fake prince

Chapter 1330 The Way to Bully the King

Chapter 1330 The Way to Bully the King

As soon as I left the house, the sky outside was as dark as ink, and the wind and rain were dark.

Large flakes of raindrops were like beans, slapping randomly on the face, shoulders, and neck, and the rain hat sank.

Su Ziji looked up, and there was misty mist in front of his eyes.

"My lord, let's go!"

Wen Xunpeng stepped on the mud and rushed over along the mountain road, his tone anxious.

His face was covered with water, and he couldn't tell whether it was sweat or rain.

"Are you afraid?"

Su Ziji looked in front of him.

A mere one or two hundred paces away, the crowd was pushing and shoving the armored soldiers.

"Rush in! Kill the corrupt officials!"

The yelling gradually changed from messy to orderly, even pushing the armored soldiers.

"Rush in!"

"Kill the corrupt officials!"


One after another, under the intentional or unintentional instigation of the crowd, the slogans became more and more neat.

"My lord!" Wen Xunpeng said in a sad tone, "I don't regret my death, let alone these rioters, they are soldiers with swords and axes, so why should I be afraid?"

"However, I have heard that the son of a thousand gold can't sit down in the hall, let alone you are the king of ten thousand chariots, and you are the most powerful person in the world!"

He solemnly cupped his hands: "My lord, please leave quickly! There is no need to hesitate any longer! I'm afraid something will change!"

"The king of ten thousand vehicles..."

Su Ziji recited this word silently, with a smile on his face, both insightful and ironic.

"Actually, Zhang Dai has done his best to these small people... Among these people, it may be that he has not benefited from him."

"It is true that Zhang Dai is a lot of incompetent. He can't do things, but he can do bad things. In the overall situation, he will do great harm to the people... But only we know that, the common people don't know, and the great harm, after all, has not yet been formed... "

"Xiaomin has... been incited to come here to chop off his head."

Although it was a bit predictable, Wen Xunpeng suddenly raised his head when he heard it clearly, his eyes widened, and he looked at Su Ziji.

The rain hit the vegetation, and the wind and rain were slightly cool, invading the texture, making him shiver involuntarily.

"This this……"

For a moment, he was also a little speechless.

It's just an inexplicable feeling, a kind of sadness and anger, filling his chest.

He lowered his head, gritted his teeth and replied, "My lord, the humble people are despicable by nature, and the most ungrateful one is...Since ancient times, it has happened frequently!"

Su Zi is from Jawshou. Although this is Wen Xunpeng's extreme words, it is indeed a fact, a history, and a true insight.

In history, people who once had kindness and kindness to the people encountered disasters, as long as they had a choice, they never stood up and helped them.

What they like most is "the law does not blame the public", just like the people in front of them, do they really think they don't understand anything?

Didn't know someone instigated it?
But it is their wish to take the opportunity to smash and kill zero-yuan purchases.

Then after killing them, hand over the "leader" to die for them.

This is the case in the tomb records of the five people, and it is the same today.

"Master Yun, the brilliance of a gentleman, beheaded for the fifth generation... But even if it is a gift of creation, the second generation will forget it, and the third generation will be confident."

"Little people never show kindness, they only know the benefits in front of them... There is a way to deceive, but no way to subdue them!"

"Although Xiaohui has not been seen, the people are not obedient, but the lord has to think deeply!"

"You must not be like Zhang Dai, and become a school of ordinary people."

Su Ziji turned his eyes suddenly, and nothing else was left. This "deceitful ones have the right way, and subdue them without the right way" really makes people think deeply.

In Qing history, there were two Hans. After the Western Han Dynasty was destroyed, the Eastern Han Dynasty succeeded it... In fact, the founding monarch of the Eastern Han Dynasty, known as Emperor Guangwu, was said to be the political leader of the feudal dynasty.

To seize the world is to seize it politically, not militaryly.

