
The shipwreck outside the Seven Waters Island is still a mess, and no one will come to such a place full of shipwrecks just after the tsunami.But Sauron doesn't care about these at all now, and the people around are just enough for him to think about some things here.

The three knives were still well worn around his waist, but the clearly reduced weight reminded him of a sad fact.

After sighing, Zoro stretched out his hand to hold the black handle of Yukino, and slowly pulled it out to look at it.The handle of the knife is kept in good condition, even after using it for so long, it is still the same as when it was just received from the owner.But the sharp blade of the past is only a short section, no more than an inch long.

"It's troublesome." Sauron looked at the knife and sighed helplessly.The fragments of the blade have been left in the ruins of the undersea passage on Judiciary Island, and it is impossible to find them and recast them.In other words, this famous knife belonging to Liang Kuai Dao Fifty Workers has completely died.Not only is Fa using his usual three-sword style, but also the subconscious choice on Judicial Island also makes Sauron feel an indescribable sense of guilt.

Behind Sauron, a hand with eyes in the palm suddenly stretched out.The eyes in the palm of the hand looked at Sauron and blinked, and then dissipated like petals blown by the wind. [

On Yitiao Street not far from where Sauron was, Robin with his hands folded on his chest opened his eyes, and smiled slightly at the anxious Kuina, "We have found our Mr. Swordsman." .He's not far from here, but he didn't find his way as we thought. But he seems to have encountered something on his mind."

"What's on my mind... I understand. Take me there to find him. His fierce face is not suitable for interpreting the poet's melancholy." Kuina thought about it for a while, and she almost understood what she knew about her childhood sweetheart. The idiot's way of thinking was very clear to Kuina.After Granny Ke Keluo rescued them from the water two days ago, Kuina knew it would happen when she saw the broken snow.

Robin covered her mouth and chuckled a few times, "Hehehe, you really know Mr. Swordsman. You are indeed Kuina."

"No way, that guy looks very strong. But sometimes it's easy to get into a corner, and someone has to beat him up. In fact, it's the same with Brother Nero, Sister Robin." Kuina blinked at Robin , showing a mischievous smile.Then, without waiting for Robin to speak, he walked forward on his own, "Okay, take me to Sauron quickly. Otherwise, that idiot Lu Chi will definitely not be able to find his way back after a while."

"Hehehe, Mr. Swordsman is indeed not easy to find the way." Robin chuckled, shook his head and followed Kuina, "Let me take you there. You need to find Swordsman in such a remote place." It's not easy sir."

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"What do you think, Dorag? Is the party I've prepared hot enough?" Nero stood on the sea rock, looking at the place where the sea and the sky meet, with a faint expression in his eyes. pride.

"You... Forget it, I will try to help as much as possible. Don't die, you bastard!" Drago's voice came from the phone bug's mouth, and then fell into a There was silence.The phone bug, who had been busy for a long time, finally had a rest, yawned lazily, and fell asleep obediently.

"Are you being arrogant, Drago?" Although Drago couldn't hear him anymore, Nero couldn't help complaining about his old friend's tough-mouthed and soft-hearted character.After stretching out his hand to put the sleeping phone bug back into his arms, Nero snapped his fingers at a rock behind him, "Come out, Robin. Have you forgotten that my hearing is much better than ordinary people's?"

As soon as Nero finished speaking, Robin walked out from behind the rock without a trace of hesitation, staring straight at Nero, "Why do you do this? Even if you are not afraid of the power of a general with the highest combat effectiveness, doing so It's also dangerous. This kind of thing is definitely not in the field we can touch now."

Just when he was helping Guina find Sauron who was suspected to be lost again, Robin accidentally discovered that Nero was staying here alone.After Kuina met Zoro, Robin, who didn't want to be a light bulb, wanted to come over to have a look.But after hearing the content of Nero's call, Robin didn't know what to say.

"Mama, I also have some things that I have to do. Anyway, I will find an appropriate time to explain to everyone." Nero scratched his head with some reluctance.Although it would be very troublesome if they knew about it, but if Robin heard about it, there was nothing they could do.Robin's words let her know that some things are fine, but this is not the headache now, "Let's go back to the temporary residence at Dock No. [-] first. There is a big trouble coming."

"Big trouble? That's...a warship." Robin was taken aback by Nero's thoughtless phone call, and followed Nero's line of sight.A huge warship appeared in Robin's eyes. The size of the warship was at least that of a general.The most peculiar thing is that the bow of the ship is a striking dog's head with a bone in its mouth, but it always feels a sense of disobedience to install it on such a warship.

"Vice Admiral Garp, a stinky old man who is more difficult than our captain." Nero curled his lips as if he had tasted something unpalatable, walked to Robin's side and pulled Robin's hand consciously. Hand, "Let's go, although I don't really want to see that troublesome old man, but I still have to go."

Seeing Nero's unhurried appearance, Robin restrained his worries.He and Nero slowly walked home, and at this time Lieutenant General Garp's ship had already docked at the port of the capital of seven waters.

