fake prince

Chapter 1425: Entering the City

Chapter 1425: Entering the City
Shuyang Prefecture

"What's the situation now?" On the city wall, the prefect Han Xiangliang waved a feather fan and looked into the distance.

"Sir, the main force of the enemy army seems to have deviated a little from its route." Commander Ren Qi frowned and said, "It's getting a little closer to my palace."

"Should we immediately be on alert, fully arm ourselves and mobilize the militia?"

"Oh?" Han Xiangliang seemed a little surprised, and said calmly: "We should be on guard, but it seems a bit hasty to fully arm and mobilize the militia, right?"

Han Xiangliang stood up and paced back and forth: "You must know that the silver in the provincial granary is fixed and the amount to be handed in. If tens of thousands of civilians are just used as laborers, we can barely fill the gap. If they are armed and used, not only will we have to open the arsenal, but the food and wages consumed are really unaffordable for this government."

This is indeed a problem. Ren Qi pondered for a moment and said, "I think the court must have special funds to deal with it, and will not ask the government to bear it."

"Well...if the enemy army attacks the city, the government will not be held responsible." Han Xiangliang looked at Ren Qi, sighed in his heart, and said, "But if the enemy army does not come, the government will definitely bear the responsibility."

"However, the enemy's route has already deviated!" Han Xiangliang nodded again: "You should gather the militia to prepare first!"

"It's just a few days of food and wages, the government can still afford it."

"I understand!" Ren Qi responded immediately. He was a military man, naturally specialized in military affairs, and gave the order immediately.

Dozens of people responded and soon the city was in commotion.

"The warriors are crude and tend to mobilize large numbers of troops at every turn." Han Xiangliang saw this and sighed secretly. He was instinctively wary and disgusted.

However, now that the enemy troops have arrived, we must not hold them back.

It was almost noon. Except for some soldiers who were still energetic, the rest were a little slack. Ren Qi glanced at them and said nothing.

Laymen always demand that they should not slack off for 12 hours, but in reality, people are just people, and objective laws will make them tired. Therefore, except for the soldiers on duty, everyone else can rest to avoid being exhausted when the enemy arrives.

At night, each team took turns to send someone to keep watch, while the rest slept.

However, you are not allowed to leave your post without permission, otherwise you will be punished by military law.

Ren Qi was checking the post and arrived at the city gate. Suddenly, he exclaimed, and saw a place that was particularly heavily guarded. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the leader was a somewhat unfamiliar person.

"Captain Chen? Don't you let people take turns to rest?"

Chen Zhong seemed startled by this question. After a moment's hesitation, he answered loudly, "It is said that both Lord Tian and Lord Li were promoted to commanders. Lord Li, in particular, was originally a centurion and was promoted several levels. I am a little envious... So I told my men to cheer up and get ready, waiting for the enemy army to come... Haha."

After hearing what he said, everyone laughed.

Everyone has heard about the speed at which Tian Wei and Li Qian were promoted, which was no small miracle.

Ren Qi also laughed: "It's all a fight for life..."

He smiled, still a little strange, and said: "How did the Ministry of War dispatch you? You are from Quzhang Guard. Even if they dispatched you, why did they only send 200 of you here..."

Just as I was thinking about asking, at this moment, I suddenly heard a warning horn, and then I saw a rocket shooting into the sky.

Everyone's face changed and they all looked outside the city.

Soon, a scout was seen returning in a hurry with a flag and several cavalrymen.

After entering the city, he came before the prefect Han Xiangliang and breathlessly reported: "The enemy troops are coming, all of them are cavalry."

Hearing his words, the prefect Han Xiangliang was startled. Ren Qigeng turned around and climbed the wall, looking at Han Xiangliang. Seeing Han Xiangliang nod, his face immediately darkened and he shouted, "Call the police, close the city gates, and prepare for defense!"


Normally the prefect had the final say, but at this time it was the commander-in-chief. Immediately three cannon shots were fired, the city gates slowly closed, and the soldiers gathered and stood on guard, lining up in front of the battlements, ready for battle.

The alarm continued to spread far and wide, and there was a commotion in the palace. Han Xiangliang stood on the city wall and looked into the distance, only to see a team of soldiers coming on the horizon.

The Ying army was composed entirely of cavalrymen in a well-organized military formation. Han Xiangliang initially estimated that there were about 5,000 of them.

Han Xiangliang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ren Qi: "It shouldn't be an attack. With only 5,000 soldiers, even if they are elite, I'm afraid they can't attack the city. They should be passing by."

When Ren Qi looked over, he saw that most of the Ying army was coming in a rush, with flags flying all over the place, and were slowly gathering five miles outside the city gate.

Feeling surprised and even more uneasy, he replied: "In theory, this amount of people cannot attack the city, but..."

"What's wrong?" The Ying army had 5,000 cavalrymen, but they were extremely powerful. They were lined up in a solemn battle formation, exuding a murderous aura that was captivating. Han Xiangliang couldn't help sweating and asked.

