Pokemon et al.

Chapter 273 Hezhong Region, challenge!


spn "Go, my fourth one!" Meyer quickly threw out the fourth Pokéball and issued an order, "Tomahawk Dragon, the wave of the dragon!"

As the elf ball thrown by Meyer opened, an elf whose whole body was covered in armor-like scales, with teeth like axes on both sides appeared in the field, and quickly fired a huge blue-green The wave hit the violent salamander, which was still in a frozen state, and then the rear right paw glowed white, and rushed over quickly. txtxz

"Fight back with the dragon's claw!" Liu Qing immediately ordered, and immediately saw the right claw of the storm salamander also emit white light, which collided with the dragon's claw of Tomahawk. After a moment of stalemate, the two exchanged open towards the rear.

"Dragon's wave!" Meyer issued the order again, and Tomahawk was not slow to react. Once again, he gathered the power of dark blue, sent out a huge wave, and headed towards the storm salamander.

"Use the dragon star group!" Following Liu Qing's order, the storm salamander's wings immediately flapped, and a body turned over and suddenly raised up to avoid the blow of the dragon's wave. It was able to hit the flying storm salamander, but the storm salamander quickly gathered energy, and an orange-yellow light ball rose from the storm salamander's abdomen, and was launched into the air from its mouth, exploding like fireworks Brilliant light, like a meteor falling downwards, the sound of "bang bang bang~" can be heard endlessly, and the whole venue is filled with smoke and dust. After the smoke and dust disperse, you can see Tomahawk half-kneeling and panting violently, facing the storm salamander in the air. The salamander let out a loud growl. [

"It can withstand the dragon star group, this Tomahawk is very strong!" Liu Qing slightly admired, and looked at the storm salamander. At this time, the storm salamander has gone through four games, and the physical strength is also very exhausted, " Showing fatigue, Liu Qing thought for a while and took out the poke ball and took it back, then threw the second poke ball, "Lucario, come out!"

"Tomahawk, dragon wave!" Meyer immediately issued an order, and Tomahawk took a deep breath, gathered the power of dark blue, and fired directly at Lucario.

"Raster Cannon!" Lucario also wanted to compare his strength with his opponent, so he didn't dodge, and directly gathered his strength, and a huge metallic beam of light was fired towards the wave of the dragon. After the two met and stalemate for a moment, they exploded directly.

"Waveguide!" Following Liu Qing's order, Lucario quickly gathered a light blue ball of light, passed through the smoke generated by the explosion in an instant, and hit the surprised-looking battle Axon, driven by its huge force, was thrown backwards, and when it landed on the ground, it had already lost its fighting power.

"The Tomahawk lost its combat power, and Lucario won!" the referee announced.

"Elder Bofeng, I never thought that your leader this time, Young Master Bofeng, is so powerful!" Jillion couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart, he never thought that the battle he planned to stand up for had become like this, facing Bofeng's family. The two elders exclaimed.

"Of course!" Bo Fengyue, a young "female" elder in her 30s, said with a smile, "After all, Liu Qing is a champion-level trainer of the Four Heavenly Kings!"

"Champion of the Four Heavenly Kings?!" The members of the bourgeois patriarch who was wrapped behind him by Jillion were shocked when they heard this. Their family can only be regarded as a big family, and it is far from comparable to those super families with champion-level trainers. At this moment, Jillion suddenly There is a feeling that you can't steal the chicken and lose the rice. At first, seeing Liu Qing was young, even the leader thought it was because of his status rather than his strength. , who is more powerful, regretted it very much in his heart, but congratulated with a smile on his face, "Master Bofeng has such strength at a young age, and his future achievements will definitely be limitless!"

"Auspicious words, Patriarch Tobuljoya!" The person who spoke was an elder in his 40s named Namifengchuan.

At this time, people are already paying attention to the outcome of the battle on the field. Gillion only knows that his grandson's last two elves, giant vines and blade soldiers, were not accidentally defeated by Lucario's explosive kick and waveguide.

Liuqing's victory in the first battle laid the foundation for the negotiations between the Bofeng family and the Bourgeois family. Commercial cooperation negotiations have special negotiators. There are powerful people who have noticed the arrival of the Bofeng family, and they will not be foolish to show up now, so they are still quite leisurely.

"Are you Sister Sirona's fiancé?" At this time, in a seaside villa in Xibo Town, a very quiet man with beautiful long golden hair was clipped with butterfly-shaped hair clips at both ends and was very elegant. The white-skinned girl who was lifted up was looking up and down Liu Qing with her pair of blue eyes, as if she was looking at a product, and was surrounded by this substantial gaze, Liu Qing had experienced many battles. Also feel uncomfortable than.

"Hello, Miss Cattleya, your um, the teleportation ability is really amazing!" That's right, this person is Cattleya, her friend of the King of Heaven that Sirona mentioned, who arrived in Liuqing That night in Xibo Town, Liu Qing suddenly disappeared inexplicably at the dinner party held by the bourgeois family and appeared in this villa.

"Your strength is not bad!" Cattleya's powerful mental power is like a scanner, and the waveguide in Liu Qing's body naturally couldn't hide it from her. Cattleya let out a slight sigh, "Forget you Barely passed the level!"

"Pass?" Liu Qing's forehead is full of black lines, do you think I'm really a commodity?

"That's right, I've heard Sister Sirona mention you before, but I didn't have a chance to see you. This time you finally came to Hezhong, so I even gave up my sleep time, so I came here immediately!" Jia De Liya seemed to be very tired when she spoke, and she was very angry, but she looked very cute, but what she said next was clear for a while, "Originally, my plan was to see if you were worthy of Sister Sirona, otherwise I will make you an idiot and let Sister Sirona free, it seems that it is very difficult to make you an idiot now! Why do you have special abilities?" After finishing speaking, he complained .

"Cough~" Liu Qing didn't know whether he should be angry or sad. He didn't expect that Sirona's friend not only didn't help her, but wanted to destroy herself. It's really unkind. When she turns back, she must inform Sirona Cadelina to hide her. A vicious heart beneath an innocent exterior.

"Well, I'm going back to sleep, goodbye!" Cattleya let out another breath, her eyes seemed to be unable to open, and phantoms of white rose petals appeared around her, her figure looming.

"Hey, wait, Cattleya!" Thinking that I can't live in the bourgeois family's house in Xibo Town, buying a villa is the top priority. Thinking of the many Cattleya houses that Sirona told herself, Xiluo There were several words in Bo Town, and Liu Qing yelled them out immediately. [

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Cattleya's disappearing figure became solid again.

"Well, I just arrived in the Hezhong area, and I don't have a place to live yet. I heard Sirona's introduction, so I want to buy a villa with you..."

"Just give this villa to you, um, no, it's for Sister Sirona, just for you to stay here temporarily, you should pick Sister Sirona to play here!" Cattleya waved her hand and counted The petals of the white rose fluttered, covering Liu Qing's sight. When the petals disappeared, Cattleya had disappeared, and then the light flashed, and a house deed fell from the void.

"It's really convenient to move instantly!" Liu Qing smiled wryly, picked up the deed and took a look, it was indeed the deed of this villa, she didn't say anything, just put it away, after all, everyone said it was for Sirona , Of course, this root is almost for myself!

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