strong cold air was transmitted instantly, mixing ice and water Although the black tyrannosaur struggled violently, it was quickly frozen into a pile in desperation, and was firmly connected to the ground.

"I've heard that the young patriarch also inherited the talent of water and ice from the woman Sato's family. His ability to control water and ice is unrivaled. Seeing him today is really unique and insightful!" Bo Fengye looked at the lifelike figure in the ice The raw black Gyarados couldn't help but turned and said to his elder brother at the side.

"Tch, the fight is really brutal, not shiny at all!" Hearing Bo Fengye's words, Xiao Ju'er glanced at the two of them and said contemptuously, but the excitement in her eyes revealed her heart.

"Gyarados, use the rock sharp blade to break free quickly!" Xun Chaoze looked at the Gyarados frozen in love, and immediately cheered loudly.

"Gyarados, [-] volts!" Ice is also a conductor. Looking at the black Gyarados glowing with white light all over the body in the ice, how long will it be if they don't attack at this time? Following Liu Qing's order, the red Gyarados Immediately, lightning surged all over the body, and a bright golden electric current was sent out towards the ice seal of the black tyrannosaurus, covering the entire ice sculpture in an instant.

"Roar!" The wild roar couldn't be stopped even by the ice, the entire ice covered by the current shook violently, cracks began to spread, and there was a crackling sound.

"Boom!" In less than a moment, the entire ice seal was covered with cracks, and the ice shards scattered in all directions during the explosion, and the current of [-] volts merged and burst open, and the body of the black tyrannosaur was also completely exposed. out.

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