"I always feel that something is wrong..." Ren Qi felt uneasy, as if something was wrong.

Suddenly, he saw the two hundred people standing guard at the city gate with tense expressions. An idea flashed through his mind and he couldn't help but shout, "No, no, there's something wrong..."

Almost at the same time, Chen Zhong showed a fierce smile, his armor clanged, and he shouted: "Kill!"


"Puff, puff, puff!"

Suddenly, two hundred men drew their swords and attacked each other. The sound of the long swords slashing was chilling. There was almost no power to fight back. More than a hundred soldiers nearby were killed.

Seeing this, people on the tower cried out in surprise: "It's the people of Quzhangwei... Chen Zhong has rebelled, Chen Zhong has rebelled..."

Ren Qi's whole body was shocked, and he suddenly became cold. His subordinates also cried out in surprise: "Sir, what should we do?"

"Kill them all. We can't let them open the city gates and lower the drawbridge!"

Ren Qi was also in a state of confusion, but when he saw that the soldiers below seemed to be well prepared and had already drawn their axes to chop the ropes of the suspension bridge, he shouted fiercely: "Quick, follow me and kill them!"

Ren Qi couldn't wait to form a formation, so he led his men to rush forward. The people around him were stunned for a moment before someone responded and followed in a hurry.


As soon as they rushed forward, the anti-soldiers who had been prepared came out first with spearmen. At a command, the spears stabbed in with "puff puff puff". The seven or eight soldiers who rushed forward were immediately stabbed to death on the ground with screams.

Almost at the same time, "Shoot!" a hoarse roar was heard, followed by a sharp whistle, and a rain of arrows pounced on the crowd rushing down, splashing blood in an instant.

"Sir, be careful!" A personal soldier saw that something was wrong and blocked the way in front. He was hit by seven or eight arrows and fell down. He landed heavily under the city wall, and blood kept flowing out of his body.

"The enemy general is good at military tactics." Ren Qi, as the commander, felt it for a moment.

Two hundred people are actually too few, and if it is a real hand-to-hand combat, they will be exhausted in a short time. However, the spears are half a meter high and can provide maximum resistance and buy time.

Not to mention, archers poured down on the crowd with their guns.

"Boom" the city gate has been opened, and two strong men, regardless of the shouts of killing, desperately used axes to cut the rope.

"Quick, kill them quickly!" Ren Qi's eyes were bloodshot and he just roared.

I heard the sound of "puffs" and saw that people above were unable to gather any archers, but someone suddenly had an idea and threw his spear as a javelin.

Dozens of spears were thrown down, and even though some of the people below were wearing armor, five or six people, including the strong men, were immediately nailed to the ground with screams.

Chen Zhong, who was giving the orders, suddenly became furious. He rushed forward, picked up the axe and started chopping.

"Protect sir!" Dozens of people rushed forward with shields to protect him.

There were continuous sounds of "Puff, puff, puff". The city wall above reacted and mobilized archers, and also threw spears. Even with shields, there were still casualties from time to time, and screams could be heard continuously.

"Kill, kill!"

Some soldiers who were more urged rushed forward regardless of the spear formation.

"Puff" Chen Zhong was hit by an arrow, but he didn't even blink and chopped it down again with all his might.

"Puff" the rope of the suspension bridge broke and the suspension bridge fell heavily.

"No, kill them all!" Ren Qi roared in despair, and rushed down himself, fighting with a knife.


The cavalry outside the city had been paying attention for a long time. As soon as the war drums sounded, the cavalry rushed over without hesitation like a tide.

Five miles, no more, no less, is exactly the amount of horsepower that the cavalry can accumulate.

If it's any closer, it won't work.

At the speed of horses, five miles was just a dozen breaths. Before the dust from the suspension bridge had settled, the cavalry had already stepped onto the suspension bridge.


In just a few minutes, Ren Qi had been wounded several times, but the wounds were blocked by his armor and the wounds were not deep. He roared and brandished his sword to fight desperately, but the cavalry who rushed in did not slow down but increased their speed. The men and horses leaped forward. One of the generals drew his bow and drew his arrow. With a "puff", the long arrow flashed and hit Ren Qi in an instant.

This arrow nailed Ren Qi into the wall alive. Ren Qi roared loudly and used all his strength to pull out the arrow. He wanted to struggle to get up and fight again, but he heard the sound of bowstrings again.

"Puff, puff, puff" as many as six long arrows broke through his armor and penetrated deeply. The exposed arrow tails swayed slightly.

Ren Qi was vomiting blood and trying to hold on to the knife, but he died on the spot.

At the moment of his death, more troops emerged from the distant horizon, but the center held high the ceremonial procession. The dragon flag of Da Zheng was raised, and the ceremonial guard had thousands of people, with wind flags, rain flags, and night flags gathered in a mighty manner.

There was a canopy in the middle, and someone shouted: "Your Majesty, please enter the city."

"Let's go into the city!"

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