And he is the most humane emperor, he always wants to live up to the people, ministers, friends and women.

However, according to the records of his life, he was the most bullied.

Small people bullied him, women bullied him, old friends bullied him, friends bullied him, officials bullied him... Looking around, they can be found everywhere.

Because he is a righteous king, he not only pays attention to the (true) overall situation, but also pays attention to human friendship and friendship, so a gentleman deceives him with the right, subjects deceive the monarch with Mingren, and deceive the monarch with the right way-a wise gentleman, a benevolent gentleman, can really be deceived!

To put it radically, only a wise and tyrannical king can be bullied, and no one dares to bully him!
But this is just a villain's opinion.

Level 18 politics made him understand.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, even if there is adverse spring cold, snow and hail, everything goes to spring.

Similarly, in late autumn and mid-winter, even if there is sunny weather and the sun shines brightly, it will eventually wither day by day.

The same is true of a country's fortune, which is determined by unspeakable truths, but the hearts of hundreds of millions of people are also part of it.

This is the way of the king.

Wen Xunpeng didn't know what to think, and solemnly bowed down.

"My lord, this is how I see you."

"A king with the right way, the common people can be bullied, dare to bully..."

"You can be deceived because you have the way, but you can't be deceived because you don't have the way! From this point of view, the emperors of all dynasties can have the way, but they can't just have the way."

Su Ziji just smiled at his words.

"Your words may make some sense, but unfortunately, Gu Xian is not yet the king of ten thousand chariots."

Su Ziji's tone was light, his eyes looked into the distance.

"There is still one level to overcome."


In the distance, a soldier was shoved to the ground, his saber was taken away, and a hand pushed the saber from somewhere and stabbed it.

The soldier looked down and suddenly fell backwards.

Bright red blood, mixed with muddy water, diffused on the mountain road in a blink of an eye.

The crowd was silent for a moment.

Wu Wei, who was among the crowd, also widened his eyes, looking at the handle of the knife in his hand.

Blood was dripping down the blade.

My mind went blank.

I snatched the official knife...killed the official...I'm done...I'm done...

Even Wen Xunpeng was shocked, his lips trembling.

"My lord... the matter is serious..."

As if a gunpowder barrel had been detonated, the armored soldiers were sharp and sharp, and they were already heading forward.

The crowd seemed to have been splashed with cold water. Gradually, some people became sober and wanted to escape.

"Hahaha, you dog officials, you want to kill us all!"

"If you go back, you will die! I will fight with you!"

Suddenly, a person "raged" forward and rushed to grab the knife. During the fight, the righteous man still shouted: "Hurry up, everyone! Don't let the corrupt officials get away!"

"Kill it!"

"Kill!" Seeing this, Baihu was finally furious and chopped off with a knife.

Su Ziji was condescending, and saw the glare of swords and blood, the soldiers no longer had any scruples, and killed dozens of people immediately, but the people behind seemed to charge forward deliberately, so that the small people in front had to rush forward.

kill kill kill
"Ah!" The armored soldiers who were trampled stepped up with dozens of feet, and there was no regret at once.

The rest of the armored soldiers did not hesitate to hack and kill with all their might.

However, thousands of people had to charge forward, and under the turbulence, it was difficult to maintain.

Seeing this, the people who mingled in it roared angrily: "Wu Wei, don't hurry up, if you retreat now, the whole family will die!"

"After you have done something, the Elder Master can still intercede for you!"

Wu Wei's heart was icy cold!

Who is it that forced me to come here?
He wanted to howl, but he didn't dare to shout.

Why... just... to encounter this...

Tears mixed with rain, making his eyes gradually blurred.

He cried and laughed, and rushed forward.

A mere three or forty armored soldiers had been dispersed, and blood spattered where the sword was shining.

Surrounded by a group of "righteous men", Wu Wei broke through the blockade, stumbled and moved forward.

(End of this chapter)

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