fake prince

Chapter 249 Influence

Chapter 249 Influence
"As for you not being able to find me... that's because some time ago, I went to see my relatives, who live in other places, and there was an emergency. I was in a hurry to leave, so naturally I didn't have time to leave a message for you."

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Buhui was stunned, and asked again: "Is your visit to relatives going well this time?"

"It's going well." Du Chenglin hit his mouth with a fist, coughed a few more times, and smiled in his eyes: "Although I am sick and have some troubles, my relatives are in good condition, and the young children have obviously relied on me." , I will not be easily plotted by outsiders again, I am quite relieved."

"That's good." After hearing Du Chenglin's words, Ye Buhui immediately guessed that the family Mr. Du was going to visit was the young master's family, and Mr. Du went there because he was worried. Now that he is back, he feels relieved. It must be that the young master is not Weak, can manage servants, deter outsiders.

And this obviously involved other people's family's private affairs, Ye Buhui naturally couldn't ask further.

The conversation between her and Du Chenglin turned to chess.

"You go to sign up, here is a place to play chess, after you sign up, I will play a few games with you, and let me see if you have wasted your homework during this time." Du Chenglin glanced at the sign-up office , said with a smile, and did not step forward.

He is a master of chess, and he wasted time by a large group of boring entertainment.

"Okay!" Ye Buhui's eyes lit up, and he felt the vigor on Mr. Du's body, which is the aura only exuded by chess players who have the will to fight.

And Ye Buhui didn't play chess with Mr. Du for a long time, and he was a little excited, so he immediately signed up, not even paying attention to the way the person in charge of recording looked at her.

It was simply because she came in with Mr. Du and looked familiar, which aroused the curiosity of others.

Ye Buhui also had her own pride, because Mr. Du was able to be noticed by others, it didn't make Ye Buhui feel honored, but instead aroused her fighting spirit.

These days, she feels that she has made a lot of progress.

"Mr. Du, please." There is naturally a place to play chess in the chess hall. Hearing the chess master's request, he immediately sent someone to lead him to Mei Pavilion.

There are plum bushes outside the Mei Pavilion, and the fragrance is lingering. The floor inside is paved with a stove, so it is not cold.

There were two seats in a clean room. After sitting down, Ye Buhui saluted Du Chenglin, his almond eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Du Chenglin saw it and smiled: "Please."

The two went into battle.

"The chess master is here, and he is playing chess with a lady. Who is this lady?"

"I heard from the information that she is the chess champion of Shuangye Mansion. She came to Beijing to participate in the chess Jinshi. She didn't want to be appreciated by the chess master."

Someone recognized Du Chenglin, and soon some spectators gathered around him, but these people were well-educated and spoke as quietly as possible.

And the two chess players, whether they are old or young, are not affected, they hold their breath and concentrate on playing chess.

The people who accompanied Ye Buhui and those who followed the protector also knew a little bit of chess, and they were fascinated by watching them at this moment.

It wasn't until the two played a few rounds that Ye Buhui had two losses and two draws, and the two stopped.

"Your chess skills have improved." Du Chenglin looked at Ye Buhui with some satisfaction.

Ye Buhui smiled: "This is thanks to your guidance."

"Tips don't count, let's discuss together." Du Chenglin waved the people around to disperse, and then said softly to Ye Buhui: "I returned to Beijing this time, and I changed my new residence, which is near the chess hall, not too far away. One street, across from the house is Zhang's pawn shop, if you have nothing to do, you can go to me and often exchange ideas."

Ye Buhui was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Du, I will definitely bother you someday, as long as you don't find me annoying."

After expressing her thanks, she said this playfully.

Du Chenglin was amused by her, and was about to say something, when his expression suddenly changed, his expression was a little complicated, he looked at one place, and murmured: "It's such a familiar aura..."

The voice of this sentence was extremely low, if it wasn't for Ye Buhui's washing of the marrow cutting scriptures and the enhancement of his five senses, he might not be able to hear clearly.

But even if she heard this sentence clearly, she didn't understand what it meant.

At the same time, at Qingxuguan, which is more than ten miles away from the imperial city, there are dense pines and cypresses outside the window.

But when he tightened it, he saw a circle of candles in the room, and a faint flame.

Zheng Yingci was sitting cross-legged inside, but it wasn't the core, the core was Liu Zhan.

Whether it was Liu Zhan or Zheng Yingci, there was a lot of change from when they left Panlong Lake that day. The complexions of the two of them improved obviously, and most of the injuries on their bodies were obviously relieved.

It was supposed to be a peaceful day, but at dawn, when the first ray of sunlight appeared, the law could be closed. At this time, Liu Zhan, who was sitting cross-legged in the candle, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Not good!" At the moment of waking up, this real person who was seriously injured and could think of guarding against Cao Yiyan without losing his footing, was shocked at the moment.

Although he hadn't finished his work yet, with a wave of his hand, along with a gust of wind, the candlelight around him and Zheng Yingci were all extinguished in an instant.

The spell was interrupted halfway, and both Liu Zhan and Zheng Yingci groaned, obviously a little bit backlash.

But now Liu Zhan couldn't care less, and said to Zheng Yingci who just woke up, "Change your clothes quickly, and follow me into the palace immediately!"

