fake prince

Chapter 251 Anzhou Port

Chapter 251 Anzhou Port
The few friends Su Ziji mentioned were Yu Lu, Zhang Sheng and others.

At the end of the year, they helped me a lot. Although I am still climbing up, I am still considered a small person, but I can already give them some feedback.

To Su Ziji, this is nothing more than taking up some free time at sea.

But this answer made Shao Sisen feel unbelievable.

for friends?

"This kind of article is your experience in reading and scientific examinations. After learning these, as long as you have some talent, you dare not say that you are more than half sure of being a Jinshi. How dare you just... just hand it over to outsiders like this?"

By pretending to pass on thousands of volumes of books, but actually passing on a single sentence, Shao Sisen almost felt like the other party was throwing everything away.

You must know that in the Shao family, this kind of reading experience is mostly inherited from the direct branch, and the children of concubine, unless they are outstanding and recognized, it is basically impossible to see such experience.

Not to mention, casually show such precious experience to some friends.

This is something that can be passed on to future generations, and it is an extremely precious family wealth. Doesn't Su Ziji think that passing it on is letting others take advantage of it for nothing and adding bricks and tiles to other people's families?

Latecomers only need to understand these, and they can easily pass the exam for a scholar, but when Su Ziji was studying hard, he had to figure it out step by step by himself, and I don't know how much effort he spent.

The experience I have gained through hard work paves the way for people who have nothing to do with me. Just thinking about it for Su Ziji, Shao Sisen will feel a sense of injustice.

Su Ziji himself really doesn't mind?
Seeing Su Ziji looking up at the sea, looking back with a smile: "I understand what you said. In fact, there is a farming and studying family in Shuangye Mansion named Meng, with 1300 mu of land."

"There are not too many, not too many. If you have passed five Jinshi in the previous dynasty and one in this dynasty, it will be a big deal. In the 30 years of this dynasty alone, you have won four candidates, and the number ranks first in Futaba Mansion."

"The virtue of a gentleman is cut in the fifth generation. The Meng family has been around for hundreds of years, celebrities have emerged in large numbers, and the style of writing is at its peak. Many people are interested in it."

"Some people call it the protection of officials and officials. Of course, there are many officials. Why are they so prosperous? Some people attribute it to Fengshui Zude."

Su Ziji smiled slightly when he said this, he still didn't believe a lot in Fengshui Zude.

"I actually know that there is a set of effective reading methods."

"If you know what to read and how to read, even if your children are mediocre, you can be a scholar without falling into the family tradition. If you are a little bit outstanding, you can be promoted. As for the Jinshi, it is not only talent and method, but also luck."

"But the years have passed, and the children have worked hard. Every two to thirty years, there will always be one, so it is a bit false to attribute it to the protection of officials and feng shui ancestors."

Su Ziji talked plainly about the secrets of the family history that have never been handed down, and true academic masters will understand that methodology accounts for at least half of the importance in learning.

"It's just that people can't forget their roots. When I was studying, my family was poor, and I relied on friends to make my success. Now that I have some abilities, how can I not repay them?"

"It's wrong to talk about the mind regardless of the body, it's right to talk about the body first and then the heart."

This is Su Ziji's sincere words.

Although in the eyes of many people, the first one to obtain fame is to cross the river by feeling the stones, which is very difficult, but after gaining experience, you only need to walk through it according to the experience, and you can pass it easily. This kind of cheapness is given to outsiders Account, many people will find it incomprehensible.

As for Shao Sisen, even after listening to Su Ziji's words, he felt a little dazed.

He was a little apprehensive, because he knew what Su Ziji said was right, why there were hundreds of Jinshi in the past, but only a few of them continued?
It is because there is no summary of this methodology—not all Jinshi have this awareness, and many people have never thought of it, or it is true that 99 of them have never thought of it.

Anyone who thinks of it, unless they are particularly unlucky, can become a farming and studying family.

Shao Sisen has made so many friends, but no one dares to pass on the "Taoism" that can only be enjoyed within the family to friends outside, even if they are "brothers" who exchange posts!
Could it be because Su Ziji was born in a poor family, although he understands its value theoretically, but because he is still young and has no descendants, he cannot truly appreciate its value.

It must be so!

Shao Sisen couldn't help thinking this way, and followed Su Ziji to meet Lord Shangshu. Along the way, many personal soldiers and low-ranking military officers greeted Su Ziji, and when they saw him, they either greeted Su Ziji perfunctorily, or pretended Unexpectedly, Shao Sisen, who was already shocked, felt even more complicated.

"Could it be that good popularity depends on sincerity in exchange?"

If we say that before, I was a little jealous that Su Ziji was far more popular than himself as an official's son, and even felt that it was because of Su Ziji's low background and vulgarity that he was valued by those equally vulgar warriors, but now, Shao Sisen couldn't help it Reflecting on myself, is it possible that I have been blinded by jealousy during this period of time, causing me to become the most despised villain who can only slander others?

When he arrived at Lord Shangshu's place, Cui Zhaoquan was looking at the sea in the distance. The sea breeze blew past, and while the cold air was blowing up, it also made Cui Zhaoquan look much colder.

But when he heard the footsteps of the two, he turned around and returned to the kind and friendly appearance that Su Ziji and Shao Sisen used to see.

"You guys are here. It's windy and cold here, so it's not easy to stay for long. Go in and talk." Cui Zhaoquan greeted Su Ziji into the cabin, and said as he walked, "I expected to be able to land a few years ago, but I'm still at sea. If I don't dock again , you can only celebrate the New Year on the boat. When the time comes, you all come over and we have a feast together, which is also considered the New Year.”

He picked up two more books and handed one to Su Ziji and Shao Sisen each, seemingly impartial.

"It's just a miscellaneous book. It's related to the geography and customs of the Southwest. It's a travelogue. I have a few copies of each of them here. You can have one each. You can look through it when you go back. Although it was written by a friend of mine many years ago, it may not be the same as the current one. The Southwest is different, but it can help."

This kind of collection of books is really not easy to buy, Su Ziji and Shao Sisen both thanked them.

"Going to the southwest this time, the Holy One has great expectations. We are courtiers, and we cannot live up to the grace of the Holy One. You are Tai students, but you are also future officials. It is good to learn something in advance."

As Cui Zhaoquan said, he was going to let them go back. At this moment, someone shouted on the outer deck: "It's the port, I saw the Anzhou port!"

The three of them heard it at the same time, and they were all refreshed.

During this time, Shao Sisen had a particularly hard time. The young master who had never experienced such hardships, now that he heard that he was going to land, it is not an exaggeration to say that he really had the urge to wet his eyes.

Su Ziji saw this scene inadvertently, and felt "hmm" in his heart, a little speechless, and turned to look at Cui Zhaoquan.

(End of this chapter)

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