fake prince

Chapter 437

Chapter 437
Daotong was a little puzzled, usually when encountering such things, Daoist would like to get rid of the monster immediately, but now he hesitates when encountering such an opportunity, is it because he cares more about this matter?
But here, there is only Su Ziji, a new top scholar, an ordinary person, how can a real person be so afraid?

But he only dared to think about these words in his heart, and didn't dare to ask them like this.

Liu Zhan, on the other hand, hesitated to say this, and frowned again.

Obviously, such an opportunity to exorcise demons is still an opportunity for all the demons to gather, and it is not so easy for him to come across.

"Since the birth of the demon, there has been backlash."

"It's nothing more than a little demon. As the age grows, the inner demons grow night after night. The Dragon Lord opened up ten thousand ways, allowing the monsters to walk along the human way, reaching the realm of transformation, overcoming the inner demons, and gaining liberation."

"The way of chess, the way of medicine, and the way of playing the piano are fine. They don't do much harm. There are also ways of ghosts, gods, demons and imperial examinations that infiltrate into the civil government. If Lord Long hadn't perfected it, it might be a disaster that far surpassed the remaining monsters."

"The Dragon Lord really deserves to die, and the Dragon Girl must also be killed."

What the fortress is most afraid of is internal breaches. For hundreds of years, the relationship between Taoism and monsters is not just a game of running and chasing, but a relationship between infiltration and reverse infiltration of human society.

After a long time, the skills of Taoism hunting and catching monsters have been enhanced, but the ability of monsters to escape and infiltrate is also strong.

Moreover, the lifespan of monsters is very long. Back then, they took advantage of the fall of the demon emperor and killed a large number of them. It is gradually difficult to catch a big monster with a higher cultivation base casually.

It's because if such monsters survived, they not only practiced well, but also had a human status. Some monsters even infiltrated into the high-level, and were able to mobilize the government to encircle and suppress Taoists and destroy the mountain gate.

Taking myself as an example, it wasn't that the Yin Guan faction wanted to cling to the government, but if they didn't do so, they would be encircled and suppressed by monsters using the power of the government instead.

"Why do monsters have brains? Can they only fight and kill, drink blood and eat people?"

Liu Zhan laughed at himself, and after thinking about it carefully, if he made a big effort to let people pass by, he might spoil the situation.

It's fine as usual, but at this time, all the demons gather, or collude with King Qi to get rid of Longnu.

Of course, this is just a guess, even though he has confirmed that King Qi and the monster are indeed in collusion, but it will not cooperate this time, how to cooperate, and whether they will turn their faces at the critical moment, no one can say.

If the Yaozu had other ideas, it would not be impossible for King Qi to be kept in the dark and used.

So, he added: "To let them pass, we just need to send people to follow up and find out what they want to do. We have to confirm their identities in the world."

"Of course, if there is a change that involves the rise of the monster race, kill it immediately."

Because Daotong is often exposed to all kinds of information, he actually thinks more carefully. He couldn't help reminding: "My lord, do these monsters have other plans?"

"If they collude with King Qi and have official documents to protect their bodies, do they have to do it?"

When Liu Zhan heard this, his expression became cold: "Even if you have official protection, you should do it right away."

Seeing that Daotong was still hesitant, he said angrily: "First of all, the imperial court hates and suspects the infiltration of the monster race more than we do. After all, if it is not our race, its heart must be different."

"As long as you can kill the monster, there is no serious crime."

"As for other things, we are Taoist priests, so we should do what Taoist priests should do. Although we are close to the king of Shu, but if we really get involved in political affairs, we are really seeking our own death."

But the Daoist sect doesn't get involved, and the demon clan does. If the demon clan becomes popular because of this, where will our Daoist sect have a foothold?

Daotong thought to himself, it was obvious that Liu Zhan's complexion was not very good-looking, and he didn't dare to tell the difference, so he quickly responded in a low voice.

Liu Zhan didn't care if a Taoist boy had turned this corner in his heart, anyway, he was not an apprentice who wanted to pass on the mantle, and there were so many people in the whole Taoist school, they couldn't stop others from thinking.

Even if you really want to make a contribution from the dragon, it's not that the people below can make up your mind.

For Liu Zhan, these things were trivial matters. Thinking of his purpose of switching to Shun'an Mansion, Liu Zhan frowned again.

"Su Zi is a noble person from his aura, but this aura is a bit strange, but when you look deeply, you can't see clearly."

"Could it be that he is not only expensive, but also has an indescribable fate?"

"Born from a poor family, the number one scholar in the new discipline is unspeakably expensive. It can only be called a marquis in the future. But although Dazheng was knighted when the country was founded, they are all people who conquered the world with the founding emperor of Dazheng."

"Now is a peaceful and prosperous age. Although there are wars, they are by no means enough to cause a big war. How can a subject be named a prince without making great military achievements?"

This made Liu Zhan a little puzzled. When a civil servant reaches the top and manages well, he is no more than a feudal uncle, or a vassal (not hereditary), why is this so?

Although he had a false position in the imperial court and made friends with some officials, but an imperial envoy like Luo Pei didn't know about Su Ziji's life experience, so Liu Zhan naturally had no way to know about it.

And this kind of thing, if no one finds out, no one can think of it.

But even if he didn't know these things, Liu Zhan was thoughtful: "Let's not talk about these things, Su Ziji, what are you going to do in this situation?"

Shun'an Prefecture · Government Office

A group of officials who just came back from the outside were taken to the magistrate's yamen before returning to everyone. According to the magistrate's request, they sat in the hall and held a locust extermination meeting.

This made some officials who were already a little tired feel even more dissatisfied.

Of course they also know that if the locusts become powerful, they will have a great impact on farming. This is not a trivial matter, but isn't the locusts not yet a disaster?

Most of them are just locust eggs staying in the ground, so what does it matter if it is sooner or later?
How can you treat them like slaves, come and go as soon as you call them?After all, they are also people with official status. First, they were taken to the farmland, reprimanded so that they couldn't hold their heads up, and they were also forced to work with the farmers and do things that they thought were gentle and dishonorable.

That's all, just treat it as a play.

But after a tiring day, can't they let them take a breath before continuing?Besides, they are not idle every day, there are many things to be busy in the Yamen!

But because Qi Hongxin is the magistrate, high-ranking, and the boss, even if he is dissatisfied, he can only keep silent and dare not complain, just keep silent.

It's just that their negativity already annoyed Qi Hongxin.

He was sitting at the top seat, and had already changed into his official uniform. His thin black face looked very serious, he frowned, and glanced around at the prefectural and county officials sitting at the bottom, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart.

If he hadn't arrived here for the first time and hadn't cultivated a few powerful supporters in the local area, how could he use these wine bags and rice bags?
Of course, Qi Hongxin also knows that some things are not to blame for these officials, it is really hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, but this is not a reason to slack off.

(End of this chapter)

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