Lan Zhengyu's words echoed in Xia Mingxi's ears...

Is she really in love with Ji Hao...

She doesn't know, she doesn't know how she feels about Ji Hao now. In short, she is very worried now, worried that if Ling Fei really comes back, what will she do?Where should she go? ?

"Okay, since you don't want to answer, don't answer. Seeing what you're like now, let's deal with it first!! I'll take you to the hotel first, take a shower first, and then I'll buy you a set of clothes for you. Take it, how about it?"

As he said that, Lan Zhengyu's car stopped under a tall building, which was a five-star hotel.


Xia Mingxi grinned, with a forced smile, and got out of the car.

The lobby of the hotel was extremely luxurious. Lan Zhengyu took out his gold card and opened a room for Xia Mingxi, then gave the room card to Xia Mingxi, left the hotel by himself, and went to buy clothes for Xia Mingxi.

Lan Zhengyu's thoughtfulness is unmatched by any man! !

Xia Mingxi shook her head, deliberately letting herself stop thinking about Ji Hao, let everything take its course! !The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, and at worst, it will be dumped! !There is nothing to be afraid of! !

Get ready and let's go! ! !

Elegant music, giving people a feeling of relaxation and joy, violin music, romantic French restaurant, giving people a feeling of artistic conception.

The owner of this French restaurant is French. He is very self-cultivated, with an elegant taste of life and unique French cuisine. The restaurant only accepts one table of guests every day, and they can only be couples.

The owner of this restaurant has a very good relationship with Lan Zhengyu, so Lan Zhengyu doesn't need to make an appointment at all, he can come whenever he wants.

It was noon, after Xia Mingxi had changed his clothes, Lan Zhengyu, as a gentleman, naturally wanted to bring the girl to have a meal. ! !

"You should drink less wine!! It's really scary when you're drunk!!"

Watching Xia Mingxi pouring down glasses of red wine, Lan Zhengyu couldn't help joking.

"Hey, the situation was special that night, who knew that the wine was so easy to get drunk, and now I'm drinking red wine, it's okay!!"

Xia Mingxi gave Lan Zhengyu a reassurance.

"Come on, don't just drink, eat some steak, or your stomach will be uncomfortable."

With that said, Lan Zhengyu handed the steak he had sliced ​​to Xia Mingxi, and exchanged it with Xia Mingxi without moving.

"Hey, thank you!! The steak is really delicious!!!"

Xia Mingxi smiled mischievously, very satisfied.

Lan Zhengyu was a little stunned...

This little woman is really easy to satisfy, a plate of steak makes me so happy! !

"Look at what you eat, you look like a little cat, come on, wipe your mouth..."

Lan Zhengyu took the tissue, almost without thinking, he reached out to Xia Mingxi's mouth, carefully and gently wiped off the stains around her mouth...

"Bang bang bang... bang bang..."

My heart lost its rhythm for a while, and it kept beating...

This is the first time that someone did this kind of thing for her, and it was a man, a man so handsome, if Xia Mingxi was still normal, it would definitely be impossible! ! !

Four eyes facing each other...

spark touch...


Dear friends, please help Xiyue...

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