On the bustling street, all the people consciously and quietly stood on both sides of the road.In the middle of the road, a team of navy is marching forward neatly.Walking at the forefront of the line was a strong old man wearing a lieutenant general's costume, with a funny dog's head hood on his head.But no one would underestimate him, not just the strong aura emanating from the old man.Just mentioning the name of the old man will make people awe-inspiring, Garp-a man who pushed Roger the Pirate King into desperation several times, a legendary hero who will never change in the navy!

Perhaps in another time, such an old man would be welcomed by all.But now none of the residents of the capital of seven waters are happy.There is a small mansion in the direction these navies are heading.The heroes of the capital of seven waters live there, but their identities are - pirates!

After a while, the light blue mansion appeared in front of my eyes.After the naval soldiers opened the courtyard gate, they consciously guarded the gate and blocked the crowd of onlookers.Lieutenant General Karp walked towards the mansion with three non-commissioned officers.

In the mansion, Luffy sat on a chair and let out a loud grunt.This made Ke Keluo's mother-in-law, grandson, and Frankie, who came to visit him specially, feel a little helpless, especially after seeing Luffy subconsciously swallowing food while sleeping, they felt a sense of strength in their hearts. [

At this moment, a wall suddenly burst open without warning.Sanji, who was showing affection to Nami, immediately turned serious, Frankie, who was carefree, also tensed his muscles, and Chopper even knocked a rambo ball directly. "Who is it! Who's there!"

"Are you guys from the Straw Hat Boys? Some men want to see Monkey Luffy." Lieutenant General Garp walked out of the dust with steady steps.After seeing Luffy sleeping like a dead pig, Garp showed some surprise on his face, "This guy is really... die hard!"

As soon as Lieutenant General Garp finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared.Sanji and the others standing in front of him only felt a gust of wind blowing by. When they turned their heads, Garp had run up to Luffy who was sleeping soundly, raised his casserole-sized fist and hit Luffy on the head, " Get up quickly!"

Under Garp's strong blow, Luffy was sent flying and hit the ground hard, even the floor tiles were splashed everywhere by him.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Luffy rolled around on the ground screaming and clutching the place where Garp had beaten him, a large lump was swollen on his forehead visible to the naked eye.

"What! Luffy is a rubber man, how can you hurt him with your fists!" Sanji looked at the big bag on Luffy's head, and looked at Garp with a suspicious face.What's the matter with the damage of this fruit-seeing ability!

"There is no way to resist a fist full of love." Lieutenant General Garp said, but he did not continue to attack Luffy, but reached out and took off the dog hood on his head, "You really turned the world upside down, Lu Fei fly!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Luffy couldn't help shivering.After looking up and seeing the face that appeared several times in nightmares, Luffy's pupils shrank suddenly, "Grandpa...Grandpa...Grandpa!"

"Grandpa!" After hearing Luffy's address to the visitor, everyone present was in a mess.If the eyes are not dazzled, this person is wearing the military uniform of the Vice Admiral. If this is understood literally - the Vice Admiral is Luffy's grandfather!

"No mistake, right? How could the grandson of the vice admiral be a pirate!" Nami couldn't believe her ears. Either she was crazy or the world was crazy.It's as ridiculous as a cat being the mouse's grandpa!

"You're right to think so. But it's true that the old man in front of you is our captain's grandfather." Nero and Robin walked in together, and the navy guarding beside them didn't stop them at all, but they looked at Nero. Lu's eyes were full of fear.They were working under Lieutenant General Garp, and they knew very well that the man in front of them was actually the chief culprit in destroying Judicial Island!

Nero didn't seem to see the eyes of these navy soldiers, after entering the room through the big hole made by Garp.Nero gestured for Robin to stay away from him, and then waved to Garp as if seeing a friend's elder, "My name is Nero Stormrage, and I am the deputy captain of your grandson's ship. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time. !"

"Hahaha, you don't have to be so polite." Garp smiled at Nero with a big grin, looking like an uncle next door.But then his figure flashed, he raised his fist and hit Nero, "How could I not know you bastard!"

"It's fine if you mess around with that unfilial son of Dorag, why do you want to spoil my grandson! As an elder, it doesn't matter if you don't stop Luffy from messing around, you caused more trouble than him! Do you know? Did you know!..." Garp became more and more angry as he spoke, punching Nero forcefully.Nero knew he was wrong, and he really had no way to refute what the old man said, so he had to passively defend himself.

"Huh... It's okay, it's okay." Luffy looked at Garp's furious look, and patted his chest with lingering fear.If Nero hadn't diverted the hatred, then the unlucky one would be himself.But before he was happy for a long time, a chill suddenly rushed up his back.

"And you bastard, don't you have anything to say to your dear grandpa? You should at least apologize to me! You know how much trouble you have caused me!"


ps: The second update is complete.Today, my mother is always arrogant, and I was almost depressed to death all afternoon.

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