fake prince

Chapter 44 Awakening

Chapter 44 Awakening
Su Ziji looked strange.

According to the mental method, I have to absorb spiritual energy, refine the nature of thousands of monsters, and extract my own supernatural powers from all kinds of monster natures. Only by integrating them can I be regarded as a dragon nature. Only by accumulating merits and virtues can one be promoted to a true dragon.

But I am a human being, so I don't have any monster nature, let alone the nature of ten thousand monsters. As for flying clouds and rain, I don't even need to mention the accumulation of merit.

"Or absorb spiritual energy, can you give it a try?"

Su Ziji glanced at Ye Buhui, saw that although she was still sleeping, her brows were still slightly frowning, she couldn't help but sighed secretly, closed her eyes immediately, and followed the method of her heart to induce the absorption of spiritual energy.

"..." After a long time, Su Ziji opened his eyes with a bitter expression on his face.

"It can't be said that there is no effect at all, but that little bit of spiritual energy is too weak, I'm afraid it's not enough to eat a bowl of rice, right?"

"What's the use of such a drop in the bucket?"

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard a "pop" in the distance, the sound was very slight, but it was clearly audible on the quiet boat.

"Someone woke up, hey, it's the lady from the Hu family." Su Ziji immediately shrank his head back, this girl is very mysterious, it's better not to provoke her, and following the sound, Ye Buhui also twitched her eyelashes , seems to be waking up.

Two rooms away, Hu Xiyan woke up with a start, and saw that there was no water mansion in front of her, no big monster, only Hu Shijiu's little face was leaning against her, sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Am I... fainted?" Hu Xiyan hurriedly got up, looked around, and saw that the maid on another small couch was still sleeping soundly, and was not affected by anything.

Could it be that the scene just now was just an illusion?

No, not right!

Hu Xiyan remembered the scene she "saw" just now, and hurriedly turned around to look at the bronze mirror again, only to see that the boat was very strange, with people falling asleep everywhere, but no one was missing, let alone lying on the ground, but I found a suitable place to sleep.

It seemed that he was tired after the chess game, and he was looking for a place to rest.

No, no, Hu Xiyan thought carefully: "Just now I clearly saw that the wind and thunder came, and most of the last hall of the Dragon Palace was destroyed."

"At that time, I still felt that there must be no reason, but I didn't want to wake up here."

"Could it be..." She couldn't help touching half of the red sandalwood tin, thoughtfully.

"Now that I think about it, the blood fiend's attack just now was a little subtle. It seemed that it wasn't me. It was slightly changed when it hit. Could it be that I was a demon, so I was locked."

But thinking about it, I can't think of a specific reason.

More importantly, she was already suspicious.

The opening of the Dragon Palace is definitely not an ordinary thing, but Ye Buhui and Su Ziji, who solved the chess game inside, must be unusual.

That's all for Ye Buhui, she is a woman, she can't be a "destined person", Su Ziji is too suspicious, but Zitan Mutian doesn't have any feelings.

"Nineteen, wake up." Hu Xiyan thought for a while and pushed her.

"Ah, I'm so tired. Sister, why did you wake up so early?" Hu Shijiu was pushed awake and yawned, which seemed very strange.

"Do you remember how you slept just now?" Hu Xiyan asked.

"..." Hu Shijiu didn't understand what his sister meant, and it took a while to realize: "Isn't it just that the chess game is over, and then everyone rests?"

"..." Hu Xiyan was startled, she was very smart, and immediately thought of it, could it be that except for the chess players, everyone else thought it was a normal rest after a chess game, and no one was suspicious?
This frightened the fox.

Wouldn't it be scary to modify memory on a large scale?
"Little Nineteen, have you heard about the Dragon Lord of Panlong Lake Water Mansion?" Hu Xiyan asked, observing her expression.

Hu Shijiu yawned. Although she is a junior in the fox family, she is better than entering Qingqiu, absorbing spiritual energy, and getting the seeds. Because of being favored, she has been working in the painting boat. I have never heard of it. There are few stories about the dragon king here.

"I know this!" She said immediately after yawning, as a young fox, she still wanted to show her profound knowledge: "There used to be a dragon king in the water mansion of Panlong Lake, but hundreds of years ago, he became the king of Panlong Lake. The master, not only the monster clan in the lake, but also the water monsters connected to Panlong Lake, also obey orders."

"There is a fox saying that it will be the demon emperor who will build the demon palace in the future, but I think it is impossible!"

As Hu Shijiu said, she licked her lips. She thought of Zhengde Braised Chicken again. Why did she feel so hungry? Didn't she eat before going to bed?

Impossible, I will forget everything, but this will not be forgotten.

But I'm still hungry!

The elder sister didn't pay attention to this point, so she had to draw out her voice and said, "Later, for some unknown reason, this dragon king no longer appeared, and the local aquarium was freed from restraint, and after a long time, they fell apart like this."

"Sister, are you hungry? Let's go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat!"

"Dragon Lord, Yaoting..." Hu Xiyan noticed her plea, was stunned for a moment, and sighed. In fact, that's all she knew, but because of her personal experience, she was almost sure that Dragon Lord was indeed the future , the demon emperor who briefly established the demon court.

It shouldn't be the aura fading, it's a slow process.

And the disappearance of the Demon Emperor was a short-lived matter.

When the Dragon Palace is opened, does it have any special connection with predestined people?She couldn't figure it out. Looking at Hu Shijiu's pitiful eyes, she suddenly heard something and got up thoughtfully: "I'm also a little hungry, let's go to the kitchen together."

Are the people outside awake?
In this way, we can explore whether the memory has been modified.

Those who are bitten to death or blown against the wind, are they all right?

"Okay!" Hu Shijiu immediately turned over and got off the couch almost at the same time as her. The painting boat was originally quiet, but with a soft moan, sounds and movements followed, bringing the dead painting boat back to life .

In the cabin of the painting boat, there were more than a dozen chess players lying down. Others who were also in a coma fell into a state of collective headache and frowned.

Seeing this, Su Ziji already had a guess in his mind, he gave Ye Buhui a wink, and the two walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

It was dawn now, but it was still dark and cloudy, and there was a little drizzle. Ye Buhui hesitated to speak, obviously he was a little surprised and uncertain about what happened before.

"You still remember the past clearly, but I expected it to be true. These people are afraid that their memories will be tampered with." Su Ziji said in a low voice.

"Then we..."

"We got a chance, so naturally it's not included. It's just that we still don't know what their changed memory is, or if I thought it wrong, so don't make a fuss, just wait and see what happens, and it will be clear after testing."

While the two were talking, the sleeping people in the cabin woke up one after another.Just one by one, not immediately regained consciousness.

"What's wrong with me? My head hurts so much? Ouch, it hurts me too!" A chess player covered his head, frowning with pain on his face.

"My head, ouch, my head..." Another chess player next to him also covered his head and moaned.

Zheng Yingci was among this group of people, but he was a little different from others. Although his head hurt and he had to frown, scenes flashed quickly in his mind.

Although under the pain, these scenes in memory are being replaced rapidly, but the self-control is far stronger than others, and it can compete with invisible forces for a while.

I wanted to say something, but my throat was also sore, and I couldn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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