fake prince

Chapter 293

Chapter 293
The charcoal fire was lit, and a jug of wine, a plate of peanuts and sliced ​​wax meat was warmed on the small table.

Although it was very simple, Jian Qu's heart was at ease.

Su Ziji smiled: "Brother Jian, don't worry, no one has broken into my tent. Come on, it's cold, and you can take a sip of hot wine to warm yourself first."

Jian Qu roasted her hands, poured herself a glass of wine, and couldn't help praising: "Good wine!"

Su Ziji picked up a peanut with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. It was burnt and crispy, and his mouth was full of fragrance. Before he could speak, he saw Jian Qu pouring himself another cup of drink, and suddenly wiped his eyes and sighed: "Oh, handsome, it's over this time!"

"What Qian Zhidong committed has nothing to do with me, really." Su Ziji pretended not to know the details: "One of his subordinates killed one of Mr. Cui's family, and then jumped over the wall in a hurry to assassinate two people." An imperial envoy was killed on the spot."

"Qian Zhidong has the crime of not being strict with his subordinates, which is not a small crime, but he also has military exploits. The merits and demerits balance out, at least his life is not in serious danger."

"Since the Southwest is flat, just kill the hero, what will the soldiers think?"

"Besides, the Southwest still needs a strong man to sit in and stabilize the situation. I think the two imperial envoys will not be clear about this truth."

It makes sense, but Jian Qu smiled wryly, and warmed his pale and bloodless hands with a fire: "No, the commander-in-chief is really doomed this time."

No matter what, Jian Qu has been under Qian Zhidong's account for three years, and it is not a lie to say that there is no affection at all.

"Just this matter." Jian Qu sighed: "Now that I have taken refuge with you, I will naturally not hide it."

Jian Qu's eyes were full of melancholy: "It's a brochure. The commander spent many nights, together with me and a few staff members, deliberated and wrote a brochure, but I haven't had time to hand it in yet."

"Only the emperor can see the content of this booklet, and after returning to the capital, the two of them are no longer imperial envoys, but there is no serious problem."

"However, the imperial envoy stole the big tent just now, and the booklet is in the tent right now. If the contents of the booklet are seen by the two imperial envoys, it will be a disaster!"

Fighting for merit behind the scenes, and getting a secret book, it's fine if the imperial envoy didn't know about it beforehand, but if they knew it, how could they give up?
Jian Qu was afraid that the booklet would fall into the hands of the two imperial envoys, but she also knew, how could it not be discovered after the big account was copied?

As long as the two imperial envoys took a look, they would know that this seems to be not much different from the real result of the battle, what kind of opportunism is hidden in it, and how cleverly worded it is, and it has taken great merit.

Right now Qian Zhidong is in the hands of the two imperial envoys. The matter of killing and assassinating the imperial envoys by hundreds of households is not trivial, and it really made the two imperial envoys furious. Report all kinds of crimes to the emperor truthfully, waiting for Qian Zhidong may be a dead end.

"Qian Zhidong, you really wanted to kill yourself, and you finally did it."

"Being rebellious, fighting for a long time, sitting back and watching to attack imperial envoys, and fighting for credit, except for treason, none of the major crimes that should be committed have been committed."

Su Ziji was thinking secretly, but he let out a "huh", as if he had just realized it, and leaned forward: "It's so serious, is it a fight for merit?"

Jian Qu was not surprised that Su Ziji could react immediately, after all, this was the only thing that could happen at this juncture.

He nodded heavily, then sighed again.

Although he had long thought about leaving, and was even wary of Qian Zhidong, but the other party's disaster was imminent, what arose in Jian Qu's heart was not joy, but a heavy discomfort that weighed heavily on his heart.

Su Ziji didn't understand the complex psychology of a scribe like Jian Qu who lost his confidant. What he was thinking at the moment was: "This time, Qian Zhidong will either die or be deprived of all his official positions."

"Without an official position, what do people in their 60s and [-]s have to rely on? There is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be afraid of."

"It's Qin Fengliang, who may have taken advantage of this person. Once Qian Zhidong collapses, he may continue to become the commander of the Southwest Army and officially become one of the top commanders in the country."

"However, there is no way to do this. I am not a god. If I can calm down, restore the overall situation in the Southwest, and destroy Qian Zhidong, it is already good."

"The current plan is to return to Beijing as soon as possible. Maybe I can catch up with this year's examination. Also, that Sang girl is eyeing me. I could have investigated one or two, but now it's too late."

Su Ziji let out a mouthful of alcohol heavily, showing a long-lost comfort.

At this moment, in the big tent, Cui Zhaoquan drank a cup of hot tea, let out a mouthful of foul air, and slowly suppressed his panic, but the fright and anger after being frightened was not so easy to suppress.

He took a look at Superviser Zhao who was sitting beside him with a cold face and was just stroking his jade fingers. He was not in the mood to scold the eunuch secretly.

"This time, we can take the opportunity to punish." Since the eunuch didn't speak, Cui Zhaoquan could only speak first.

Seeing Governor Zhao looking over, Cui Zhaoquan sneered: "Qian Shuai is not well-organized in the army, and it is just the right punishment. It must make him feel ashamed, and the court will be happy to see it. Are you right, Mr. Zhao?"

Rectifying the military leaders is a major policy that runs through the entire Chengshou Dynasty. Doesn't Supervisor Zhao not know?

If Qian Zhidong was not guilty, he could still be relieved of his military power and go home for the elderly. Now that this happened, he happened to ask the crime, but he couldn't be straightforward. Supervising Supervisor Zhao raised his eyelids and was about to answer when he saw Sun Baihu Come in, and quickly come to the side.

After Fu Er said a few words, Superintendent Zhao couldn't help frowning: "Really?"

"Eunuch, this is the copied document, please have a look at it." Sun Baihu whispered, and handed over the document in his hand.

Cui Zhaoquan felt even more unhappy seeing these two people being so mysterious.

I wanted to say something, but when I thought about it, the two of them were angry now, and there was an internal strife just now. If there was another quarrel among the imperial envoys, wouldn't it be a joke for the people in the cottage?
Those people are still under house arrest in the barracks, and they haven't been released yet!
Superintendent Zhao opened the document, read it quickly, froze for a moment, and browsed it again to make sure that he didn't read it wrong, his face suddenly turned green and white, which was really beautiful.

"Master Cui, our family thinks what you just said is too light."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Cui Zhaoquan didn't understand the meaning of Supervisor Zhao's ambiguous words at first, but when Supervisor Zhao handed over a document, he looked down in a daze and immediately understood.

Not only did he understand, but he slammed the document on the table with a "snap" and roared.

"How dare, how dare he?!"

It turned out that this document was written by Qian Zhidong and several staff members after several nights of deliberation, but before it could be handed over, it was searched by Sun Baihu and handed over.

At first glance, the above content is no different from the result of the war, but when the words are written, which sentence comes first and which sentence comes after, the result is much different with a little bit of wording.

This document was written extremely ingeniously. It not only pointed out that the two imperial envoys made rash advances and almost ruined the overall situation, but also changed the order slightly. Even Qian Zhidong himself made some mistakes. The fault of the two imperial envoys.

(End of this chapter)

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