He shouted again: "Little Shunzi!"

A high-pitched voice came in from outside the courtyard: "Master Dao, the servant is here!"

Liu Zhan's face was a little pale, he stood at the door and took a look, and ordered: "I have something urgent to see the emperor, you should immediately make arrangements according to the emergency route."

"Yes!" The eunuch looked at it in surprise, but without asking, he immediately bent over to answer, turned around and went to do it.

And the two got up and changed clothes.

According to the rules of the imperial court, even a Taoist priest with an imperial edict needs to change into an official uniform if he wants to enter the palace.

Zheng Yingci doesn't need to change his official uniform, but he is a juren, so the clothes he wears are vulgar and vulgar, so naturally it doesn't work.

Although I don't know what the master is anxious about, but Zheng Yingci, who has never seen the master so anxious, raised his heart, three times, five divisions, and two, and changed into the uniform.

As soon as he left the house, he saw the master calling for a small Xinying. In this capital, besides them, there was also the elder brother Cao Yiyan.

Could it be that the master is notifying the brothers?

When Zheng Yingci walked over, he heard the master writing in a hurry, saying casually: "...you pack up quickly, and wait at the gate of the palace. The mysterious demon who appeared in the case of the prince appeared again!"

After finishing speaking, he called Zheng Yingci to leave quickly.

Yu Mansion
Because Yu Qianzhi didn't have to go to the court, and he was an idle official with no real power, he was eating breakfast slowly in the living room at this time, when the hand holding the chopsticks suddenly shook, the chopsticks fell directly on the table, and one of them rolled After a few laps, he fell off the table and fell to the ground.

The standing servant was startled, and when he saw the master's appearance at this moment, he felt chills in his heart.

Seeing Yu Qianzhi, who was always gentle, his complexion changed drastically, and his eyes turned red.

"Bold, dare to appear at this time!"

Abandoning such an unclear sentence, I didn't eat earlier, and directly ordered: "Hurry up and get my official uniform, I want to enter the palace immediately!"

No one knew what Yu Qianzhi knew.

Because the new year is coming, the capital is full of festivities, but suddenly, something breaks the peace.

Ye Buhui, who came out of the gate, frowned slightly. Although she could feel that something had happened, she had no way to find out the truth, so she could only endure the uneasiness in her heart. After Du Chenglin left in a hurry, she also went out. chess hall.

In the distance, several bells rang heavily, the sound spread far away, and the lingering sound was hard to dispel. The guards of the Fang Mansion who followed her changed their faces when they heard the bell.

"What happened?" Ye Buhui heard this voice for the first time.

"This is martial law in the capital city. There must be something serious. When you go back, be vigilant and don't make any mistakes!" The Chief of the Hou Mansion looked at the restless people viciously, and whispered: "Also, maybe along the way With the temporary inspection, take out the token of the Marquis Mansion."

Their task is to protect this lady from accidents in this capital city. If someone makes a mistake in their own hands, the young master will definitely let them taste the family law.

It is unacceptable to be a person who is tied up with the interests of the Fang family, whether it is directly rejected by the young master, or to enforce the family law.

"Madam, please get in the car. The capital is under martial law. People on the street will be questioned soon. We have to go back quickly to avoid accidents." After explaining to our companions, the team immediately looked at the bell and heard Ye Buhui said in a trance.

Ye Buhui came back to his senses and nodded, "Thank you."

Just got on the bullock cart.

The bullock cart left the chess hall very quickly, and returned towards Qingyuan Temple layman's courtyard at twice the speed when it came.

The sun was clearly rising, but there were fewer pedestrians on the road than when it was not fully lit. At this moment, Ye Buhui thought of Su Ziji more strongly in his heart.

"New Year is coming, where are you?"

imperial ship

"Ouch, pull up!"

Killing the snake demon, of course, can't be left alone, among other things, peeling the skin and offering it to the emperor is a great achievement. At the moment, I am busy, repairing the repairs in the ships, diverting the diversion, and directly vacating a cargo ( Merchant) ship, and the soldiers will pull the snake corpse aboard.

The entire cabin of a merchant ship was filled with snake corpses, and it turned out to be unbelievable, with its tail sticking out. The ferocious appearance made people tremble.

The imperial envoy repeatedly issued strict orders and promised a reward of 200 taels of silver, so that the bold boatmen and sailors were willing to sail.

At this time, Su Ziji had no thoughts. He had killed the snake demon and Sun Buhan, but at that time, half of the red sandalwood tin was moved, but he didn't show his body.

At this time, only a "buzz" sound was heard, and it floated up on the side of the ship.

"Intercepting and killing Sun Buhan, affecting the transformation into the human seed, is it absorbed by Panlong's heart method (4850/6000) (this is irreversible)?"

This was the first time that just killing a monster produced a seed of humanity. Su Ziji didn't say yes immediately, but looked carefully and fixed his eyes on the word "influence".

"Could it be that Sun Buhan is still an important role affecting humanity?"

After pondering for a long time, I clicked "Yes"

"Beautiful dragon heart method absorbs the seeds of humanity, [Boiled dragon heart method] +3000, upgrade to 7 levels (1850/7000)"

"Wen Xin Diao Long has been promoted!"

(End of this chapter)

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