fake prince

Chapter 99 Impossible

Chapter 99 Impossible

"This is impossible!" Hei Qi turned into a half-demon half-human form, struggling in the mist: "Why would the ancestor priest restrain me?"

"I'm the monster race." As he said that, he struggled desperately, seeing the mist being torn apart, Su Ziji didn't hesitate any longer, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards him.

"Go to hell!" The short blade was raised, ready to stab down.

"Aw..." A dragon roar seemed to come from the void, and above Su Ziji's body, a phantom of a young dragon appeared, and it just swung its tail lightly, and the tip of the tail was meeting the short blade.

"Impossible, impossible!" Black Shadow's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

"Pfft" the short knife pierced, the black shadow solidified for a moment, and then a bright white light burst out. When the light hit Su Ziji, he felt his body warm up, and all the evils that had been contaminated when he was close to the ghost were all removed, and The sacrificial stone in the water temple was swept by the white light and shook violently.

The next moment, a beam of light burst out from the stone house and shot straight into the sky.

This beam of light resonated with the young dragon, and the phantom of the young dragon, which was originally somewhat dull, became brighter.

"This, this is the power of the Dragon Lord? No, no, I am still very young...Ji Jun, why, why kill me, I am a demon clan..."

The ghost's eyes were wide open, and it couldn't believe that it felt the power of the dragon clan that should have disappeared. It wanted to say something, but there was no more sound from its throat.

The next moment, the entire body was wiped out in smoke.

Water Temple and Mural Department

It began to drizzle again, and several tourists and pilgrims hid in the side hall. Ding Ruili looked out, because the sky was overcast, his vision was very dark, and no movement could be seen.

"Brother Ding, this stele is still sealed by the imperial court, no, it is sealed by the imperial court."

"Since it was a patent, why was it dismissed later?" The two scholars looked at the dark stone tablet and talked to Ding Ruili.

Even if Ding Ruili was confused for a while, his IQ did not drop much. He said that he had an appointment with someone, and he was not false. At this time, he tricked Su Ziji to Xiaolin, and he came back immediately, with an alibi witness.

"Let's talk about playing together. Su Ziji left the brigade by himself. If something happens to monsters, he won't have much responsibility."

Just thinking about it, Ding Ruili also looked at it carefully after hearing this, and couldn't help being surprised.

There are several kinds of orders of the emperor according to their importance.

Instructions are often daily instructions and oral instructions.

Edict, there is this jade seal, the treasure of imperial edict, ordinary orders, canonized below the fifth rank and above the ninth rank.

Patent, to declare hundreds of officials, canonize five ranks or above, and non-hereditary titles, but the emperor personally writes the decree, and together use the treasure of making patents, this square jade seal
The imperial edict is widely announced, the subjects are announced, and the hereditary title is not replaced.

The canonization of ghosts and gods is usually granted by imperial edict, and when imperial enfeoffment is used, it is indeed very important. Why did the government depose them later?

Just thinking about it, someone was dumbfounded when they saw the beam of light rising into the sky from Xiao Lin's direction.

"Then, what is that?"

At first, I thought it was because my eyes were blurred, but when I turned my head to look around, I found that the people who were sheltering from the rain were all staring at one place with their mouths wide open as long as they turned their heads. Obviously, I was not the only one who saw the light just now.

As soon as Ding Ruili saw it, his face turned pale instinctively, and he hid in the crowd, looking at Xiao Lin, feeling cold all over.

"What's the situation? What happened?"

"No, why am I here? I actually helped the monster deal with Su Ziji?" Ding Ruili only felt that his memory was confused, and he sneered and tried to make Su Ziji die.

"I can't hide this matter anymore, I have to tell the teacher quickly, it must be caused by a monster!" Ding Ruili was about to leave immediately, his mind was a little clear.

But after a few steps, a red light flashed in Ding Ruili's clear eyes, and the animal eyes stood up. The next moment, the red light and the animal eyes disappeared at the same time, but the anxious expression also slowed down.

Ding Ruili only felt that his whole body was cool and benefited, and it seemed that he became much stronger all of a sudden.

"No!" Ding Ruili sneered: "What am I afraid of? It's not me who kills, and it's not me who kills. Even if someone is in a hurry, it shouldn't be me."

"My feeling is that Tan An is dead, and the body should be in the same place. As long as you report to the official, even if Su Ziji has a hundred mouths, it will take time to explain clearly. This time, there will be no results in Qiu Wei."

"No, it's not safe. If no one makes a fuss, Su Ziji, as the head of the case, will not suspect murder!" Ding Rui stood up and said to the left and right: "Brother Dai, Brother Wei, there seems to be something wrong inside. It’s better to report to the officials as soon as possible, and let the inspection department or the police come to check.”

"That's right!" The two scholars were flustered and thought it was a good idea, so they immediately agreed.

In fact, there is no need to report to the authorities, because there are many eyewitnesses about the apparition of the Water Temple in Shuiyuan Town, the spread of the matter is very fast, and the patrol inspectors in the town have already led people to come here.

And the people around were afraid and curious, crowded around and discussed in front of the screen wall of the water temple.

"Is this the manifestation of the Dragon Lord?"

"It must be. Look at the beam of light soaring into the sky. Isn't it a manifestation?"

Suddenly, people separated for a while. It turned out that the inspector had arrived. I saw a middle-aged man rushing forward, surrounded by more than ten tolerances holding iron rulers and water and fire sticks. ?”

There was a slight restlessness, and the priest came out, about 50 years old, with a fat face and good features, he bowed quickly: "My lord, the villain is here!"

"What the hell happened?"

"The villain went to check just now, and it was the stone platform where the ancestral shrine was located, which was shining and rushed to the sky. It was more than three feet high, and it took about half a quarter before and after." The ancestral priest spoke very clearly.

"Is there something different about the stone platform where the ancestors are worshipped?"

"No." The priest has already checked, and there is nothing except some dirty blood. The dirty blood looks like it has been there for some time. Maybe it's because they don't know who killed the dog before, so they don't want to be troublesome.

"Oh, so they are?" The inspector glanced at the tourists.

"The student is a student of a government school. He is here to play. I don't want to encounter this." Ding Ruili bowed and said lightly, but he was surprised in his heart. It is impossible. Tan An is dead. The body should be in the same place. How could it be? Nothing wrong?
Even if Tan An couldn't disfigure Su Ziji and get involved in the murder case, he could still make Su Ziji unable to escape for a short time. How could he go to the scientific research?
After three years of delay, you can no longer argue with yourself.

"It turned out to be a student from the government school." The inspector took a look, and saw that this was someone with a reputation. His face softened, and he said to the priest, "Take me there to have a look."

A group of people went to Xiaolin and Shitai. At first glance, it was very normal.

"Is this the ancestral priest?" The inspector frowned and asked.

"Yes, there were only a few huts in the ancestral hall back then, and it was expanded to such a large size in the previous dynasty, but they were preserved." The ancestral hall was inherited from generation to generation, and we still have some understanding of the history of our ancestors.

"What is this?" The inspection was a matter of law and order for a long time, and he was very keen, and found the blood all at once.

"This blood has been around for a while, I'm afraid someone secretly killed chickens and dogs to keep it." The priest said with a calm expression.

What about the corpse?
Ding Ruili screamed in his heart, looked around, stared at a dry well, raised his eyes, but saw a few people coming over from one place, they seemed to be curious and followed after hearing the sound, among them was Su Ziji.

The eyes of the two met, both were cold.

"Calling out now, no, no, you will get yourself involved, and you won't be able to cure Su Ziji, so you have to think of other ways." Ding Ruili thought, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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