Quan Hongxing hurriedly ran to a corner on the west side of the municipal committee compound, where the manhole cover of the sewer was located. Seeing that there were no guards here, Quan Hongxing was relieved, and he still escaped.

"Old man, there is no one answering Ade's cell phone, what should I do? If Ade is arrested, what will I do in the future?"

"Hey, don't cry, as long as we can escape, even if Ade is arrested, they have to release Ade obediently. I have too many criminal evidences in my hand. They want To ensure safety, you have to be honest and obedient, as long as I can get through this test, I may return to my original job when the time comes."

Quan Hongxing began to persuade his wife, hey, Ade hasn't answered the phone until now, presumably Ade has fallen into Jiang Xincheng's hands now, but Jiang Xincheng, if you think you won like this, then you still laugh It's too early, as long as I can escape from the municipal committee compound, with what I have in hand, I will let you shoot yourself in the foot.

Just when Quan Hongxing opened the sewer manhole cover, Zhao Chaogang, who was invisible in the air, had already spotted him. Seeing that Quan Hongxing really started to run away, Zhao Chaogang made a move. With a bang, Quan Hongxing slammed into the wall fiercely , vomited blood and passed out, but Quan Hongxing's wife had already passed out before him.

Jiang Xincheng came to Quan Hongxing's residence excitedly, but he had just arrived at the door of Quan Hongxing's room. Seeing the wide open door, a bad premonition rose in Jiang Xincheng's heart, and he hurried into Quan Hongxing's room. The room, seeing Quan Hongxing's messy bedroom, Jiang Xincheng knew that his arrest operation tonight had leaked, and Quan Hongxing ran away.

Jiang Xincheng touched Quan Hongxing's quilt, and it was still hot, which showed that Quan Hongxing hadn't run far, but Jiang Xincheng didn't dare to arrest Quan Hongxing with great fanfare in the municipal committee compound. According to the layout, it is impossible for Quan Hongxing to escape from the municipal committee compound in such a short time.

Jiang Xincheng's face turned black and he began to arrange an arrest plan. Now that such a big mistake has occurred, things will be difficult in the future. He knows that Quan Hongxing must have some life-saving measures in his hands. It's fine to catch Quan Hongxing at night. If he can't catch it, he has to withdraw the team obediently. Quan Hongxing's backstage will definitely work hard.

Thinking of how Quan Hongxing was safe and sound under the protection of his backstage, Jiang Xincheng felt furious, and directly punched the tree next to him, the skin on his hand was torn. Jiang Xincheng didn't care about such pain anymore. Today In the evening, Quan Hongxing was not captured, and his operation can be said to have been a complete failure.

Just when Jiang Xincheng was annoyed, a team of security personnel found Quan Hongxing and his wife unconscious on the ground while patrolling the west side of the municipal party committee compound. Seeing Quan Hongxing's body covered in blood, they hurriedly called the police, which made Jiang Xincheng happy when he got the news Extremely, it really didn't take much effort to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes, that's great, the action tonight came to a successful conclusion.

Seeing that Quan Hongxing had been taken away by Jiang Xincheng, Zhao Chaogang nodded silently, and left with a sword. He is really relieved now, and even if Quan Hongxing is finally saved by his backstage boss, it's nothing It doesn't matter, Zhao Chaogang has already placed a restraint in Quan Hongxing's body. After a year, Quan Hongxing will die of a cerebral thrombosis.

"You mean that someone helped you stop Quan Hongxing who was about to escape?" Li Anmin was a little unbelievable that someone would know that Quan Hongxing would abscond, and knocked Quan Hongxing unconscious at the west corner.

"Yes, at the scene where Quan Hongxing was comatose, we found a clean sewer, leading directly to a small shop selling tobacco and alcohol 0 meters outside the municipal party committee compound. If it wasn't for someone's help, Quan Hongxing would definitely be able to escape us tonight. Unexpectedly, he has such a secret escape route, this is our negligence." Jiang Xincheng admitted his mistake very sincerely.

"No, this is none of your business. You have tried your best, but Quan Hongxing's cunning is far beyond our imagination. In order to prevent the same thing from happening again, you will send someone to clean up every corner of the municipal committee compound tomorrow. Check one side, and seal one if you find one.”

"Yes, but now many leaders are calling Quan Hongxing to plead for mercy. Our Public Security Bureau is under a lot of pressure."

