Fighting Soul Clan Emperor

Chapter 287 Fierce Fighting and Destroying the Stone Clan

The boundary between the sky and the earth is blurred by the white thunder and lightning, making people dizzy.

The white thunder light was churning crazily on the surface of Mang Tianchi's body, and ripples of white thunder light spread out in circles——Thundering golden body, when using Thunder Clan's heaven-level fighting skills, can increase one's speed, Attack power, and defense power.Today's Mang Tianchi's physical ability is almost comparable to that of the newly promoted Dou Sheng.

Nalan Yanran stared at him intently, hundreds of shots of sky-shattering sword energy burst out like brilliance.

However, Mang Tianchi was faster and leaped past. The ordinary masters around only saw the air rippling behind Nalan Yanran, and a white figure flashed out. The kick was as fast as thunder, and it contained a terrifying force. He mercilessly kicked Nalan Yan down the back.

Nalan Yanran's complexion changed slightly, and immediately her long sword slashed towards the rear in vain, the cyan light of the sword seemed to form a huge whirlwind, separated the space, and slashed out angrily.


The space is torn open, bang bang explodes, and air waves billow.The bodies of both of them trembled slightly, but in the next moment, they rushed out like ghosts again.


On the sky where many gazes gathered, white light and green light intertwined continuously, and the terrifying power struck away, and the two lights and shadows also shot out suddenly, and the soles of each other's feet retreated more than ten steps in the sky, and each step fell , will shatter the space away. [

To Mang Tianchi's surprise, Nalan Yanran didn't panic at all in the face of his fierce and intensive attacks, instead she responded more easily. Every time the sword light stabbed at his vitals, she saw her right arm slam Turning around, the long sword pierced Man Tianchi's chest like a poisonous snake with a cold wind.


When the long sword was about to pierce his body, Mang Tianchi used all his strength, and the thunder armor made her attack stagnant, but Mang Tianchi narrowly dodged.

Before he had time to rejoice, he suddenly noticed several gusts of wind blowing behind his head, and he twisted his body and hurriedly dodged.In a hurry, Mangtian Ruler used his body protection again, and was hit by the sky-shattering sword energy. Although he was cushioned by the thundering golden body, it still made him feel as if his internal organs were hit hard by a hammer, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Tearing Wind and Moon Wheel Slash!"

Taking this opportunity, Nalan Yanran approached the old man, swung her long sword and slashed obliquely, the feeling of hitting the target created a crack in the space, separated the Leimang armor, turned into splashing blood, and cut off Mang In Tianchi's right hand, where the blade passed, a beautiful incision was made, and the skin, muscles, and bones were all torn apart.

Nalan Yanran's movements were as quick as lightning, and a series of attacks were done in one go. Even Xiao Yan couldn't guarantee that he could dodge it in his semi-saint period.

One move determines the outcome!Even a strong man who has experienced many battles will lose his fighting power!


No one expected that at this moment, the injured Mang Tianchi slapped Nalan Yanran with his left palm almost like a conditioned reflex, with majestic fighting spirit and amazing strength.

As if being hit hard, Nalan Yanran shot backwards in embarrassment, the soles of her feet slid hundreds of meters above the sky, before she forced herself to stabilize, severe pain surged up, as if her bones had been shattered.

"Good job, old man!"

With an indifferent smile, Nalan Yanran once again controlled the sky-shattering sword energy, intending to completely kill the seriously injured Mang Tianchi. This time, only battle energy surged, and sword energy continuously emerged around Mang Tianchi, finally overwhelming roared out.

"and many more!"


Seeing Man Tianchi's miserable appearance, the members of the Lei Clan and Xiao Yan and his party were shocked, apparently they had never expected him to fight so hard.

However, they didn't expect that the two launched desperate attacks on each other at the same time, and they didn't even have time to stop them.

"Are you going to kill me? Come on! I'll kill you first!"

Do not retreat but advance——Mang Tianchi howled like a wild beast, and the attack by sacrificing his life was beyond Nalan Yanran's expectations, making the Sky-Shattering Sword Qi capture the fastest burst of Mang Tianchi, turning it into a rushing thunder Instantly spanning a distance of hundreds of meters, he used his remaining intact arm, his left arm turned into white light, and pierced straight through Nalan Yanran's heart.

Almost at the same time, when Mang Tianchi came within two meters of Nalan Yanran, she swung her sword lightly, but the speed was unbelievably fast.

Neither of them used fighting skills, they just made more simple and beautiful movements in order to kill each other.


When the first battle of the Yue Zhan was in a deathmatch, the strong men led by Hun Yao and Hun Miesheng resisted the Stone Clan without anyone noticing.

It is completely different from the time of the Spirit Clan. The Stone Clan and the Medicine Clan are generally extremely xenophobic and do not accept affiliated forces. Therefore, even the Soul Clan cannot send traitors to them and obtain information about their clan.

Although the Stone Clan is in decline, there may be some mysterious things hidden in it. After all, the ancestor of the Stone Clan is also Emperor Dou, so this time, the Soul Clan is not only a sneak attack, but also needs to attack faster than the destruction of the Spirit Clan. ——Let the opponent not even leave time to use the secret weapon.

Not leaving the enemy the slightest chance to turn the tables, this is something everyone in the Soul Race knows.

Seeing that the water army and the allied troops of the Soul Palace had successfully arrived at the gate of the stone world, and there was no unusual news from the clan, Hun Miesheng was greatly relieved.

Before the battle, he was greatly relaxed. The reason is that he was severely punished by Soul Star Meng last time for running out of an inner ghost in the Soul Palace. At the same time, because of this preparation, the two had the following dialogue——

"Miesheng, the last time we attacked the spirit race, we actually showed our feet! Fortunately, the other ancient races have not been discovered yet, and the only person who knew the evidence, Gu Yuan, also proved that I, I, also cleverly found out those traitors! The hateful thing is that not only Our Soul Clan even has one in the Soul Palace! Next time, when dealing with the Stone Clan, if you leak it again, I will cut off your head!" Hun Xingmeng sat on the chair with his eyes half closed, looking a bit like Concentrating, also kind of like falling asleep.

"Uh, what if the soul clan has internal traitors? I have no right to arrest the soul clan." Hun Miesheng asked with blinking eyes.

"Then I'll cut off your head as well!"

"...Ah, the Great Elder is indeed fair and strict, and his subordinates admire him!"

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