"You don't need to worry about these things. Push them all on me. People like Quan Hongxing, I will never let them go this time. Hey, do you have any clues about the person who helped you?"

"It's completely clueless. I have a guess here. I don't know if the person who helped me catch All Red Star and the person on the giant wheel are together. Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence?"

"Well, your conjecture is very reasonable. In this way, put these two cases aside, and make a surprise investigation of Quan Hongxing, and get all his criminal facts in place."


Li Anmin looked at the deep night sky in the distance, and said silently in his heart: Mysterious man, there is only so much I can help.

On the second day in the official circles of Lin'an City, it was reported that the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau was double-regulated. It is said that there is a lot of evidence. The cash and gold bars found in his home alone are worth 00 million yuan, not counting the real estate and antiques under his name. Calligraphy and painting, conservatively estimated to be about 5000 million, absolutely huge greed, enough to be a target.

Although Quan Hongxing's downfall surprised many people, the inside story that was exposed later shocked the entire officialdom in Lin'an City. Those who jumped up and down to plead for Quan Hongxing immediately closed When he opened his mouth, he regretted it in his heart. He was not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. He was talking about Quan Mingde, the son of Quan Hongxing.

Quan Hongxing's son, Quan Mingde, is even worse than his father. He even smuggled organs with Koreans, or smuggled living people into the high seas to harvest their organs. As good as God is, it's a good thing he's already dead, and the death is still very painful. It's true that evil people have evil rewards.

But these people who spoke for Quan Hongxing are now regretting it at home. With such a stain, they don't need to think about their future progress. Hey, even if you die, Quan Mingde, you will still be harmful.

The Public Security Bureau of Lin'an City also issued a notice to arrest the murderer or murder organization that killed 59 people including Jin Minghao. Such dangerous elements or teams must not allow him to exist in Lin'an City. He or they are A ticking time bomb in Lin'an City could kill people at any moment, all policemen in the entire Lin'an City must be vigilant.

Jiang Xincheng had a hunch what would happen in Lin'an City these days?But he didn't know what aspects he had missed, so he could only strengthen the police patrol force in Lin'an City, just in case, and the entire Lin'an City Public Security Bureau became tense again.

Jiang Xincheng's premonition was not wrong. Another appalling murder occurred in a farm compound in the suburbs of Lin'an City the next day. Eight more people were killed. He bled to death, absolutely suffered a lot of pain before his death, the murderer's heart was very hard.

After careful investigation by the police, it was found that this place was an old den of a begging organization. It was full of change from begging children. They counted about 8. According to neighbors, they would go to the bank to deposit money every two days. Qian, there were more than 2 disabled children in this yard before, and they also complained to the town government, but it was useless.

Besides, these people bought their usual meals from a few neighbors. Gradually, everyone got involved in their interests, and then no one responded. Everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't talk about it everywhere.

The current situation is very clear. This person or these people are facing the killers of these inhumane begging organizations. Although Jiang Xincheng hates these inhuman guys very much, they should be sentenced by the court if they committed a crime. It's not you or self-righteous knights like you who came to teach them a lesson.

If this is the case in society, what do the police need to do, and society is full of such knights, will society still be peaceful? !So although Jiang Xincheng admires such people a little in his heart, he will still do his duty, and must find out and catch these people or organizations who are also murderers.

Just when Jiang Xincheng had just stepped out of this courtyard, several more annoying news came. In Lin'an City, a total of 6 places similar to the scene here have been found, and here are 7 places. The death toll reached 48 people. Judging from their appearance, they were definitely committed by the same gang.

Hearing that 48 people had died, Jiang Xincheng's head was getting bigger. He couldn't even report such a big murder case, because he didn't know if such a thing would happen again. He almost gave his scalp to the police. I can't think of a way to delay it.

Who said that this person or organization's anti-reconnaissance capabilities are too strong, and there is no trace left on the entire crime scene. If the Standing Committee wants to hear the analysis of the case by the Public Security Bureau or the progress of the case, you can ask What did he say? Could it be that the criminal team's methods were too clever, and they didn't find any clues at the scene, so his role as the chief of the Public Security Bureau was over.

There is no way, Jiang Xincheng can only report this matter to Mayor Li Anmin, and after receiving Jiang Xincheng's report, Li Anmin was speechless for a long time, unexpectedly, under his rule, such a thing actually existed, which made people who thought of serving the common people Li Anmin, who is the first goal, is very sad.

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